diff --git a/calc_timing.sql b/calc_timing.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acf634a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/calc_timing.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ t.measure_id,
+ t.measure_session,
+ t.measure_point,
+ t.call_count,
+ (t.time_function / t.call_count) as time_per_call,
+ t.recursive_call_count,
+ t.time_total,
+ t.time_function,
+ (t.time_total - t.time_function) as time_other,
+ t.code
+from timings as t
+order by
+ t.time_total desc,
+ t.time_function desc
+limit 10;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/calc_timing_calls.sql b/calc_timing_calls.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bbb89e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/calc_timing_calls.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ tc.measure_id,
+ tc.measure_point,
+ tc.call_count,
+ (tc.time_function / tc.call_count) as time_per_call,
+ tc.recursive_call_count,
+ tc.time_total,
+ tc.time_function,
+ (tc.time_total - tc.time_function) as time_other,
+ tc.code
+from timings_calls as tc
+where tc.measure_id = 411
+order by
+ tc.time_total desc,
+ tc.time_function desc,
+ time_other desc
+limit 5;
diff --git a/etc/adhocracy.pyprol.ini b/etc/adhocracy.pyprol.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17e1b1205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/adhocracy.pyprol.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# WARNING: Please make you changes in *.ini.in file and then run buildout to install it.
+# Generated adhocracy settings
+debug = True
+# Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports
+email_to =
+smtp_server = localhost
+smtp_port = 8825
+error_email_from = mail@adhocracy.cc
+use = egg:Paste#http
+host =
+port = 5001
+use_threadpool = False
+threadpool_workers = 20
+###################not themed adhocracy ###################
+use = egg:Paste#urlmap
+/ = default
+pipeline = pyprol content
+use = egg:pyprol
+pyprol.storage = sqlite:///nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/perf/db
+pyprol.instrumentations = adhocracy.instrumentations.model
+###################Adhocracy conf ###################
+#WARNING changed name: #[app:main]
+use = egg:adhocracy
+full_stack = true
+static_files = true
+cache_dir = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/data
+beaker.session.key = adhocracy_state
+beaker.session.secret = 0x4f65112ae94cafb2135031d8198aa9bda26fca79906a20ac2d7e7e48ecf857ffL
+adhocracy.auth.secret = 0x4c26646ca5b72ba9a9022f8e280aa3e0796ecc54fa0c43ca9d0b9535944f7d3aL
+adhocracy.crypto.secret = 0xc04cd03c82e27356a66bf40318f9b4d56d6f1574a6bbdd687fe3997527bf4e06L
+# INSTALL: Use cookies instead of beaker(=file system) to store session values
+# adhocracy.session.implementation = cookie
+# INSTALL: Use URLs like /i/meta/proposal/foo instead of
+# http://meta.adhocracy.lan:5001/proposal/foo
+# If this is set, make sure to comment out beaker.session.cookie_domain
+# and session.domain below.
+adhocracy.relative_urls = True
+# INSTALL: Insert your domain name here. Make sure to include the
+# dot at the beginning of each domain to create wildcard cookies.
+# Also make sure this is identical to the adhocracy.domains setting
+# below.
+# Should be commented out iff relative URLs are used.
+# If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs
+# for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings
+# here:
+beaker.cache.data_dir = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/data/cache
+beaker.session.data_dir = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/data/sessions
+# INSTALL: Locate your Memcached server if installed. Otherwise comment this out.
+memcached.server =
+# INSTALL: SQLAlchemy database URL
+sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/development.db
+# INSTALL: Uncommenting this line will delete all locally saved data and drop
+# the entire database. Please only use this if you have a backup ready.
+# Yes, that's a magic string.
+## adhocracy.setup.drop = KILL_EM_ALL
+adhocracy.solr.url = http://localhost:5007/solr
+# To avoid a race condition between main and background processes, delaying
+# background process updates can be delayed (see issue #358). This option
+# defines the delay in seconds (default: 1 second)
+# adhocracy.delay_update_queue_seconds = 1
+# If debug is enabled, an web-based interactive debugger can be executed from
+# the HTTP500 error page, if the following option is set to true. This option
+# doesn't have any effect if debug is false.
+adhocracy.interactive_debugging = true
+# Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to
+# execute malicious code after an exception is raised.
+#set debug = false
+# INSTALL: Set up the Adhocracy domain name. This will be used to determine the
+# active instance, e.g. "Test Instance" for test.adhocracy.lan.
+adhocracy.domain = adhocracy.lan:5001
+adhocracy.protocol = http
+# INSTALL: Set a site name for all instances. This will be used as a part of
+# the html
, notification E-Mails etc.
+adhocracy.site.name = HHU Normsetzung
+adhocracy.language = de_DE
+# INSTALL: Server timezone
+# adhocracy.timezone = Europe/Berlin
+# INSTALL: The site directory contains your site modifications of Adhocracy
+# (e.g. logos, CSS, html pages). A skeleton site directory will be created
+# by the "setup-app" paster command.
+adhocracy.site.dir = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/var/site
+# INSTALL: Location of your custom client (overrides adhocracy defaults)
+# adhocracy.client_location = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/src/adhocracy.YOUR_theme/
+# INSTALL: A nice E-Mail address.
+adhocracy.email.from = mail@adhocracy.cc
+# INSTALL: Allow users to use the above email as sender address in mass messages
+allow_system_email_in_mass_messages = True
+# Show fallback icons in instance overview if no instance icon is defined
+adhocracy.show_instance_fallback_icons = False
+# INSTALL: Twitter. Since there is currently no option to take it out of the UI,
+# you will want to use Twitter. Create an OAuth application to allow users to
+# link their profiles: https://twitter.com/oauth_clients
+adhocracy.twitter.username =
+adhocracy.twitter.key =
+adhocracy.twitter.secret =
+adhocracy.twitter.consumer_key =
+adhocracy.twitter.consumer_secret =
+# INSTALL: Full path to a installation wide twitter profile which is used in
+# follow-us link, e.g. http://twitter.com/liqd_de
+adhocracy.twitter.profile_url =
+# INSTALL: bit.ly is used as a URL shortener. Since their API requires auth, you
+# can either leave the defaults here and give certain usage statistics to the
+# Adhocracy developers, or you can create an account at http://api.bit.ly
+#adhocracy.bitly.login =
+#adhocracy.bitly.key =
+# Redis is used to build a task queue that will be processed by the
+# `worker` process.
+# Note: host has to be an IP address, not a hostname
+adhocracy.redis.host =
+adhocracy.redis.port = 5006
+adhocracy.redis.queue = adhocracy.queue
+# Background processing can be disabled entirely
+adhocracy.background_processing = true
+# INSTALL: If you want to use recaptcha uncomment these lines
+#recaptcha.public_key = 6LcICcgSAAAAAKNYq9iM4lIpB_GSjYItF21wS4NS
+#recaptcha.private_key = 6LcICcgSAAAAAEJL1zhVbX6N0TGb0zVXD_g2lXSo
+# TUNING: Memcache page fragments?
+adhocracy.cache_tiles = True
+# adhocracy.instance = adhocracy
+# INSTALL: Add an HTTP header that identifies the server we're running on
+#adhocracy.include_machine_name_in_header = True
+# INSTALL: Feedback instance settings.
+# If feedback shall be used, users need to be member of the feedback instance.
+# This can be achieved with the `adhocracy.instances.autojoin` option below. If
+# the feedback instance is enabled later, existing users can be added to the
+# feedback instance with the following command:
+# `bin/adhocpy src/adhocracy/scripts/add_all_users_to_instances.py etc/adhocracy.ini feedback`
+adhocracy.use_feedback_instance = true
+adhocracy.feedback_instance_key = feedback
+adhocracy.feedback_instance_label = Feedback
+# INSTALL: Instances which new users automatically join. This can be a comma
+# separated list of instances, or ALL. If feedback is enabled above, the
+# corresponding instance key or ALL should be part of this list.
+adhocracy.instances.autojoin = feedback
+# INSTALL: Read client IP addresses from X-Forwarded-For header.
+adhocracy.behind_proxy = False
+# INSTALL: Store statistic information about requests in the database
+#adhocracy.requestlog_active = True
+# ... but don't log IP addresses ('dontlog', default)
+# ... but set the last 8 / 80 bits to zero ('anonymize')
+# -.. but log the full IP address ('none')
+#adhocracy.requestlog_ipanonymization = anonymize
+# INSTALL: Redirect outgoing links so that we can see when a user leaves our site.
+# adhocracy.track_outgoing_links = True
+# Statistics via Piwik
+piwik.site =
+piwik.id =
+# INSTALL: Allow select users to include HTML
+# If this option is set to false, we only allow markdown input.
+# If it is set, we make a best effort to filter unsafe HTML, but allow iframes
+# and other complex constructs.
+#adhocracy.allow_user_html = false
+# INSTALL: Allow registration
+#adhocracy.allow_registration = true
+# Require emails from users (default: true)
+# adhocracy.require_email = true
+# INSTALL: If registration is disabled above, and adhocracy.login_style is
+# "alternate", notify this address on registration attempts.
+# adhocracy.registration_support_email =
+# INSTALL: How can users login?
+# Available options are openid, username+password, email+password, shibboleth
+# Note that shibboleth needs additional configuration
+#adhocracy.login_type = openid,username+password,email+password
+# Allow password change for shibboleth users (default: false)
+# adhocracy.allow_shibboleth_password_change = false
+# Hide local login form (e.g. when using Shibboleth or OpenID primarily)
+# The normal login can still be found under `/login?locallogin`
+# adhocracy.hide_locallogin = true
+# INSTALL: Allow administrators to let users log in from an invitation email
+# adhocracy.enable_welcome = True
+# INSTALL: Hide individual votes and only show aggregate results (EXPERIMENTAL)
+# adhocracy.hide_individual_votes = true
+# INSTALL: Allow users to lock themselves out of adhocracy
+# adhocracy.allow_self_deletion = true
+# In the case that no came_from parameter is set, users are redirected to the
+# locations defined in the following settings. You can leave any of these
+# commented out. If instance is given, the url of the given instance is used
+# to build the URL, otherwise the current instance is used.
+# adhocracy.post_register_url =
+# adhocracy.post_register_instance =
+# adhocracy.post_login_url = /proposal
+# adhocracy.post_login_instance = test
+# activate geo features
+# show tutorials
+adhocracy.show_tutorials = True
+# hide instance list in main navigation
+adhocracy.hide_instance_list_in_navigation = False
+# hide watchlist in main navigation and put it in user menu
+adhocracy.put_watchlist_in_user_menu = False
+# useful in settings where users can create instances
+adhocracy.show_instance_creators = False
+# show next milestones in instance overview
+adhocracy.show_instance_overview_milestones = True
+# number of upcoming milestones to show in instance overview
+adhocracy.number_instance_overview_milestones = 3
+# show newest proposals in instance overview
+# adhocracy.show_instance_overview_proposals_new = False
+# hide categories in facet navigation if no proposal is assigned to it
+adhocracy.hide_empty_categories_in_facet_list = True
+# Show global stats (user/proposal/comment count) on frontpage
+#adhocracy.show_stats_on_frontpage = true
+# number of newest proposals to show on frontpage (0 to hide the list)
+adhocracy.startpage.proposals.list_length = 0
+# Source for imprint, details etc. ("database" or "filesystem" (default))
+#adhocracy.staticpage_backend = database
+# Configure paths to static content which is inserted
+# Static content path for start page (default: index)
+adhocracy.static_index_path = index
+# Static content path for login page (default: empty)
+# adhocracy.static_login_path = login
+# Static content paths for shibboleth register page (default: empty)
+# Ontop defines the area on top of the form and the title of the page.
+# adhocracy.static_shibboleth_register_ontop_path = shibboleth_register_ontop
+# Below defines the area below the form, the title is ignored.
