The Manetu Platform optionally leverages Hashicorp Vault to add additional security. Manetu has a critical secret known as the Platform Root Sealing Key (PRSK), which is used to boot-strap its distributed Secure Enclave network. The PRSK is always minimally protected by a Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF). It may also be optionally protected by a Hashicorp Vault Transit Engine.
Using a PBKDF and Transit Engine together allows for multi-lateral protection of the PRSK secret, wherein control of the PBKDF password and Shamir-Shares for the Transit Engine can be split over multiple SecOps personnel. Security is further enhanced by logical partitioning of PBKDF and Transit Engine functions by separating processes and policies restricting access to the Transit Engine exclusively to the Manetu Root Sealing Key Manager (RSKM). For these reasons, production instances of Manetu are encouraged to leverage a Hashicorp Vault-based configuration wherever practical.
This document outlines the requirements for deployments in which the environment outside Manetu control provides the Hashicorp Vault instance. The steps outlined below are handled automatically for deployments that leverage a Manetu-managed Vault instance.
It is assumed that the provided Hashicorp Vault instance is generally configured following all best practices for production hardening. It is additionally recommended that Shamir's Secret Sharing via PGP be used.
The setup of Hashicorp Vault specific for Manetu use as a PRSK protection layer involves the following additional steps:
Provisioning a Transit Engine dedicated to a specific Manetu instance.
a. Default path is "rskm/"
b. Can be prefixed to support multiple instances e.g. "manetu/us-east-2/rskm".
Installing an Vault Role and accompanying HCL policy with the following properties:
a. Grants exclusive "update" access to the Transit Engine in (1) to the identity established in (3) representing the RSKM.
b. Denies all other identities and operations, including privileged human operators.
Establish an authentication method that is suitable for verifying the identity of the Manetu Root-Sealing-Key-Manager instance running in Kubernetes
a. Manetu supports the Kubernetes and Token Auth Methods
Deploy a Kubernetes ConfigMap into the Manetu Namespace that configures Manetu's Vault client to connect with your Vault instance.
The following steps must be performed once by a privileged user.
##### Secrets Engines
vault secrets enable -path=rskm/ transit
##### Create PRSK outer encryption key
vault write rskm/keys/prsk-wrapper dervived=false exportable=false allow_plaintext_backup=false type=aes256-gcm96
Create a new role "rskm" in Vault
vault policy write rskm rskm.hcl
Where the policy definition is:
# Root Sealing-Key Manager access to Transit Engine
path "rskm/*" {
capabilities = ["update"]
An identity for the RSKM must be established within Vault using a supported method (Token or Kubernetes).
The following steps may be applied assuming Manetu is installed in the default namespace location:
##### K8s Auth
vault auth enable kubernetes
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/rskm bound_service_account_names=mcp-keycustodian-service-rskm* bound_service_account_namespaces=manetu-platform policies=rskm ttl=1h
vault write auth/kubernetes/config kubernetes_host="https://kubernetes.default:443" kubernetes_ca_cert="$K8S_CA_CERT"
You must install a Kubernetes Config Map in the Manetu namespace (defaults to "manetu-platform") named "vault-config" that adheres to the following:
The supported variables are as follows:
VAULT_ADDR: The URL to your vault instance
VAULT_TLS_ENABLED: Boolean "true" or "false" depending on whether TLS is enabled in your instance.
VAULT_CACERT: A base64+PEM encoded CA certificate for the Vault instance TLS when TLS is enabled and the CA is not part of a public PKI
VAULT_KEYSPACE (default: nil): Optional path prefix for Transit Engine mount-point
For cases where the Vault instance is shared with multiple Manetu instances, multiple Transit Engines will need to be provisioned. The KEYSPACE mechanism allows the Vault Admin to mount the Transit Engine with arbitrary hierarchy.
Example: for a Transit Engine mounted to "manetu/us-east-2/rskm", the KEYSPACE would be "manetu/us-east-2".
VAULT_AUTHMODE (default "k8s"): Supports the following options
k8s: Uses the Kubernetes Auth Method to authenticate to Vault. See VAULT_K8S_ROLE and K8s_TOKEN_PATH for further configuration.
token: Uses the Token Auth Method to authenticate to Vault. This method also requires injecting a VAULT_TOKEN variable via a Secret that is not yet fully supported but can be added upon request.
VAULT_K8S_ROLE (default "rskm"): Must match the role provisioned in Vault.
K8S_TOKEN_PATH (default: "/var/run/secrets/"): The path to the Kubernetes Service Account JWT.
VAULT_PATH_PREFIX (default: "rskm"): The prefix for the Transit Engine after the KEYSPACE prefix.
- For a Transit Engine mounted at "manetu/us-east-2/rskm", The KEYSPACE is "manetu/us-east-2" and the PATH_PREFIX is "rskm".
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: vault-config
namespace: manetu-platform
VAULT_ADDR: https://vault.manetu-hashicorp:8200