diff --git a/python/lsst/ip/isr/__init__.py b/python/lsst/ip/isr/__init__.py
index d20d4efe3..6ca6598df 100755
--- a/python/lsst/ip/isr/__init__.py
+++ b/python/lsst/ip/isr/__init__.py
@@ -44,3 +44,4 @@
from .deferredCharge import *
from .isrStatistics import *
from .transmissionCurve import *
+from .ampOffset import *
diff --git a/python/lsst/ip/isr/ampOffset.py b/python/lsst/ip/isr/ampOffset.py
index cc59c6ffb..fffb59c65 100644
--- a/python/lsst/ip/isr/ampOffset.py
+++ b/python/lsst/ip/isr/ampOffset.py
@@ -18,88 +18,448 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-# import os
__all__ = ["AmpOffsetConfig", "AmpOffsetTask"]
-import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
-import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
-from lsst.meas.algorithms import (SubtractBackgroundTask, SourceDetectionTask)
+import warnings
+import numpy as np
+from lsst.afw.math import MEANCLIP, StatisticsControl, makeStatistics
+from lsst.afw.table import SourceTable
+from lsst.meas.algorithms import SourceDetectionTask, SubtractBackgroundTask
+from lsst.pex.config import Config, ConfigurableField, Field
+from lsst.pipe.base import Task, Struct
-class AmpOffsetConfig(pexConfig.Config):
- """Configuration parameters for AmpOffsetTask.
- """
- ampEdgeInset = pexConfig.Field(
+class AmpOffsetConfig(Config):
+ """Configuration parameters for AmpOffsetTask."""
+ def setDefaults(self):
+ self.background.algorithm = "AKIMA_SPLINE"
+ self.background.useApprox = False
+ self.background.ignoredPixelMask = [
+ "BAD",
+ "SAT",
+ "INTRP",
+ "CR",
+ "EDGE",
+ "NO_DATA",
+ ]
+ self.detection.reEstimateBackground = False
+ ampEdgeInset = Field(
doc="Number of pixels the amp edge strip is inset from the amp edge. A thin strip of pixels running "
"parallel to the edge of the amp is used to characterize the average flux level at the amp edge.",
- ampEdgeWidth = pexConfig.Field(
+ ampEdgeWidth = Field(
doc="Pixel width of the amp edge strip, starting at ampEdgeInset and extending inwards.",
- ampEdgeMinFrac = pexConfig.Field(
+ ampEdgeMinFrac = Field(
doc="Minimum allowed fraction of viable pixel rows along an amp edge. No amp offset estimate will be "
"generated for amp edges that do not have at least this fraction of unmasked pixel rows.",
- ampEdgeMaxOffset = pexConfig.Field(
+ ampEdgeMaxOffset = Field(
doc="Maximum allowed amp offset ADU value. If a measured amp offset value is larger than this, the "
"result will be discarded and therefore not used to determine amp pedestal corrections.",
- ampEdgeWindow = pexConfig.Field(
- doc="Pixel size of the sliding window used to generate rolling average amp offset values.",
- dtype=int,
- default=512,
+ ampEdgeWindowFrac = Field(
+ doc="Fraction of the amp edge lengths utilized as the sliding window for generating rolling average "
+ "amp offset values. It should be reconfigured for every instrument (HSC, LSSTCam, etc.) and should "
+ "not exceed 1. If not provided, it defaults to the fraction that recovers the pixel size of the "
+ "sliding window used in obs_subaru for compatibility with existing HSC data.",
+ dtype=float,
+ default=512 / 4176,
- doBackground = pexConfig.Field(
+ doBackground = Field(
doc="Estimate and subtract background prior to amp offset estimation?",
- background = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
+ background = ConfigurableField(
doc="An initial background estimation step run prior to amp offset calculation.",
- doDetection = pexConfig.Field(
+ backgroundFractionSample = Field(
+ doc="The fraction of the shorter side of the amplifier used for background binning.",
+ dtype=float,
+ default=1.0,
+ )
+ doDetection = Field(
doc="Detect sources and update cloned exposure prior to amp offset estimation?",
- detection = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
+ detection = ConfigurableField(
doc="Source detection to add temporary detection footprints prior to amp offset calculation.",
-class AmpOffsetTask(pipeBase.Task):
- """Calculate and apply amp offset corrections to an exposure.
