diff --git a/dashboards/acquisition.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/acquisition.dashboard.lookml
index 6e032fa..be3b983 100644
--- a/dashboards/acquisition.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/acquisition.dashboard.lookml
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
\ href=\"/dashboards-next/ga4::propensity_model\">\n\nPropensity Model\n\n"
+ >\n\nModels\n\n"
row: 0
col: 0
width: 24
@@ -975,4 +975,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: attribution_sources.attribution_source_channel
+ field: attribution_sources.attribution_source_channel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/arima.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/arima.dashboard.lookml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..773a72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/arima.dashboard.lookml
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+- dashboard: arima
+ title: "[GA4] ARIMA Model"
+ layout: newspaper
+ preferred_viewer: dashboards-next
+ description: ''
+ preferred_slug: Earwwr3dvZ4OQPQZzyBlDn
+ elements:
+ - name: " box"
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: "
+ row: 0
+ col: 0
+ width: 20
+ height: 2
+ - name: ARIMA Model
+ title: ARIMA Model
+ merged_queries:
+ - model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ type: looker_line
+ fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp, forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound,
+ forecasting.forecast_value, forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound]
+ fill_fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp]
+ filters:
+ forecasting.events_event_name: ''
+ sorts: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp desc]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ legend_position: center
+ point_style: none
+ show_value_labels: false
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ show_null_points: true
+ interpolation: linear
+ hidden_pivots: {}
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ enable_conditional_formatting: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: 12
+ rows_font_size: 12
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ defaults_version: 1
+ join_fields: []
+ - model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ type: looker_line
+ fields: [sum_of_session_event_count, events.event_time_date, sessions.total_sessions]
+ fill_fields: [events.event_time_date]
+ filters:
+ events.event_name: ''
+ sorts: [events.event_time_date desc]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ dynamic_fields:
+ - measure: sum_of_session_event_count
+ based_on: sessions.session_data_session_event_count
+ expression: ''
+ label: Sum of Session Event Count
+ type: sum
+ _kind_hint: measure
+ _type_hint: number
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ legend_position: center
+ point_style: none
+ show_value_labels: false
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ show_null_points: true
+ interpolation: linear
+ x_axis_zoom: true
+ y_axis_zoom: true
+ swap_axes: false
+ hidden_pivots: {}
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ enable_conditional_formatting: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: 12
+ rows_font_size: 12
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ defaults_version: 1
+ hidden_fields: [sum_of_session_event_count]
+ join_fields:
+ - field_name: events.event_time_date
+ source_field_name: forecasting.forecast_timestamp
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_view_names: false
+ y_axes: [{label: '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: sessions.total_sessions,
+ id: sessions.total_sessions, name: Sessions}, {axisId: forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound,
+ id: forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound, name: Prediction Interval
+ Lower Bound}, {axisId: forecasting.forecast_value, id: forecasting.forecast_value,
+ name: Forecast Value}, {axisId: forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound,
+ id: forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound, name: Prediction Interval
+ Upper Bound}], showLabels: true, showValues: true, maxValue: 200, unpinAxis: false,
+ tickDensity: default, type: linear}]
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ x_axis_zoom: true
+ y_axis_zoom: true
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ legend_position: center
+ series_types:
+ forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound: area
+ forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound: area
+ point_style: none
+ series_colors:
+ forecasting.forecast_value: "#1A73E8"
+ show_value_labels: false
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ show_null_points: false
+ interpolation: linear
+ type: looker_line
+ hidden_fields: [sum_of_session_event_count, forecasting.forecast_value, sessions.total_sessions]
+ dynamic_fields:
+ - category: table_calculation
+ expression: case(when(is_null(${sessions.total_sessions}),${forecasting.forecast_value}),${sessions.total_sessions})
+ label: Real value and forecasted value
+ value_format:
+ value_format_name:
+ _kind_hint: measure
+ table_calculation: real_value_and_forecasted_value
+ _type_hint: number
+ listen:
+ - Event Name: forecasting.events_event_name
+ - Event Name: events.event_name
+ row: 6
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 8
+ - title: Model Evaluation
+ name: Model Evaluation
+ model: ga4
+ explore: model_evaluation
+ type: looker_grid
+ fields: [model_evaluation.events_event_name, model_evaluation.AIC, model_evaluation.log_likelihood,
+ model_evaluation.non_seasonal_p, model_evaluation.non_seasonal_d, model_evaluation.non_seasonal_q,
+ model_evaluation.has_drift]
+ sorts: [model_evaluation.events_event_name]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_row_numbers: false
