diff --git a/Serial_Setup.md b/Serial_Setup.md
index e546b32..4681680 100644
--- a/Serial_Setup.md
+++ b/Serial_Setup.md
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ set line /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Specify device name
set speed 9600 ; Or other desired speed (max speed in BBC Kermit)
set flow rts/cts ; If RTS and CTS are cross-connected
;set flow xon/xoff ; If you can't use RTS/CTS
-set parity even ; (or "mark" or "space", if necessary)
+set parity none ; (or "mark" or "space", if necessary)
;set stop-bits 2 ; (rarely necessary)
connect ; Enter
Connect (terminal) state
Setup BBC Micro Kermit
set baud 9600
set flow cts/rts
-set parity even
+set parity none
HostFS - J.G. Harston's implementation of the Serial Tube protocol http://mdfs.net/Software/HostFS/
Delivers access to the PC's Hard Disc Drive via serial connection