- """
+class AmpOffsetTask(Task):
+ """Calculate and apply amp offset corrections to an exposure."""
ConfigClass = AmpOffsetConfig
_DefaultName = "isrAmpOffset"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- # always load background subtask, even if doBackground=False;
- # this allows for default plane bit masks to be defined
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Always load background subtask, even if doBackground=False;
+ # this allows for default plane bit masks to be defined.
if self.config.doDetection:
+ # Initialize all of the instance variables here.
+ self.shortAmpSide = 0
def run(self, exposure):
"""Calculate amp offset values, determine corrective pedestals for each
- amp, and update the input exposure in-place. This task is currently not
- implemented, and should be retargeted by a camera specific version.
+ amp, and update the input exposure in-place.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ exposure: `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
+ Exposure to be corrected for amp offsets.
+ """
+ # Generate an exposure clone to work on and establish the bit mask.
+ exp = exposure.clone()
+ bitMask = exp.mask.getPlaneBitMask(self.background.config.ignoredPixelMask)
+ amps = exp.getDetector().getAmplifiers()
+ # Check that all amps have the same gemotry.
+ ampDims = [amp.getBBox().getDimensions() for amp in amps]
+ if not all(dim == ampDims[0] for dim in ampDims):
+ raise RuntimeError("All amps should have the same geometry.")
+ # Assuming all the amps have the same geometry.
+ self.shortAmpSide = np.min(ampDims[0])
+ # Fit and subtract background.
+ if self.config.doBackground:
+ maskedImage = exp.getMaskedImage()
+ # Assuming all the detectors are the same.
+ nX = exp.getWidth() // (self.shortAmpSide * self.config.backgroundFractionSample) + 1
+ nY = exp.getHeight() // (self.shortAmpSide * self.config.backgroundFractionSample) + 1
+ # This ensures that the `binSize` is as large as possible,
+ # preventing background subtraction from inadvertently removing the
+ # amp offset signature. Here it's set to the shorter dimension of
+ # the amplifier by default (`backgroundFractionSample` = 1), which
+ # seems reasonable.
+ bg = self.background.fitBackground(maskedImage, nx=int(nX), ny=int(nY))
+ bgImage = bg.getImageF(self.background.config.algorithm, self.background.config.undersampleStyle)
+ maskedImage -= bgImage
+ # Detect sources and update cloned exposure mask planes in-place.
+ if self.config.doDetection:
+ schema = SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
+ table = SourceTable.make(schema)
+ # Detection sigma, used for smoothing and to grow detections, is
+ # normally measured from the PSF of the exposure. As the PSF hasn't
+ # been measured at this stage of processing, sigma is instead
+ # set to an approximate value here (which should be sufficient).
+ _ = self.detection.run(table=table, exposure=exp, sigma=2)
+ # Safety check: do any pixels remain for amp offset estimation?
+ if (exp.mask.array & bitMask).all():
+ self.log.warning(
+ "All pixels masked: cannot calculate any amp offset corrections. All pedestals are being set "
+ "to zero."
+ )
+ pedestals = np.zeros(len(amps))
+ else:
+ # Set up amp offset inputs.
+ im = exp.image
+ im.array[(exp.mask.array & bitMask) > 0] = np.nan
+ if self.config.ampEdgeWindowFrac > 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"The specified fraction (`ampEdgeWindowFrac`={self.config.ampEdgeWindowFrac}) of the "
+ "edge length exceeds 1. This leads to complications downstream, after convolution in "
+ "the `getSideAmpOffset()` method. Please modify the `ampEdgeWindowFrac` value in the "
+ "config to be 1 or less and rerun."
+ )
+ # Determine amplifier geometry.
+ ampAreas = {amp.getBBox().getArea() for amp in amps}
+ if len(ampAreas) > 1:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Amp offset correction is not yet implemented for detectors with differing amp sizes."