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ enable_conditional_formatting: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: '12'
+ rows_font_size: '12'
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ show_sql_query_menu_options: false
+ show_totals: true
+ show_row_totals: true
+ truncate_header: false
+ minimum_column_width: 75
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen:
+ Event Name: model_evaluation.events_event_name
+ row: 17
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 3
+ - title: AR
+ name: AR
+ model: ga4
+ explore: model_evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_p]
+ sorts: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_p]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: AR Steps
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#E8710A",
+ font_color: "#ffff", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: 12
+ rows_font_size: 12
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen:
+ Event Name: model_evaluation.events_event_name
+ row: 20
+ col: 0
+ width: 8
+ height: 4
+ - title: Integrated
+ name: Integrated
+ model: ga4
+ explore: model_evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_d]
+ filters: {}
+ sorts: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_d]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Integrated value
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#12B5CB",
+ font_color: "#ffff", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: 12
+ rows_font_size: 12
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen:
+ Event Name: model_evaluation.events_event_name
+ row: 20
+ col: 8
+ width: 8
+ height: 4
+ - title: Moving Averages
+ name: Moving Averages
+ model: ga4
+ explore: model_evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_q]
+ filters: {}
+ sorts: [model_evaluation.non_seasonal_q]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Moving Averages
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#A8A116",
+ font_color: "#fff", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: 12
+ rows_font_size: 12
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen:
+ Event Name: model_evaluation.events_event_name
+ row: 20
+ col: 16
+ width: 8
+ height: 4
+ - title: Lower Bound
+ name: Lower Bound
+ model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp, forecasting.forecast_value, forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound,
+ forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound]
+ fill_fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp]
+ filters: {}
+ sorts: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp desc]
+ limit: 1
+ column_limit: 50
+ filter_expression: "${forecasting.forecast_timestamp}<=add_days(1,now())"
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Lower Bound
+ value_format: '0.00'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#F9AB00",
+ font_color: "#ffffff", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ defaults_version: 1
+ hidden_fields: [forecasting.forecast_value]
+ listen:
+ Event Name: forecasting.events_event_name
+ row: 0
+ col: 0
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ - name: ''
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: |
+ ***
+ # Model Evaluation
+ row: 14
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 3
+ - title: Users Expected Tomorrow (Copy)
+ name: Users Expected Tomorrow (Copy)
+ model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp, forecasting.forecast_value, forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound,
+ forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound]
+ fill_fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp]
+ filters: {}
+ sorts: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp desc]
+ limit: 1
+ column_limit: 50
+ filter_expression: "${forecasting.forecast_timestamp}<=add_days(1,now())"
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Users Expected Tomorrow
+ value_format: '0.00'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#1A73E8",
+ font_color: !!null '', color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen:
+ Event Name: forecasting.events_event_name
+ row: 0
+ col: 8
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ - title: Upper Bound
+ name: Upper Bound
+ model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp, forecasting.forecast_value, forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound,
+ forecasting.prediction_interval_upper_bound]
+ fill_fields: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp]
+ filters: {}
+ sorts: [forecasting.forecast_timestamp desc]
+ limit: 1
+ column_limit: 50
+ filter_expression: "${forecasting.forecast_timestamp}<=add_days(1,now())"
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Upper Bound
+ value_format: '0.00'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#EA4335",
+ font_color: "#ffffff", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ show_view_names: false
+ defaults_version: 1
+ hidden_fields: [forecasting.forecast_value, forecasting.prediction_interval_lower_bound]
+ listen:
+ Event Name: forecasting.events_event_name
+ row: 0
+ col: 16
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ filters:
+ - name: Event Name
+ title: Event Name
+ type: field_filter
+ default_value: ''
+ allow_multiple_values: true
+ required: false
+ ui_config:
+ type: tag_list
+ display: popover
+ model: ga4
+ explore: sessions
+ listens_to_filters: []
+ field: events.event_name
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/audience.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/audience.dashboard.lookml
index 9c0c5f7..bd33a48 100644
--- a/dashboards/audience.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/audience.dashboard.lookml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
height: 4
- title: Sessions
name: Sessions
- model:
+ model: ga4
explore: sessions
type: single_value
fields: [sessions.total_sessions, sessions.total_first_visit_sessions_percentage]
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@
\ href=\"/dashboards-next/ga4::propensity_model\">\n
\nPropensity Model\n\n
+ >\n\nModels\n\n"
row: 0
col: 0
width: 24
@@ -1716,4 +1716,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: attribution_sources.attribution_source_channel
+ field: attribution_sources.attribution_source_channel
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/avbb.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/avbb.dashboard.lookml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b94e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/avbb.dashboard.lookml
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+- dashboard: avbb
+ title: "[GA4] AVBB Model"
+ layout: newspaper
+ preferred_viewer: dashboards-next
+ description: ''
+ preferred_slug: g2ZthRxhtAWMiEf9V19Hzs
+ elements:
+ - name: " box"
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: "\n\t
+ row: 0
+ col: 0
+ width: 20
+ height: 2
+ - title: Feature Attribution for Revenue
+ name: Feature Attribution for Revenue
+ model: ga4
+ explore: model_explanation
+ type: looker_bar
+ fields: [model_explanation.attribution, model_explanation.feature]
+ sorts: [model_explanation.attribution desc]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ legend_position: center
+ point_style: none
+ show_value_labels: true
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ ordering: none
+ show_null_labels: false
+ show_totals_labels: false
+ show_silhouette: false
+ totals_color: "#808080"
+ x_axis_zoom: true
+ y_axis_zoom: true
+ label_value_format: '0.000'
+ advanced_vis_config: |-
+ {
+ chart: {},
+ series: [{
+ name: 'Feature'
+ }]
+ }
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen: {}
+ row: 2
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 8
+ - title: Category Attribution for Revenue
+ name: Category Attribution for Revenue
+ model: ga4
+ explore: category_attribution
+ type: looker_grid
+ fields: [category_attribution.processed_input, category_attribution.category,
+ category_attribution.weight, category_attribution.standard_error, category_attribution.p_value]
+ filters:
+ category_attribution.category: "-NULL"
+ sorts: [weight_order desc]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ dynamic_fields:
+ - category: table_calculation
+ expression: abs(${category_attribution.weight})
+ label: Weight order
+ value_format:
+ value_format_name:
+ _kind_hint: dimension
+ table_calculation: weight_order
+ _type_hint: number
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ limit_displayed_rows: false
+ enable_conditional_formatting: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: '12'
+ rows_font_size: '12'
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ show_sql_query_menu_options: false
+ show_totals: true
+ show_row_totals: true
+ truncate_header: false
+ minimum_column_width: 75
+ series_cell_visualizations:
+ category_attribution.p_value:
+ is_active: false
+ category_attribution.weight:
+ is_active: false
+ value_display: true
+ series_value_format:
+ category_attribution.weight: '0.000'
+ category_attribution.p_value: '0.0000'
+ category_attribution.standard_error: '0.0000'
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ legend_position: center
+ point_style: none
+ show_value_labels: false
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ ordering: none
+ show_null_labels: false
+ show_totals_labels: false
+ show_silhouette: false
+ totals_color: "#808080"
+ defaults_version: 1
+ hidden_fields: [weight_order]
+ listen:
+ Processed Input: category_attribution.processed_input
+ row: 19
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 7
+ - title: Top Variables
+ name: Top Variables
+ model: ga4
+ explore: category_attribution
+ type: looker_column
+ fields: [category_attribution.processed_input, category_attribution.weight, category_attribution.category,
+ category_attribution.standard_error, category_attribution.p_value]
+ filters:
+ category_attribution.category: "-NULL"
+ sorts: [weight_order desc]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ dynamic_fields:
+ - category: table_calculation
+ expression: abs(${category_attribution.weight})
+ label: Weight order
+ value_format:
+ value_format_name:
+ _kind_hint: dimension
+ table_calculation: weight_order
+ _type_hint: number
+ x_axis_gridlines: false
+ y_axis_gridlines: true
+ show_view_names: false
+ show_y_axis_labels: true
+ show_y_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_tick_density: default
+ y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
+ show_x_axis_label: true
+ show_x_axis_ticks: true
+ y_axis_scale_mode: linear
+ x_axis_reversed: false
+ y_axis_reversed: false
+ plot_size_by_field: false
+ trellis: ''
+ stacking: ''
+ limit_displayed_rows: true
+ legend_position: center
+ point_style: none
+ show_value_labels: false
+ label_density: 25
+ x_axis_scale: auto
+ y_axis_combined: true
+ ordering: none
+ show_null_labels: false
+ show_totals_labels: false
+ show_silhouette: false
+ totals_color: "#808080"
+ x_axis_zoom: true
+ y_axis_zoom: true
+ limit_displayed_rows_values:
+ show_hide: show
+ first_last: first
+ num_rows: '10'
+ show_row_numbers: true
+ transpose: false
+ truncate_text: true
+ hide_totals: false
+ hide_row_totals: false
+ size_to_fit: true
+ table_theme: white
+ enable_conditional_formatting: false
+ header_text_alignment: left
+ header_font_size: '12'
+ rows_font_size: '12'
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ show_sql_query_menu_options: false
+ show_totals: true
+ show_row_totals: true
+ truncate_header: false
+ minimum_column_width: 75
+ series_cell_visualizations:
+ category_attribution.p_value:
