This template repository is for anyone to use as a convenient starting point. It is intended to:
- show expected structure of Python code
- encourage code reuse, sharing and safe storage
- show how to use simple tools like
This was originally for the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre:
- featured in a seminar on "Software Best Practices" on 2021-08-27
- video (watch)
- video (download)
- slides
This module can be installed directly from GitHub.
# No username or password needed.
pip install git+
# note: only been tested on MacOS
Subsequently, the module will be downloaded and installed into your Python environment.
If successful, you should see:
Successfully built example-python
Installing collected packages: example-python
Successfully installed example-python-1.1.0
If you want to use this to start your own repo, simply clone it with below command:
git clone
Alternatively, use your favourite GUI Git tool, including:
Once cloned, be sure to change the remote URL to your own repository somewhere else.
It's probably easier for new users to either:
- create a new repository from this template, or
- learn how to fork this repo
If installed directly via pip
# just run in any folder
python -m example_python show-example
If you've cloned it:
cd example-python # go to repo root
python -m example_python show-example
Researchers are encouraged to implement tests for their code. For more details, please see documentation in the tests folder
Researchers should strive for code quality that matches industry and community standards. Doing so leads to better science outcomes and easier sharing of knowledge.
If commercialisation is a criteria, writing good code from the start leads to faster prototyping and outcomes.
cd example-python # go to repo root
pylint example_python
# if pylint is not found
pip install pylint
Above conducts a check locally on your machine, using the included pylintrc file.
List credits or references here, if applicable
For help, please contact: