This module exports 3 items:
var sonos = require('sonos');
// - searches for Sonos devices on network {
// device is an instance of sonos.Sonos
// var s = new sonos.Sonos(host, [port]);
var s = new sonos.Sonos('')
// sonos.Services - wrappers arounds all UPNP services provided by sonsos
// These aren't used internally by the module at all but may be usefull
// for more complex projects.
###var Sonos = new sonos.Sonos(host, port)###
Sonos "Class" ####Parameters####
- host String IP/DNS
- port Number undefined
###Sonos.prototype.request = function(endpoint, action, body, responseTag, callback)###
UPnP HTTP Request ####Parameters####
- endpoint String HTTP Path
- action String UPnP Call/Function/Action
- body String undefined
- responseTag String Expected Response Container XML Tag
- callback Function (err, data)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.getMusicLibrary = function(search, options, callback)
Get Music Library ####Parameters
- search String artists, albumArtists, albums, genres, composers, tracks, playlists, or share
- options Object Default {start:0, total:100}
- callback Function (err, data) data - {returned: {String}, total: {String}, items:[{title:{String}, uri: {String}}]}
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.currentTrack = function(callback)###
Get Current Track ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, track)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.parseDIDL = function(didl)###
Parse DIDL into track structure ####Parameters####
- didl String undefined
object undefined
###Sonos.prototype.getVolume = function(callback)###
Get Current Volume ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, volume)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.getMuted = function(callback)###
Get Current Muted ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, muted)
Void undefined = function(uri, callback)###
Resumes Queue or Plays Provided URI ####Parameters####
- uri String Optional - URI to a Audio Stream
- callback Function (err, playing)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.stop = function(callback)###
Stop What's Playing ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, stopped)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.pause = function(callback)###
Pause Current Queue ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, paused)
Void undefined = function(seconds, callback)###
Seek the current track ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, seeked)
Void undefined = function(callback)###
Play next in queue ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, movedToNext)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.previous = function(callback)###
Play previous in queue ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, movedToPrevious)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.queueNext = function(uri, callback)###
Queue a Song Next ####Parameters####
- uri String URI to Audio Stream
- callback Function (err, queued)
[type] undefined
###Sonos.prototype.queue = function(uri, positionInQueue, callback)###
Add a song to the queue ####Parameters####
- uri String URI to Audio Stream
- positionInQueue Number Position in queue at which to add song (optional, indexed from 1, defaults to end of queue, 0 to explicitly set end of queue)
- callback Function (err, queued)
[type] undefined
###Sonos.prototype.flush = function(callback)###
Flush queue ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, flushed)
Void undefined
###Sonos.prototype.getLEDState = function(callback)###
Get the LED State ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, state) state is a string, "On" or "Off"
###Sonos.prototype.setLEDState = function(desiredState, callback)###
Set the LED State ####Parameters####
- desiredState String "On"/"Off"
- callback Function (err)
###Sonos.prototype.getZoneInfo = function(callback)###
Get Zone Info ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, info)
###Sonos.prototype.getZoneAttrs = function(callback)###
Get Zone Attributes ####Parameters####
- callback Function (err, data)
###Sonos.prototype.setName = function(name, callback)###
Set Name ####Parameters####
- name String undefined
- callback Function (err, data)
[type] undefined
###Sonos.prototype.setPlayMode = function(playmode, callback)###
Set Play Mode ####Parameters####
- undefined String undefined
- callback Function (err, data)
[type] undefined
###Sonos.prototype.setVolume = function(volume, callback)###
Set Volume ####Parameters####
- volume String 0..100
- callback Function (err, data)
[type] undefined
###Sonos.prototype.setMuted = function(muted, callback)###
Set Muted ####Parameters####
- muted Boolean undefined
- callback Function (err, data)
[type] undefined
###var Search = function Search()###
Search "Class" Emits 'DeviceAvailable' on a Sonos Component Discovery
###var search =
Create a Search Instance (emits 'DeviceAvailable' with a found Sonos Component) ####Parameters####
- Optional Function 'DeviceAvailable' listener (sonos)
{Search/EventEmitter Instance}