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This is small and portable implementation of coroutines.

  • Stackful or stackless typesafe coroutines.
  • Supports both asymmetric coroutine calls (structured concurrency) and symmetric transfer of control.
  • Good ergonomics and minimal boilerplate code.
  • Supports "throwing" errors, handled in cco_finally during immediate unwinding of the call stack.
  • Recovery from errors mechanism.
  • Small memory usage and efficient context switching. No heap allocation required by default.
  • Coroutines may be cleaned up at the cco_finally label. Will also happen on errors and cancelation. Unhandled errors will exit program with an error message including the offendig throw's line number.

STC coroutines may behave stackless or stackful.

  • In stackless mode, the root coroutine object stores the call tree of coroutine objects (typically on the stack), which holds all variables used within their coroutine scopes. This has the advantages that they become extremely lightweight and therefore useful on severely memory constrained systems like microcontrollers with limited resources.
  • In stackful mode, the coroutine frames are allocated on the heap just before they await another coroutine. See examples.

Methods and statements

Coroutine basics

                cco_routine (Coroutine* co) { ... }                 // The coroutine scope.
                cco_yield;                                          // Yield/suspend execution with CCO_YIELD returned.
                cco_yield_v(value);                                 // Yield/suspend execution with value returned.
                cco_yield_final;                                    // Yield final suspend, enter cleanup-state.
                cco_yield_final_v(value);                           // Yield with a final value.
                cco_await(bool condition);                          // Await for condition to be true else suspend with CCO_AWAIT.
                cco_await_coroutine(coroutine(co));                 // Await for coroutine to finish else suspend with CCO_AWAIT.
                cco_await_coroutine(coroutine(co), int awaitbits);  // Await for coroutine suspend value in (awaitbits | CCO_DONE).
                cco_return;                                         // Execute `cco_finally:` section if present,
                                                                    // then set coroutine to done-state and return CCO_DONE.
bool            cco_active(Coroutine* co);                          // Is coroutine active? (= not done).
bool            cco_done(Coroutine* co);                            // Is coroutine done?
void            cco_reset(Coroutine* co);                           // Reset state to initial (for reuse).
void            cco_stop(Coroutine* co);                            // Next resume of coroutine enters `cco_finally:`.
                cco_run_coroutine(coroutine(co)) {};                // Run blocking until coroutine is finished.

Task specific (coroutine function-objects)

                cco_task_struct(name) { <name>_state cco; ... };    // A custom coroutine task struct; extends cco_task struct.
void            cco_await_task(cco_task* task, cco_runtime* rt);    // Await for task to return CCO_DONE (asymmetric call).
void            cco_await_task(cco_task* task, cco_runtime* rt, int awaitbits); // Await until task's suspend/return value
                                                                                // to be in (awaitbits | CCO_DONE).
void            cco_yield_to(cco_task* task, cco_runtime* rt);      // Yield to task (symmetric control transfer).
void            cco_throw_error(uint16_t error, cco_runtime* rt);   // Throw an error and unwind call stack at the cco_finally point.
                                                                    // Error accessible as `rt->error` and `rt->error_line`.
void            cco_recover_error(cco_runtime* rt);                 // Reset error, and jump to original resume point in current task.
void            cco_resume_task(cco_task* task, cco_runtime* rt);   // Resume suspended task, return value in `rt->result`.
                cco_run_task(cco_task* task) {}                     // Run blocking until task is finished.
                cco_run_task(cco_task* task, <Environment> *env) {} // Run blocking with env data

Timers and time functions

                cco_start_timer_sec(cco_timer* tm, double sec);     // Start timer with seconds duration.
                cco_restart_timer(cco_timer* tm);                   // Restart timer with previous duration.
bool            cco_timer_expired(cco_timer* tm);                   // Return true if timer is expired.
double          cco_timer_elapsed_sec(cco_timer* tm);               // Return elapsed seconds.
double          cco_timer_remaining_sec(cco_timer* tm);             // Return remaining seconds.
                cco_await_timer_sec(cco_timer* tm, double sec);     // Start timer with duration and await for it to expire.

double          cco_time(void);                                     // Return seconds (with usec precision) since Epoch.
                cco_sleep_sec(double sec);                          // Sleep for seconds (msec or usec precision).


