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This repository is tested on Python 3.8+. First, you should install a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv/lleqa
source .venv/lleqa/bin/activate

Then, you can install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

LLeQA: The Long-form Legal Question Answering Dataset

We provide access to LLeQA on 🤗 Datasets in restricted access for research purposes only. To load the dataset, you simply need to run:

from datasets import load_dataset

repo = "maastrichtlawtech/lleqa"

# Load corpus.
articles = load_dataset(repo, name="corpus")

# Load questions.
train_questions = load_dataset(repo, name="questions", split="train")
dev_questions = load_dataset(repo, name="questions", split="dev")
test_negatives = load_dataset(repo, name="questions", split="test")

# Load negatives (needed for training).
bm25_negatives = load_dataset(repo, name="negatives", split="bm25")
#me5_negatives = load_dataset(repo, name="negatives", split="me5")

To run the following experiments, we recommend downloading the dataset and placing the files inside a ``data/lleqa/'' folder at the root of this repository.

"Retrieve-then-read" pipeline

We use the popular retrieve-then-read pipeline, which first leverages a retriever over a large evidence corpus to fetch a set of relevant legislative articles, and then employs a reader to peruse these articles and formulate a comprehensive answer.


Our retriever relies on a lightweight CamemBERT-based bi-encoder model, wich enables fast and effective retrieval.

Hard negatives

The bi-encoder model is optimized using a contrastive learning strategy, which requires the inclusion of negative samples. Besides in-batch negatives, we sample hard negatives using two different systems: BM25 and DPR-based.

To create the BM25 negatives, you can run the following command:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables (to be adapted to your needs):

  • K1 (float, default=2.5): BM25 parameter k1;
  • B (float, default=0.2): BM25 parameter b;
  • NUM_NEG (int, default=10): number of negatives to generate per query.

To generate the DPR-based negatives, you can run:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • MODEL (str, default="intfloat/multilingual-e5-large"): model checkpoint ID on Hugging Face;
  • MAX_SEQ_LENGTH (int, default=512): maximum input length (longer inputs are truncated);
  • SIM (str, default="cos_sim"): similarity function for the question and article encoders (either "cos_sim" or "dot_product");
  • NUM_NEG (int, default=10): number of negatives to generate per query.


You can train the bi-encoder model by running:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • MODEL (str, default="camembert-base"): Transformers checkpoint ID from Hugging Face;
  • MAX_SEQ_LEN (int, default=384): maximum input length (longer inputs are truncated);
  • POOL (str, default="mean"): pooling strategy for the question and article encoders (either "mean", "max", or "cls");
  • SIM (str, default="cos_sim"): similarity function for the question and article encoders (either "cos_sim" or "dot_product");
  • EPOCHS (int, default=20): number of training epochs;
  • BATCH_SIZE (int, default=32): batch size;
  • SCHEDULER (str, default="warmuplinear"): learning rate scheduler (either "constantlr", "warmupconstant", "warmuplinear", "warmupcosine", or "warmupcosinewithhardrestarts");
  • LR (float, default=2e-5): learning rate;
  • WARMUP_STEPS (int, default=60): number of warmup steps;
  • OPTTIMIZER (str, default="AdamW"): optimizer (either "AdamW" or "Adafacor");
  • WD (float, default=0.01): weight decay;
  • FP16 (bool, default=True): whether to use mixed precision training;
  • EVAL_BEFORE_TRAINING (bool, default=True): whether to evaluate the model before training;
  • EVAL_DURING_TRAINING (bool, default=True): whether to evaluate the model during training;
  • LOG_STEPS (int, default=1): number of steps between each evaluation;
  • DO_TEST (bool, default=True): whether to evaluate the model on the test set after training;
  • DO_SAVE (bool, default=True): whether to save the model after training.


You can evaluate the performance of a biencoder model on LLeQA by running:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • MODEL (str, default="camembert-base-lleqa"): SentenceTransformer checkpoint ID from Hugging Face;
  • MAX_SEQ_LEN (int, default=512): maximum input length (longer inputs are truncated);
  • SIM (str, default="cos_sim"): similarity function for the question and article encoders (either "cos_sim" or "dot_product").

As a baseline, we also report the performance of BM25, which can be obtained by running:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • K1 (float, default=2.5): BM25 parameter k1;
  • B (float, default=0.2): BM25 parameter b.


For our reader, we use a large language model (LLM) that we adapt to our task via two distinct learning strategies: in-context learning, wherein the model learns from instructions and a set of contextually provided examples; and parameter-efficient finetuning, where a small number of extra parameters are optimized on a downstream dataset while the base model's weights are quantized and remain unchanged.

In-context learning

You can evaluate the in-context performance of some LLMs on LLeQA test set by running:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • NUM_EVIDENCE (int, default=5): number of evidence paragraphs to retrieve that will be used as context;
  • EVIDENCE_ORDER (str, default="most_relevant_first"): order in which evidence paragraphs are passed to the model (either "most_relevant_first" or "least_relevant_first");
  • EVIDENCE_RETRIEVER (str, default="camembert-base-lleqa"): SentenceTransformer checkpoint ID from Hugging Face;
  • INSTRUCTION (str, default="..."): instruction to the model;
  • NUM_DEMOS (list, default=[0, 1, 2]): number of examples to provide to the model;
  • DEMO_TYPE (str, default="similar"): type of examples to provide to the model (either "similar" or "random");
  • DEMO_RETRIEVER (str, default="sentence-camembert-base"): SentenceTransformer checkpoint ID from Hugging Face;
  • TEMP (float, default=0.1): temperature for sampling;
  • MAX_OUT_TOKENS (int, default=350): maximum number of tokens to generate;
  • MODELS (list, default=["vicuna-7b-v1.3", "wizardLM-7B", "tulu-7B", "guanaco-7B"]): list of LLMs to evaluate.

Parameter-efficient finetuning

You can efficiently finetune LLMs on LLeQA training set by running:

bash scripts/

whose script comes with the following variables:

  • DO_TRAIN (bool, default=True): whether to perform finetuning;
  • DO_VAL (bool, default=True): whether to evaluate the model on the validation set during finetuning;
  • DO_TEST (bool, default=True): whether to evaluate the model on the test set after finetuning;
  • MAX_CONTEXT_LEN (int, default=4096): extended context length for LLMs using RoPE;
  • MODELS (list, default=["vicuna-7b-v1.3", "wizardLM-7B", "tulu-7B", "guanaco-7B"]): list of LLMs to finetune;
  • EPOCHS (int, default=10): number of finetuning epochs;
  • BS (int, default=1): batch size;
  • ACC_STEPS (int, default=8): number of accumulation steps;
  • LR (float, default=2e-4): learning rate;
  • SCHEDULER (str, default="constant"): learning rate scheduler (either "linear", "cosine", "cosine_w_restarts", "polynomial", "constant", or "constant_w_warmup");
  • DEEPSPEED (str, default=""): path to the DeepSpeed configuration file.
  • TEMP (float, default=0.1): temperature for sampling;
  • DECODING (str, default="nucleus-sampling"): decoding strategy (either 'greedy-search', 'beam-search', 'random-sampling', 'topk-sampling', 'nucleus-sampling', or 'topk-nucleus-sampling');
  • EVIDENCE_RETRIEVER (str, default="camembert-base-lleqa"): SentenceTransformer checkpoint ID from Hugging Face.