- Add
a script that outputs datasets documenting antibiotic exposures in picu/pcicu/nicu populations. It reads the same Epic Clarity datasets from UF Health as the nSOFA and pSOFA code. (#2, @ljwoodley)
- Refactor software CTS-IT created for Dr. James Wynn to compute neonatal sequential organ failure assessment (nSOFA) scores for a neonatal inpatient population from UF Health nSOFA_calculation and Dr. Lara Nicolas to assess pediatric Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (pSOFA) in the pediatric inpatient population from UF Health psofa (#1, @ljwoodley)
- Create a package to simplify the reuse and maintenance of the nSOFA and pSOFA code. (#1, @ljwoodley)
- Refactor the existing reports to use the package functions. (#1, @ljwoodley)