+ )
+ # Obtain association and offset matrices.
+ A, sides = self.getAmpAssociations(amps)
+ B = self.getAmpOffsets(im, amps, A, sides)
+ # If least-squares minimization fails, convert NaNs to zeroes,
+ # ensuring that no values are erroneously added/subtracted.
+ pedestals = np.nan_to_num(np.linalg.lstsq(A, B, rcond=None)[0])
+ metadata = exposure.getMetadata()
+ for amp, pedestal in zip(amps, pedestals):
+ ampIm = exposure.image[amp.getBBox()].array
+ ampIm -= pedestal
+ ampName = amp.getName()
+ metadata.set(
+ float(pedestal),
+ f"Pedestal level subtracted from amp {ampName}",
+ )
+ self.log.info(f"amp pedestal values: {', '.join([f'{x:.4f}' for x in pedestals])}")
+ return Struct(pedestals=pedestals)
+ def getAmpAssociations(self, amps):
+ """Determine amp geometry and amp associations from a list of
+ amplifiers.
+ Parse an input list of amplifiers to determine the layout of amps
+ within a detector, and identify all amp sides (i.e., the
+ horizontal and vertical junctions between amps).
+ Returns a matrix with a shape corresponding to the geometry of the amps
+ in the detector.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ amps : `list` [`lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Amplifier`]
+ List of amplifier objects used to deduce associations.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ampAssociations : `numpy.ndarray`
+ An N x N matrix (N = number of amplifiers) that illustrates the
+ connections between amplifiers within the detector layout. Each row
+ and column index corresponds to the ampIds of a specific pair of
+ amplifiers, and the matrix elements indicate their associations as
+ follows:
+ 0: No association
+ -1: Association exists (direction specified in the ampSides matrix)
+ n >= 1: Diagonal elements indicate the number of neighboring
+ amplifiers for the corresponding ampId==row==column number.
+ ampSides : `numpy.ndarray`
+ An N x N matrix (N = the number of amplifiers) representing the amp
+ side information corresponding to the `ampAssociations`
+ matrix. The elements are integers defined as below:
+ -1: No side due to no association or the same amp (diagonals)
+ 0: Side on the bottom
+ 1: Side on the right
+ 2: Side on the top
+ 3: Side on the left
+ """
+ xCenters = [amp.getBBox().getCenterX() for amp in amps]
+ yCenters = [amp.getBBox().getCenterY() for amp in amps]
+ xIndices = np.ceil(xCenters / np.min(xCenters) / 2).astype(int) - 1
+ yIndices = np.ceil(yCenters / np.min(yCenters) / 2).astype(int) - 1
+ nAmps = len(amps)
+ ampIds = np.zeros((len(set(yIndices)), len(set(xIndices))), dtype=int)
+ for ampId, xIndex, yIndex in zip(np.arange(nAmps), xIndices, yIndices):
+ ampIds[yIndex, xIndex] = ampId
+ ampAssociations = np.zeros((nAmps, nAmps), dtype=int)
+ ampSides = np.full_like(ampAssociations, -1)
+ for ampId in ampIds.ravel():
+ neighbors, sides = self.getNeighbors(ampIds, ampId)
+ ampAssociations[ampId, neighbors] = -1
+ ampSides[ampId, neighbors] = sides
+ ampAssociations[ampId, ampId] = -ampAssociations[ampId].sum()
+ if ampAssociations.sum() != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("The `ampAssociations` array does not sum to zero.")
+ if not np.all(ampAssociations == ampAssociations.T):
+ raise RuntimeError("The `ampAssociations` is not symmetric about the diagonal.")
+ self.log.debug("amp associations:\n%s", ampAssociations)
+ self.log.debug("amp sides:\n%s", ampSides)
+ return ampAssociations, ampSides
+ def getNeighbors(self, ampIds, ampId):
+ """Get the neighbor amplifiers and their sides for a given
+ amplifier.
- exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
- Exposure to be corrected for any amp offsets.
+ ampIds : `numpy.ndarray`
+ Matrix with amp side association information.
