- Mac&Linux Miniconda Install instructions
- Windows Miniconda Install instructions (You can ignore the "Setup Spyder IDE" part)
- Mac&Linux&Windows Bioconda Install instructions (You can ignore the "dDocent" part)
conda create -n chip python=2.7
source activate chip # To activate the virtual environment
- All the following steps are under virtual environment
. When virtual environment is activated, you can see(chip)
at the start of your command prompt - For using jupyter notebook in virtual environment, everything should be the same except before you type in
jupyter notebook
, usesource activate chip
- 2.1 sra-tools
- 2.2 FastQC
- 2.3 MultiQC
- 2.4 Samtools
- 2.5 Trim-galore
- 2.6 Bowtie2
- 2.7 MACS2
- 2.8 USCS-bedgraphtobigwig
- 2.9 Rpy2
conda install sra-tools fastqc multiqc samtools trim-galore bowtie2 macs2 ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig
# Usage: trim_galore (can not call it by trim-galore :D)
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-chipqc bioconductor-deseq2
conda install bioconductor-chipseeker bioconductor-clusterprofiler
If the installation through conda did not work for the bioconductor packages, please start a R kernel in jupyer notebook and then enter the following commands,
BiocManager::install(c("ChIPQC", "ChIPseeker", "clusterProfiler", "DESeq2"))