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Using a serial connection

There are a number of options once you have an appropriate cable made up. As serial ports on PCs are rare now a USB to serial adaptor can be procured.

XFER - Simple file transfer for BBC Micro
Requies no software to be installed initially on Beeb, just uses two *FX commands, then the basic program is spooled via the serial port. Versions are available for Windows, x86 Linux & Raspberry Pi.

Kermit - The New Open-Source Kermit Project -
There is a rather old version of BBC Kermit which combined with C-Kermit provides a robust and reliable system.
Required settings;

Setup C-Kermit - Using USB Serial Port

set modem type none ; There is no modem
set line /dev/ttyUSB0 ; Specify device name
;set carrier-watch off ; If DTR and CD are not cross-connected
set speed 9600 ; Or other desired speed (max speed in BBC Kermit)
set flow rts/cts ; If RTS and CTS are cross-connected
;set flow xon/xoff ; If you can't use RTS/CTS
set parity none ; (or "mark" or "space", if necessary)
;set stop-bits 2 ; (rarely necessary)
connect ; Enter
Connect (terminal) state

Setup BBC Micro Kermit
set baud 9600
set flow cts/rts
set parity none

HostFS - J.G. Harston's implementation of the Serial Tube protocol
Delivers access to the PC's Hard Disc Drive via a serial connection

UPURS - Fast serial transfer utilities for the BBC Micro, using user port

UPURSFS Addition to the UPURS suite of applications
Provides a way to use the UPURS cable with a connected PC as a remote file system.

SerialFS - ROMless Serial Filing System for the BBC Micro
Only available for Linux. Currently a bug in the code means that it doesn't work on the Master.