+ is_active: false
+ category_attribution.weight:
+ is_active: false
+ value_display: true
+ series_value_format:
+ category_attribution.weight: '0.000'
+ category_attribution.p_value: '0.0000'
+ category_attribution.standard_error: '0.0000'
+ defaults_version: 1
+ hidden_fields: [weight_order, category_attribution.standard_error, category_attribution.p_value,
+ category_attribution.processed_input]
+ show_null_points: true
+ listen:
+ Processed Input: category_attribution.processed_input
+ row: 13
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 6
+ - name: ''
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: "## **Instructions** : \n\nThe top variables show the elasticities\
+ \ for each specific category. You can use the filter at the top to understand\
+ \ which are the campaigns, devices, sources or mediums that where more important\
+ \ to drive revenue. \n"
+ row: 10
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 3
+ - name: " (2)"
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: |
+ ***
+ ## Aggregated Value Based Bidding
+ row: 0
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 2
+ - title: Mean Absolute Error
+ name: Mean Absolute Error
+ model: ga4
+ explore: evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [evaluation.MAE]
+ sorts: [evaluation.MAE]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Mean Absolute Error
+ value_format: '0.0000'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#1A73E8",
+ font_color: !!null '', color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen: {}
+ row: 28
+ col: 0
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ - title: MSLE
+ name: MSLE
+ model: ga4
+ explore: evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [evaluation.MSLE]
+ sorts: [evaluation.MSLE]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: Mean Squared Log error
+ value_format: '0.000000'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#F9AB00",
+ font_color: "#FFFF", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen: {}
+ row: 28
+ col: 8
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ - title: R2 Score
+ name: R2 Score
+ model: ga4
+ explore: evaluation
+ type: single_value
+ fields: [evaluation.r_squared]
+ sorts: [evaluation.r_squared]
+ limit: 500
+ column_limit: 50
+ custom_color_enabled: true
+ show_single_value_title: true
+ show_comparison: false
+ comparison_type: value
+ comparison_reverse_colors: false
+ show_comparison_label: true
+ enable_conditional_formatting: true
+ conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
+ conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
+ single_value_title: R2 Score (Explained Variance)
+ value_format: '0.000000'
+ conditional_formatting: [{type: not null, value: !!null '', background_color: "#EA4335",
+ font_color: "#FFFF", color_application: {collection_id: 7c56cc21-66e4-41c9-81ce-a60e1c3967b2,
+ palette_id: 56d0c358-10a0-4fd6-aa0b-b117bef527ab}, bold: false, italic: false,
+ strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
+ defaults_version: 1
+ listen: {}
+ row: 28
+ col: 16
+ width: 8
+ height: 6
+ - name: " (3)"
+ type: text
+ title_text: ''
+ subtitle_text: ''
+ body_text: |+
+ ***
+ ## Model Metrics
+ row: 26
+ col: 0
+ width: 24
+ height: 2
+ filters:
+ - name: Processed Input
+ title: Processed Input
+ type: field_filter
+ default_value: ''
+ allow_multiple_values: true
+ required: false
+ ui_config:
+ type: checkboxes
+ display: popover
+ model: ga4
+ explore: category_attribution
+ listens_to_filters: []
+ field: category_attribution.processed_input
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/behavior.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/behavior.dashboard.lookml
index 769401b..1280ef6 100644
--- a/dashboards/behavior.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/behavior.dashboard.lookml
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
\ href=\"/dashboards-next/ga4::propensity_model\">\n
\nPropensity Model\n\n
+ >\n\nModels\n\n"
row: 0
col: 0
width: 24
@@ -692,4 +692,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: sessions.landing_page
+ field: sessions.landing_page
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/campaign_impact.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/campaign_impact.dashboard.lookml
index 0fa8662..a0164a6 100644
--- a/dashboards/campaign_impact.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/campaign_impact.dashboard.lookml
@@ -558,4 +558,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: sessions.audience_selector
+ field: sessions.audience_selector
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/custom_goal_conversions.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/custom_goal_conversions.dashboard.lookml
index 99b38e5..5a52106 100644
--- a/dashboards/custom_goal_conversions.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/custom_goal_conversions.dashboard.lookml
@@ -947,4 +947,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: sessions.audience_selector
+ field: sessions.audience_selector
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/event_funnel.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/event_funnel.dashboard.lookml
index 5bd3dd4..f4e171c 100644
--- a/dashboards/event_funnel.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/event_funnel.dashboard.lookml
@@ -329,4 +329,4 @@
model: ga4
explore: sessions
listens_to_filters: []
- field: sessions.audience_selector
+ field: sessions.audience_selector
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/overview.dashboard.lookml b/dashboards/overview.dashboard.lookml
index 1698e1c..491060b 100644
--- a/dashboards/overview.dashboard.lookml
+++ b/dashboards/overview.dashboard.lookml
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@
\ href=\"/dashboards-next/ga4::propensity_model\">\n