This is my personal rice of Archlinux + bspwm, including:
- BSPWM and SXHKD configuration and keybindings
- Picom configuration (todo)
- Polybar configuration and scripts
- A custom .Xresources color palette
- GTK theme
- rofi custom menus and configurations
- dunst notifications
- Kitty configuration (todo)
- alacritty configuration (todo)
- pscircle configuration (as service)
Install Archlinux with bspwm.
To speed up process you can use the archinstall
command and select the installation profile as Desktop with bspwm.
Of course, if you are new to Archlinux, i highly recommend you to install it on your own to learn how linux works.
git clone
cd rice-bspwm
During the installation, your terminal might ring a bell before installing yay or running makepkg. This is just for alerting user to go check on installation script to answer to queries and not time-out install.
Black display at boot after the autologin. This is because xinit is starting too soon, before Vmware auto-resize screen. (I don't know exactly which service is involved) To fix the issue, just extend the sleep value in ~/.bash_profile
This configuration is a mix of my own and various config files I took from people (mainly found on unixporn reddit).
Here are my inspiration and also others interresting configs to look: