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Jupyter Minimal Mistakes

Convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown blog posts ready for use with Jekyll and the Minimal Mistakes theme
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This GitHub action turns Jupyter notebooks into Markdown posts to be used with the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme.


  • Store Jupyter notebooks in _notebooks/ folder, name them like Jekyll posts (YYYY-MM-DD-title.ipynb).
  • Add this action between checkout and Jekyll build / deploy. It will convert the notebooks into Markdown posts, and do all necessary file organization such that Jekyll picks them up properly.
  • It can add cool badges 😎


This action takes Jupyter notebooks stored in the _notebooks/ folder, and turns them into Markdown posts stored in the _posts/ folder. It also takes care of moving images to a location which gets picked up by Jekyll. Finally, it can optionally add badges to view the notebook on GitHub or in Google Colab.

The action does not check out the site, build the Jekyll site, or commit the new files, but it can be combined with other actions to take care of these tasks. See the example usage below for illustration.

Notebooks have to be stored in the _notebooks folder. The resulting Markdown files are stored under the same filename, replacing the .ipynb suffix by .md. The notebooks should therefore follow the typical Jekyll blog post naming convention YYYY-MM-DD-title.ipynb.

If notebooks start with a Markdown cell containing a YAML front matter, that will be preserved and later used by Jekyll.


This action should work with any Jekyll blog which uses the Minimal Mistakes theme.

The action defines a new notebook layout, which gets stored in _layouts/notebook.html. If this file exists, the action will not change it. This allows users to make changes to the layout.


Open on GitHub Open in Colab

This action optionally adds two badges at the beginning of the blog post that allow to view the generating notebook on GitHub or Google Colab. This functionality is enabled using the YAML front matter by setting badges: true. If badges: false or the badges tag is not set (default), the badges are not added.

Example usage

The action can be used to convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown posts before building the site with Jekyll and deploying it to GitHub pages. In this example, the current main branch of the blog repository (typically <username>/<username> is checked out, then jupyter-minimal-mistakes is used to convert the notebooks before another action builds the site and pushes the result to the gh_pages branch.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Check out current repo
      - name: Checkout current repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Convert notebooks to Markdown posts
      - name: Convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown blog posts
        uses: ptmerz/[email protected]
      # Build and deploy the site
      - name: Build and deploy
        uses: EdricChan03/[email protected]
          JEKYLL_ENV: 'production'
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Run locally

If you want to run this action locally, e.g. to preview the site, this should work:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Assuming your site is in folder, and you have cloned this into folder jupyter-minimal-mistakes, copy the layout files into the site folder:
    mkdir -p
    cp jupyter-minimal-mistakes/_layouts/notebook.html
  3. From the site folder, call the script:
    sh ../jupyter-minimal-mistakes/

Jupyter Minimal Mistakes is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown blog posts ready for use with Jekyll and the Minimal Mistakes theme



Jupyter Minimal Mistakes is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.