Thank you for your contribution to this project. If your solution works well, I will merge your pull requests ASAP.
Feel free to add yourself to
- If you find a bug, please report it with an issue.
- If you want to fix a bug, please submit pull requests.
If you find the given algorithms (FIFO, LRU, and LFU) unable to satisfiy your requirements, you can add any algorithms to this project. Since it is designed to be extensible, this can be easily done in a few steps:
Please locate this file: memoization.constant.flag.CachingAlgorithmFlag
class CachingAlgorithmFlag(enum.IntFlag):
Use this class to specify which caching algorithm you would like to use
FIFO = 1 # First In First Out
LRU = 2 # Least Recently Used
LFU = 4 # Least Frequently Used
By default, these three internal algorithms are registered.
Add your algorithms here, like LRU_K = 8
. Note that the flag value should be a power of 2.
Please create a new python file in memoization.caching
with the filename
containing the name of your algorithm and a postfix _cache
, like
In this file, implement a get_caching_wrapper
function, which creates a wrapper
for any given user function. The signature of this function should be:
def get_caching_wrapper(user_function, max_size, ttl, algorithm, thread_safe):
Note that you should also attach several members to the created wrapper, so that users can do some operations.
These two functions are required:
# To see the statistics information
# To clear the cache
These nine functions are optional, but recommended:
# To see whether the cache is empty
# To see whether the cache is full
# To see whether the cache contains a cached item with the specified function call arguments
wrapper.cache_contains_argument(function_arguments, alive_only)
# To see whether the cache contains a cache item with the specified user function return value
wrapper.cache_contains_result(return_value, alive_only)
# To perform the given action for each cache element
# To get user function arguments of all alive cache elements
# To get user function return values of all alive cache elements
# To get cache items, i.e. entries of all alive cache elements, in the form of (argument, result)
# To remove all cache elements that satisfy the given predicate
For testing purposes, this member is optional, but recommended:
# Access to the cache which is typically a hash map with function
# arguments as its key and function return values as its value
Please refer to
as an example. Your code should looks like:
def get_caching_wrapper(user_function, max_size, ttl, algorithm, thread_safe):
Get a caching wrapper for LRU_K cache
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
The actual wrapper
def cache_clear():
Clear the cache and its statistics information
def cache_info():
Show statistics information
:return: a CacheInfo object describing the cache
# expose operations to wrapper
wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear
wrapper.cache_info = cache_info
wrapper._cache = ...
return wrapper
Please locate this file: memoization.config.algorithm_mapping
Inside it you will see a mapping, which is by default:
algorithm_mapping = {
CachingAlgorithmFlag.FIFO: fifo_cache,
CachingAlgorithmFlag.LRU: lru_cache,
CachingAlgorithmFlag.LFU: lfu_cache,
Add your newly created caching toolkits to the dictionary like:
import memoization.caching.lru_k_cache as lru_k_cache
algorithm_mapping = {
CachingAlgorithmFlag.LRU_K: lru_k_cache,
Please run the script memoization.util.algorithm_extension_validator
to perform
type checking on your newly implemented algorithm. The validator will tell you
if anything goes wrong. If your code works well, you will see:
[Validation OK]
Congratulations! Your extended algorithm passed the validation. Thanks for your efforts.
Please understand that this validator only ensure that the typings of your extension are correct. You are still required to write test cases for your algorithms.
Remember that this validator does NOT automatically tests your algorithms,
nor does it substitute
. You are required to write test cases and make
your code pass them before you submit a pull request.
Thank you again, developer, for helping us improve this project.