+ ampId : `int`
+ The amplifier ID for which neighbor amplifiers and side IDs
+ are to be found.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ neighbors : `list` [`int`]
+ List of neighbor amplifier IDs.
+ sides : `list` [`int`]
+ List of side IDs, with each ID corresponding to its respective
+ neighbor amplifier.
+ """
+ m, n = ampIds.shape
+ r, c = np.ravel(np.where(ampIds == ampId))
+ neighbors, sides = [], []
+ sideLookup = {
+ 0: (r + 1, c),
+ 1: (r, c + 1),
+ 2: (r - 1, c),
+ 3: (r, c - 1),
+ }
+ for side, (row, column) in sideLookup.items():
+ if 0 <= row < m and 0 <= column < n:
+ neighbors.append(ampIds[row][column])
+ sides.append(side)
+ return neighbors, sides
+ def getAmpOffsets(self, im, amps, associations, sides):
+ """Calculate the amp offsets for all amplifiers.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ im : `lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF`
+ Amplifier image to extract data from.
+ amps : `list` [`lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Amplifier`]
+ List of amplifier objects.
+ associations : numpy.ndarray
+ An N x N matrix containing amp association information, where N is
+ the number of amplifiers.
+ sides : numpy.ndarray
+ An N x N matrix containing amp side information, where N is the
+ number of amplifiers.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ampsOffsets : `numpy.ndarray`
+ 1D float array containing the calculated amp offsets for all
+ amplifiers.
+ """
+ ampsOffsets = np.zeros(len(amps))
+ ampsEdges = self.getAmpEdges(im, amps, sides)
+ interfaceOffsetLookup = {}
+ for ampId, ampAssociations in enumerate(associations):
+ ampNeighbors = np.ravel(np.where(ampAssociations < 0))
+ for ampNeighbor in ampNeighbors:
+ ampSide = sides[ampId][ampNeighbor]
+ edgeA = ampsEdges[ampId][ampSide]
+ edgeB = ampsEdges[ampNeighbor][(ampSide + 2) % 4]
+ if ampId < ampNeighbor:
+ interfaceOffset = self.getInterfaceOffset(ampId, ampNeighbor, edgeA, edgeB)
+ interfaceOffsetLookup[f"{ampId}{ampNeighbor}"] = interfaceOffset
+ else:
+ interfaceOffset = -interfaceOffsetLookup[f"{ampNeighbor}{ampId}"]
+ ampsOffsets[ampId] += interfaceOffset
+ return ampsOffsets
+ def getAmpEdges(self, im, amps, ampSides):
+ """Calculate the amp edges for all amplifiers.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ im : `lsst.afw.image._image.ImageF`
+ Amplifier image to extract data from.
+ amps : `list` [`lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Amplifier`]
+ List of amplifier objects.
+ ampSides : `numpy.ndarray`
+ An N x N matrix containing amp side information, where N is the
+ number of amplifiers.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ampEdges : `dict` [`int`, `dict` [`int`, `numpy.ndarray`]]
+ A dictionary containing amp edge(s) for each amplifier,
+ corresponding to one or more potential sides, where each edge is
+ associated with a side. The outer dictionary has integer keys
+ representing amplifier IDs, and the inner dictionary has integer
+ keys representing side IDs for each amplifier and values that are
+ 1D arrays of floats representing the 1D medianified strips from the
+ amp image, referred to as "amp edge":
+ {ampID: {sideID: numpy.ndarray}, ...}
+ """
+ ampEdgeOuter = self.config.ampEdgeInset + self.config.ampEdgeWidth
+ ampEdges = {}
+ slice_map = {
+ 0: (slice(-ampEdgeOuter, -self.config.ampEdgeInset), slice(None)),
+ 1: (slice(None), slice(-ampEdgeOuter, -self.config.ampEdgeInset)),
+ 2: (slice(self.config.ampEdgeInset, ampEdgeOuter), slice(None)),
+ 3: (slice(None), slice(self.config.ampEdgeInset, ampEdgeOuter)),
+ }
+ for ampId, (amp, ampSides) in enumerate(zip(amps, ampSides)):
+ ampEdges[ampId] = {}
+ ampIm = im[amp.getBBox()].array
+ # Loop over identified sides.
