- Purpose
- Basic Bayes
- Stan and Stan ecosystem
- rstan
- rstanarm
- brms
- shinystan, tidybayes etc.
- rstanarm
- development
- why use
- basic approach
- rstanarm demos
- glm
- lmer
- other
- brms
- development
- why use
- basic approach
- brms demos
- basic lm with...
- bayes_R2
- launch_shinystan
- marginal_effects and hypothesis
- pp_check
- model comparison WAIC
- pp_average
- setting priors
- parallelizing
- special models
- more distributions
- lmer with cor res, heterogenous var
- lmer with cor re
- gam
- distributional
- truncated
- missing
- measurement error
- basic lm with...
- wrap up