cco_semaphore   cco_make_semaphore(long value);                     // Create semaphore
                cco_set_semaphore(cco_semaphore* sem, long value);  // Set initial semaphore value
                cco_acquire_semaphore(cco_semaphore* sem);          // if (count > 0) count -= 1
                cco_release_semaphore(cco_semaphore* sem);          // "Signal" the semaphore (count += 1)
                cco_await_semaphore(cco_semaphore* sem);            // Await for the semaphore count > 0, then count -= 1

Interoperability with iterators and filters

                // Container iteration within coroutines
                for (cco_each(iter_name, CntType, cnt)) ...;          // Use an existing iterator (stored in coroutine object)
                for (cco_each_reverse(iter_name, CntType, cnt)) ...;  // Iterate in reverse order

                // c_filter() interoperability with coroutine iterators
                cco_flt_take(int num);                              // Use instead of *c_flt_take(num)* to ensure cleanup
                cco_flt_takewhile(bool predicate);                  // Use instead of *c_flt_takewhile(pred)* to ensure cleanup


Type name Type definition / usage Used to represent...
cco_result enum CCO_DONE, CCO_AWAIT, CCO_YIELD Default set of return values from coroutines
cco_finally: Label inside coroutine Label to mark cleanup position in coroutine
cco_task Base function-object coroutine type
cco_timer Timer type
cco_semaphore Semaphore type
cco_taskrunner Coroutine Executor coroutine which handles asymmetric and
symmetric coroutine control flows,
cco_runtime Struct type Runtime object to manage cco_taskrunner states


  1. Avoid declaring local variables within a cco_routine scope. They are only alive until next cco_yield.. or cco_await.. suspension point. Normally place them in the coroutine struct. Be particularly careful with control variables in loops.
  2. Do not call cco_yield* or cco_await* inside a switch statement within a cco_routine scope. In general, use if-else-if to avoid this trap.
  3. Do not call cco_yield* or cco_await* after the cco_finally: label.

Implementation and examples

A regular coroutine may have any signature, however this implementation has specific support for coroutines which returns int, indicating CCO_DONE, CCO_AWAIT, CCO_YIELD, or a custom value. It should take a struct pointer as one of the parameter which must contains a cco-state member named cco. The coroutine struct should normally store all local variables to be used within the coroutine (technically those which lifetime crosses a cco_yield.. or a cco_await.. statement), along with input and output data for the coroutine.

Both asymmetric and symmetric coroutine control flow transfer are supported when using tasks (closures/functors), and they may be combined.

This implementation is not limited to support only a certain set of coroutine types, like generators. They operate like stackful coroutines, i.e. tasks can efficiently yield or await from a deeply nested coroutine call by utilizing extended cco_task structs described below.


Generator are among the simplest types of coroutines and is easy to write:

[ Run this code ]

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

struct Gen { cco_state cco; int start, end, value; };

int Gen(struct Gen* g) {
    cco_routine (g) {
        for (g->value = g->start; g->value < g->end; ++g->value)
    return 0;

int main(void) {
    struct Gen gen = {.start=10, .end=20};

    while (Gen(&gen)) {
        printf("%d, ", gen.value);

To be more expressive, you may use the cco_run_coroutine() macro:

    cco_run_coroutine(Gen(&gen)) {
        printf("%d, ", gen.value);

Iterable generators

Although the generator above is simple to use, sometimes it could be useful to iterate through the items the way you iterate STC containers. Then you may apply other algorithms on the sequence as well. Notice that Gen now becomes the "container", while Gen_iter is the coroutine:

Iterable generator coroutine implementation

[ Run this code ]

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

typedef int Gen_value;
typedef struct { Gen_value start, end, value; } Gen;
typedef struct { cco_state cco; Gen* g; Gen_value* ref; } Gen_iter;

int Gen_next(Gen_iter* it) {
     cco_routine (it) {
        for (*it->ref = it->g->start; *it->ref < it->g->end; ++*it->ref)
        it->ref = NULL; // stop
     return 0;

 Gen_iter Gen_begin(Gen* g) {
     Gen_iter it = {.g = g, .ref = &g->value};
     Gen_next(&it); // advance to first
     return it;

int main(void) {
    Gen gen = {.start=10, .end=20};

    for (c_each(i, Gen, gen)) {
        printf("%d, ", *i.ref);

Actor models of concurrency in video games and simulations

A common usage of coroutines is long-running concurrent tasks, often found in video games. An example of this is the Dining philosopher's problem. The following implementation uses cco_await and cco_yield. It avoids deadlocks by awaiting for both forks to be available before aquiring them. It also avoids starvation by increasing both neighbor's hunger when a philosopher starts eating (because they must be waiting).

The "Dining philosophers" C implementation

[ Run this code ]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "stc/random.h"
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

enum {num_philosophers = 5};
enum PhState {ph_thinking, ph_hungry, ph_eating};

// Philosopher coroutine
struct Philosopher {
    int id;
    cco_timer tm;
    enum PhState state;
    int hunger;
    struct Philosopher* left;
    struct Philosopher* right;
    cco_state cco; // required

int Philosopher(struct Philosopher* self) {
    double duration;
    cco_routine (self) {
        while (1) {
            duration = 1.0 + crand64_real()*2.0;
            printf("Philosopher %d is thinking for %.0f minutes...\n", self->id, duration*10);
            self->hunger = 0;
            self->state = ph_thinking;
            cco_await_timer_sec(&self->tm, duration);

            printf("Philosopher %d is hungry...\n", self->id);
            self->state = ph_hungry;
            cco_await(self->hunger >= self->left->hunger &&
                      self->hunger >= self->right->hunger);
            self->left->hunger++; // don't starve the neighbours

            duration = 0.5 + crand64_real();
            printf("Philosopher %d is eating for %.0f minutes...\n", self->id, duration*10);
            self->hunger = INT32_MAX;
            self->state = ph_eating;
            cco_await_timer_sec(&self->tm, duration);

        printf("Philosopher %d done\n", self->id);
    return 0;

// Dining coroutine
struct Dining {
    struct Philosopher philos[num_philosophers];
    cco_state cco; // required

int Dining(struct Dining* self) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num_philosophers; ++i) {
            self->philos[i].id = i + 1;
            self->philos[i].left = &self->philos[(i - 1 + num_philosophers) % num_philosophers];
            self->philos[i].right = &self->philos[(i + 1) % num_philosophers];

        while (1) {
            // NB! local i OK here as it does not cross yield/await.
            for (int i = 0; i < num_philosophers; ++i) {
                Philosopher(&self->philos[i]); // resume until next yield
            cco_yield; // suspend, return control back to caller who
                       // can do other tasks before resuming dining.

        for (int i = 0; i < num_philosophers; ++i) {
            Philosopher(&self->philos[i]); // execute philos. cco_finally.
        puts("Dining done");
    return 0;

int main(void)
    struct Dining dining = {0};
    cco_timer tm = cco_make_timer_sec(5.0);

    cco_run_coroutine(Dining(&dining)) {
        if (cco_timer_expired(&tm))
        cco_sleep_sec(0.001); // do other things


A task is a coroutine functor/enclosure. The base task type cco_task, contains a typesafe function pointer.

Error handling with tasks

Tasks allows for scheduling coroutines and more efficient deep nesting of coroutine calls/awaits. Also, tasks have an excellent error handling mechanism, i.e. an error can be thrown, which will unwind the "call stack", and errors may be handled and recoveded higher up in the call tree in a simple, structured manner.

Implementation of nested awaiting coroutines with error handling

The following example shows a task start which awaits TaskA, => awaits TaskB, => awaits TaskC. TaskC throws an error, which causes unwinding of the call stack. The error is finally handled in TaskA's cco_finally: block and recovered using cco_recover_error(). This call will resume control back to the original suspension point in the current task. Because the "call-tree" is fixed, the coroutine frames to be called may be pre-allocated on the stack, which is very fast.

[ Run this code ]

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

cco_task_struct (TaskA) { TaskA_state cco; int a; };
cco_task_struct (TaskB) { TaskB_state cco; double d; };
cco_task_struct (TaskC) { TaskC_state cco; float x, y; };

typedef struct {
    struct TaskA A;
    struct TaskB B;
    struct TaskC C;
} Subtasks;

int taskC(struct TaskC* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskC start: {%g, %g}\n", self->x, self->y);

        // assume there is an error...
        cco_throw_error(99, rt);

        puts("TaskC work");
        puts("TaskC more work");

        if (rt->error) {
            puts("TaskC has error, ignored");
        puts("TaskC done");
    return 0;

int taskB(struct TaskB* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskB start: %g\n", self->d);
        Subtasks* sub = rt->env;
        cco_await_task(&sub->C, rt);
        puts("TaskB work");

        puts("TaskB done");
    return 0;

int taskA(struct TaskA* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskA start: %d\n", self->a);
        Subtasks* sub = rt->env;
        cco_await_task(&sub->B, rt);
        puts("TaskA work");

        if (rt->error == 99) {
            // if error not handled, will cause 'unhandled error'...
            printf("TaskA recovered error '99' thrown on line %d\n", rt->error_line);
        puts("TaskA done");
    return 0;

int start(cco_task* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        Subtasks* sub = rt->env;
        cco_await_task(&sub->A, rt);

    return 0;

int main(void)
    Subtasks env = {
        {{taskA}, 42},
        {{taskB}, 3.1415},
        {{taskC}, 1.2f, 3.4f},
    cco_task task = {{start}};

    int count = 0;
    cco_run_task(&task, &env) { ++count; }
    printf("resumes: %d\n", count);

Stackful coroutines allocated on the heap

Sometimes the call-tree is dynamic or more complex, then we can dynamically allocate the coroutine frames before they are awaited. This is somewhat more general and simpler, but requires heap allocation. Note that the coroutine frames are now freed at the end of the coroutine functions (after any cleanup at cco_finally). Example is based on the previous, but also shows how to use the env field in cco_runtime to return a value from the coroutine call/await:

Implementation of stackful coroutines

[ Run this code ]

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

cco_task_struct (TaskA) { TaskA_state cco; int a; };
cco_task_struct (TaskB) { TaskB_state cco; double d; };
cco_task_struct (TaskC) { TaskC_state cco; float x, y; };

typedef struct { double value; int error; } Result;

int taskC(struct TaskC* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskC start: {%g, %g}\n", self->x, self->y);

        // assume there is an error...
        cco_throw_error(99, rt);

        puts("TaskC work");
        puts("TaskC more work");
        // initial return value
        ((Result *)rt->env)->value = self->x * self->y;

        if (rt->error) {
            puts("TaskC has error, ignored");
        puts("TaskC done");
    return 0;

int taskB(struct TaskB* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskB start: %g\n", self->d);
        cco_await_task(c_new(struct TaskC, {{taskC}, 1.2f, 3.4f}), rt);
        puts("TaskB work");
        ((Result *)rt->env)->value += self->d;

        puts("TaskB done");
    return 0;

int taskA(struct TaskA* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("TaskA start: %d\n", self->a);
        cco_await_task(c_new(struct TaskB, {{taskB}, 3.1415}), rt);
        puts("TaskA work");
        ((Result *)rt->env)->value += self->a; // final return value;

        if (rt->error == 99) {
            // if error not handled, will cause 'unhandled error'...
            printf("TaskA recovered error '99' thrown on line %d\n", rt->error_line);
            ((Result *)rt->env)->error = rt->error; // set error in output
            cco_recover_error(rt); // reset error to 0 and jump to after the await call.
        puts("TaskA done");
    return 0;

int start(cco_task* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        cco_await_task(c_new(struct TaskA, {{taskA}, 42}), rt);

    return 0;

int main(void)
    cco_task* task = c_new(cco_task, {{start}});

    int count = 0;
    Result result = {0};
    cco_run_task(task, &result) { ++count; }

    printf("\nresult: %g, error: %d\n", result.value, result.error);
    printf("resumes: %d\n", count);

Producer-consumer pattern (symmetric coroutines) tasks

Tasks are executed using an executor, which is easy to do via the cco_run_task() macro. Coroutines awaits (or "calls") other coroutines with cco_await_task(), in which case the awaited coroutine will give control back to the caller whenever it finishes or reaches a cco_yield or another cco_await* suspension point in the code. This is knows as asymmetric calls.

However, coroutines may also transfer control directly to another coroutine using cco_yield_to(). In this case, control will not be returned back to caller after it finishes or is suspended, known as a symmetric call. This is useful when two or more coroutines cooperate like in the simple case of the producer-consumer pattern used in the following example:

Producer-consumer coroutine implementation

[ Run this code ]

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"
#define i_type Inventory, int
#include "stc/queue.h"

// Example shows symmetric coroutines producer/consumer style.

cco_task_struct (produce) {
    produce_state cco; // must be first (compile-time checked)
    struct consume* consumer;
    Inventory inventory;
    int limit, batch, serial, total;

cco_task_struct (consume) {
    consume_state cco; // must be first
    struct produce* producer;

int produce(struct produce* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        while (1) {
            if (self->serial > self->total) {
                if (Inventory_is_empty(&self->inventory))
                    cco_return; // cleanup and finish
            else if (Inventory_size(&self->inventory) < self->limit) {
                for (c_range(self->batch))
                    Inventory_push(&self->inventory, ++self->serial);

                printf("produced %d items, Inventory has now %d items:\n",
                       self->batch, (int)Inventory_size(&self->inventory));

                for (c_each(i, Inventory, self->inventory))
                    printf(" %2d", *i.ref);

            cco_yield_to(self->consumer, rt); // symmetric transfer

        cco_cancel_task(self->consumer, rt);
        puts("cleanup producer");
    return 0;

int consume(struct consume* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        int n, sz;
        while (1) {
            n = rand() % 10;
            sz = (int)Inventory_size(&self->producer->inventory);
            if (n > sz) n = sz;

            for (c_range(n))
            printf("consumed %d items\n", n);

            cco_yield_to(self->producer, rt); // symmetric transfer

        puts("cleanup consumer");
    return 0;

int main(void)
    struct produce producer = {
        .cco = {produce},
        .inventory = {0},
        .limit = 12,
        .batch = 8,
        .total = 50,
    struct consume consumer = {
        .cco = {consume},
        .producer = &producer,
    producer.consumer = &consumer;


Scheduled coroutines

The task-objects have the added benefit that coroutines can be managed by a scheduler, which is useful when dealing with large numbers of coroutines (like in simulations). Below is a simple coroutine scheduler using a queue. It sends the suspended coroutines to the end of the queue, and resumes the coroutine in the front. Note that the scheduler awaits the next CCO_YIELD to be returned, not only the default CCO_DONE (in the code below, | CCO_DONE is redundant and only to show how to await for multiple/custom bit-values).

The example heap allocates the coroutine frames on a queue, so that the scheduler can pick the next coroutine to execute from a pool of coroutines. This also allows it to run on a different thread/scope that may outlive the scope in that it was created.

Scheduled coroutines implementation

[ Run this code ]

// Based on
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

#define i_type Tasks, cco_task*
#define i_keydrop(p) free(*p) // { puts("free task"); free(*p); }
#define i_no_clone
#include "stc/queue.h"

cco_task_struct (Scheduler) {
    Scheduler_state cco;
    cco_task* _pulled;
    Tasks tasks;

cco_task_struct (TaskA) {
    TaskA_state cco;

cco_task_struct (TaskX) {
    TaskX_state cco;
    char id;

int scheduler(struct Scheduler* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        while (!Tasks_is_empty(&self->tasks)) {
            self->_pulled = Tasks_pull(&self->tasks);

            cco_await_task(self->_pulled, rt, CCO_YIELD | CCO_DONE);

            if (rt->result == CCO_YIELD) {
                Tasks_push(&self->tasks, self->_pulled);
            } else { // CCO_DONE

        puts("Task queue dropped");
    return 0;

static int taskX(struct TaskX* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        printf("Hello from task %c\n", self->id);
        printf("%c is back doing work\n", self->id);
        printf("%c is back doing more work\n", self->id);

        printf("%c is done\n", self->id);
    return 0;

static int taskA(struct TaskA* self, cco_runtime* rt) {
    cco_routine (self) {
        puts("Hello from task A");
        puts("A is back doing work");
        puts("A adds task C");
        Tasks *_tasks = rt->env; // local var only alive until cco_yield.
        Tasks_push(_tasks, cco_cast_task(c_new(struct TaskX, {.cco={taskX}, .id='C'})));
        puts("A is back doing more work");

        puts("A is done");
    return 0;

int main(void) {
    // Allocate everything on the heap, so it could be ran in another thread.
    struct Scheduler* schedule = c_new(struct Scheduler, {
        .tasks = c_make(Tasks, {
            cco_cast_task(c_new(struct TaskA, {.cco={taskA}})),
            cco_cast_task(c_new(struct TaskX, {.cco={taskX}, .id='B'})),

    cco_run_task(schedule, &schedule->tasks);

    // schedule is now cleaned up/destructed, free heap mem.