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Scan directory or file with kube-linter
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kube-linter-action - KubeLinter GitHub Action

This is a GitHub action for scanning Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts in your GitHub workflow with kube-linter.


  1. Copy .github/workflows/kube-linter-sample.yml file to .github/workflows directory in your repo.
  2. Adjust scan directory to the location where your Kubernetes or Helm files are. See Parameters below.
  3. Adjust or remove config parameter.

The new workflow will run every time there's a new push to the repo master branch and for pull requests.

The workflow will fail if kube-linter detects issues. You'll find issues in the output of kube-linter-action and in Security | Code scanning alerts view of your GitHub repo (if you used provided sample workflow).


      - name: Scan repo with kube-linter
        uses: stackrox/[email protected]
          directory: yamls
          config: .kube-linter/config.yaml
          format: sarif
          output-file: kube-linter.sarif


Parameter name Required? Description
directory (required) Path of file or directory to scan, absolute or relative to the root of the repo.
config (optional) Path to a configuration file if you wish to use a non-default configuration.
format (optional) Output format. Allowed values: sarif, plain, json. Default is plain.
output-file (optional) Path to a file where kube-linter output will be stored. Default is kube-linter.log. File will be overwritten if it exists.
version (optional) kube-linter release version to use, e.g. "0.2.4". The latest available version is used by default.
fail-on-invalid-resource (optional) Set true to error out when we have an invalid resource.

kube-linter is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Scan directory or file with kube-linter


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

kube-linter is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.