A new anaconda install is around 11 GB (and hyak has a home dir quota of 10GB), so ensure your anaconda dir and the rubin_sim_data dir are not in your home directory. Helpful link to the anaconda linux install instructions: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/linux/
The conda activate
command fails in a bash script. One must first source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
(replace with path to your anaconda install if different), then conda activate rubin
The conda create command failed a few times. It looks like creating the conda environment and then installing dependencies in 3-4 batches can be a work-around.
Handy command to get a build node on hyak srun -p build --time=2:00:00 --mem=20G --pty /bin/bash
If you have push permissions to rubin_sim, you can make changes to the code by checking out a new branch, making edits, push and then make a pull request. However, we do expect many users who wish to contribute metrics will not have these permissions -- for these contributors the easiest way to do development on rubin_sim may be the following:
- create a fork of rubin_sim
- pip install the fork copy as above (but git clone your own fork, and then use this copy of rubin_sim)
- edit the code in your fork of rubin_sim, test it, etc.
- issue a PR from your fork to our original lsst/rubin_sim repository
When contributing code, metrics for MAF can be placed into either rubin_sim/rubin_sim/maf/metrics or rubin_sim/rubin_sim/maf/mafContrib (preferably rubin_sim/maf/metrics). Adding a unit test in the appropriate rubin_sim/tests directory is desirable. For unit tests, all filename should start with test_
so py.test can automatically find them. An example notebook can be contributed to lsst/rubin_sim_notebooks.
When contributing to the package, make sure you reformat the code with black
before commiting.
The package ships with a pre-commit
configuration file, which allows developers to install a git hook that will reformat the code before commiting.
Most IDEs also contains black
reformat add-ons.
To install the pre-commit
hook first install the pre-commit
package with:
conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
Then, install the hook with:
pre-commit install
(This must be done by project developers only at this time). To update the source contents of the data files:
- Update the files in your local installation
- If you are updating the baseline sim, create a symlink of the new database to baseline.db
- Create a new tar file with a new name, e.g.,
tar -chvzf maf_2021_06_01.tgz maf
if symlinks should stay as symlinks) - Copy your new tar file to S3DF USDF s3dflogin.slac.stanford.edu:/sdf/group/rubin/web_data/sim-data/rubin_sim_data/
- You can check that it is uploaded here: https://s3df.slac.stanford.edu/data/rubin/sim-data/rubin_sim_data/
- Update
so thedata_dict
function uses your new filename - Push and merge the change to
- Add a new tag, with a message indicating how the data package was changed.
Process for updating pre-computed files if system throughputs change.
- update the throughputs in syseng_throughputs (this should be the original trigger to update throughputs anywhere downstream)
- update the throughputs in lsst/throughputs (including new tag)
- update rubin_sim_data/throughputs data files
- update rubin_scheduler.utils.sys_eng_vals.py - there is a notebook in syseng_throughputs which generates this file
- recompute sky brightness files with rubin_sim.skybrightness.recalc_mags
- remake skybrightness_pre files with rubin_sim/rubin_sim/skybrightness_pre/data/generate_hdf5.py
- remake dark sky map with rubin_sim/rubin_sim/skybrightness_pre/data/generate_dark_sky.py
- tar and update files at SDF (throughputs, skybrightness, skybrightness_pre)