+ for ampSide in ampSides:
+ if ampSide < 0:
+ continue
+ strip = ampIm[slice_map[ampSide]]
+ # Catch warnings to prevent all-NaN slice RuntimeWarning.
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered")
+ ampEdges[ampId][ampSide] = np.nanmedian(strip, axis=ampSide % 2) # 1D medianified strip
+ return ampEdges
+ def getInterfaceOffset(self, ampIdA, ampIdB, edgeA, edgeB):
+ """Calculate the amp offset for a given interface between two
+ amplifiers.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ampIdA : int
+ ID of the first amplifier.
+ ampIdB : int
+ ID of the second amplifier.
+ edgeA : numpy.ndarray
+ Amp edge for the first amplifier.
+ edgeB : numpy.ndarray
+ Amp edge for the second amplifier.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ interfaceOffset : float
+ The calculated amp offset value for the given interface between
+ amps A and B.
- raise NotImplementedError("Amp offset task should be retargeted by a camera specific version.")
+ interfaceId = f"{ampIdA}{ampIdB}"
+ sctrl = StatisticsControl()
+ # NOTE: Taking the difference with the order below fixes the sign flip
+ # in the B matrix.
+ edgeDiff = edgeA - edgeB
+ window = int(self.config.ampEdgeWindowFrac * len(edgeDiff))
+ # Compute rolling averages.
+ edgeDiffSum = np.convolve(np.nan_to_num(edgeDiff), np.ones(window), "same")
+ edgeDiffNum = np.convolve(~np.isnan(edgeDiff), np.ones(window), "same")
+ edgeDiffAvg = edgeDiffSum / np.clip(edgeDiffNum, 1, None)
+ edgeDiffAvg[np.isnan(edgeDiff)] = np.nan
+ # Take clipped mean of rolling average data as amp offset value.
+ interfaceOffset = makeStatistics(edgeDiffAvg, MEANCLIP, sctrl).getValue()
+ # Perform a couple of do-no-harm safety checks:
+ # a) The fraction of unmasked pixel rows is > ampEdgeMinFrac,
+ # b) The absolute offset ADU value is < ampEdgeMaxOffset.
+ ampEdgeGoodFrac = 1 - (np.sum(np.isnan(edgeDiffAvg)) / len(edgeDiffAvg))
+ minFracFail = ampEdgeGoodFrac < self.config.ampEdgeMinFrac
+ maxOffsetFail = np.abs(interfaceOffset) > self.config.ampEdgeMaxOffset
+ if minFracFail or maxOffsetFail:
+ interfaceOffset = 0
+ self.log.warning(
+ f"The fraction of unmasked pixels for amp interface {interfaceId} is below the threshold "
+ f"({self.config.ampEdgeMinFrac}) or the absolute offset value exceeds the limit "
+ f"({self.config.ampEdgeMaxOffset} ADU). Setting the interface offset to 0."
+ )
+ self.log.debug(
+ f"amp interface {interfaceId} : "
+ f"viable edge difference frac = {ampEdgeGoodFrac}, "
+ f"interface offset = {interfaceOffset:.3f}"
+ )
+ return interfaceOffset
diff --git a/tests/test_ampOffset.py b/tests/test_ampOffset.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df27f5566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_ampOffset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# This file is part of ip_isr.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import unittest
+import numpy as np
+import lsst.utils.tests
+from lsst.ip.isr.ampOffset import AmpOffsetConfig, AmpOffsetTask
+from lsst.ip.isr.isrMock import IsrMock
+class AmpOffsetTest(lsst.utils.tests.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Test with a single detector featuring 4x2 amplifiers to ensure
+ # functionality in a general 2-dimensional scenario.
+ config = IsrMock.ConfigClass()
+ config.isLsstLike = True
+ config.doAddBias = False
+ config.doAddDark = False
+ config.doAddFlat = False
+ config.doAddFringe = False
+ config.doGenerateImage = True
+ config.doGenerateData = True
+ config.doGenerateAmpDict = True
+ self.mock = IsrMock(config=config)
+ self.measuredValuesBackground = [
+ 0.13336708,
+ 0.06299729,
+ 0.34589145,
+ 0.27551733,
+ -0.27551731,
+ -0.34589142,
+ -0.06299731,
+ -0.1333671,
+ ]
+ self.measuredValuesRampBackground = [
+ 0.19094621,
+ 0.21447723,
+ 0.19441773,
+ 0.21793666,
+ -0.21794104,
+ -0.1944167,
+ -0.21447818,
+ -0.19094191,
+ ]
+ self.measuredSigmaBackground = 1.7861559064582404
+ self.measuredSigmaRampBackground = 1.8148713749702268
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.mock
+ def buildExposure(self, addBackground=False):
+ exp = self.mock.getExposure()
+ detector = exp.getDetector()
+ amps = detector.getAmplifiers()
+ self.values = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, len(amps))
+ for amp, value in zip(amps, self.values):
+ exp.image[amp.getBBox()] = value
+ if addBackground:
+ exp.image.array += 100
+ return exp
+ def testAmpOffset(self):
+ exp = self.buildExposure(addBackground=False)
+ config = AmpOffsetConfig()
+ config.doBackground = False
+ config.doDetection = False
+ task = AmpOffsetTask(config=config)
+ pedestals = task.run(exp).pedestals
+ self.assertEqual(np.sum(exp.image.array), 0)
+ for pedestal, value in zip(pedestals, self.values):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pedestal, value, 6)
+ def testAmpOffsetWithBackground(self):
+ exp = self.buildExposure(addBackground=True)
+ amps = exp.getDetector().getAmplifiers()
+ config = AmpOffsetConfig()
+ config.doBackground = True
+ config.doDetection = True
+ task = AmpOffsetTask(config=config)
+ pedestals = task.run(exp).pedestals
+ nAmps = len(amps)
+ for i in range(nAmps // 2):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pedestals[i], -pedestals[nAmps - i - 1], 5)
+ for pedestal, value in zip(pedestals, self.measuredValuesBackground):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pedestal, value, 5)
+ # If we are getting it wrong, let's not get it wrong by more than some
+ # specified DN.
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(np.std(pedestals - self.values), self.measuredSigmaBackground, 5)
+ def testAmpOffsetWithRampBackground(self):
+ exp = self.buildExposure(addBackground=True)
+ amps = exp.getDetector().getAmplifiers()
+ yscale = 100.0
+ xscale = 0.0
+ # Add a gradient.
+ self.amplifierAddYGradient(exp.image, 0.0, yscale)
+ # Add another gradient to the other direction.
+ self.amplifierAddXGradient(exp.image, 0.0, xscale)
+ config = AmpOffsetConfig()
+ config.doBackground = True
+ config.doDetection = True
+ task = AmpOffsetTask(config=config)
+ pedestals = task.run(exp).pedestals
+ nAmps = len(amps)
+ for i in range(nAmps // 2):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pedestals[i], -pedestals[nAmps - i - 1])
+ for pedestal, value in zip(pedestals, self.measuredValuesRampBackground):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(pedestal, value)
+ self.assertLessEqual(np.std(pedestals - self.values), self.measuredSigmaRampBackground)
+ # The two static methods below are taken from ip_isr/isrMock.
+ @staticmethod
+ def amplifierAddYGradient(ampData, start, end):
+ nPixY = ampData.getDimensions().getY()
+ ampArr = ampData.array
+ ampArr[:] = ampArr[:] + (
+ np.interp(range(nPixY), (0, nPixY - 1), (start, end)).reshape(nPixY, 1)
+ + np.zeros(ampData.getDimensions()).transpose()
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def amplifierAddXGradient(ampData, start, end):
+ nPixX = ampData.getDimensions().getX()
+ ampArr = ampData.array
+ ampArr[:] = ampArr[:] + (
+ np.interp(range(nPixX), (0, nPixX - 1), (start, end)).reshape(1, nPixX)
+ + np.zeros(ampData.getDimensions()).transpose()
+ )
+class TestMemory(lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase):
+ pass
+def setup_module(module):
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+ unittest.main()