+# adhocracy.static_shibboleth_register_below_path = shibboleth_register
+# Ask the user for email and then password, instead of form + links
+# adhocracy.login_style = alternate
+# Force randomized user names (default: false)
+# adhocracy.force_randomized_user_names = true
+# Set display name in register dialog (default: false)
+# adhocracy.set_display_name_on_register = true
+# Automatically set new permissions their default value. This should be
+# set to false in restrictive environments.
+# adhocracy.autoassign_permissions = true
+# Turn on badge-specific UI modifications
+# adhocracy.enable_behavior = True
+# Show Facebook / Twitter / G+ buttons
+# adhocracy.show_social_buttons = False
+## Performance options
+# Check whether feedback instance exists before rendering a feedback button
+# adhocracy.feedback_check_instance = False
+# Load feedback categories for the feedback form
+# adhocracy.feedback_use_categories = False
+# Optional user attributes
+# adhocracy.user.optional_attributes =
+# year_of_birth, int, Year of Birth
+# foo, unicode, Foo
+# adhocracy.user.optional_attributes.year_of_birth =
+# 2001, 2222, 1111
+## adhocracy.user.optional_attributes.foo =
+# Logging configuration
+keys = root, adhocracy, sqlalchemy
+keys = console
+keys = generic
+level = INFO
+handlers = console
+level = INFO
+handlers =
+qualname = routes.middleware
+# "level = DEBUG" logs the route matched and routing variables.
+level = DEBUG
+handlers =
+qualname = adhocracy
+level = WARN
+handlers = console
+qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
+class = StreamHandler
+args = (sys.stderr,)
+level = NOTSET
+formatter = generic
+format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
+# Custom OVERRIDE adhocracy settings
+adhocracy.client_location = /nobackup/koenen/adhocracy_buildout/src/adhocracy.hhu_theme/
+adhocracy.comment_wording = True
+adhocracy.enable_behavior = True
+adhocracy.enable_gender = True
+adhocracy.enable_votedetail = True
+adhocracy.enable_welcome = True
+adhocracy.feedback_check_instance = False
+adhocracy.feedback_use_categories = False
+adhocracy.hide_individual_votes = true
+adhocracy.include_machine_name_in_header = True
+adhocracy.instances.autojoin = ALL
+adhocracy.login_style = alternate
+adhocracy.login_type = email+password
+adhocracy.monitor_browser_values = True
+adhocracy.monitor_comment_behavior = True
+adhocracy.monitor_external_links = True
+adhocracy.monitor_page_performance = True
+adhocracy.monitor_page_time_interval = 10000
+adhocracy.monitor_pager_clicks = True
+adhocracy.post_login_instance =
+adhocracy.post_login_url = /
+adhocracy.post_register_instance =
+adhocracy.post_register_url =
+adhocracy.registration_support_email = normsetzung-support@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
+adhocracy.requestlog_active = True
+adhocracy.requestlog_ipanonymization = none
+adhocracy.self_deletion_allowed = false
+adhocracy.session.implementation = cookie
+adhocracy.show_abuse_button = False
+adhocracy.show_instance_overview_events = False
+adhocracy.show_instance_overview_proposals_all = True
+adhocracy.show_instance_overview_proposals_new = False
+adhocracy.show_instance_overview_stats = False
+adhocracy.show_social_buttons = False
+adhocracy.show_stats_on_frontpage = False
+adhocracy.startpage.instances.list_length = -1
+adhocracy.staticpage_backend = database
+adhocracy.track_outgoing_links = True
diff --git a/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/__init__.py b/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..833a0ba11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from . import model
diff --git a/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/model.py b/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48e2d77c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adhocracy/instrumentations/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import importlib
+from pyprol.measurement import measurement
+from logging import getLogger
+log = getLogger(u'adhocracy.instrumentations.model')
+def inject(config):
+ try:
+ _adhocracy_model = importlib.import_module("adhocracy.model")
+ _before_commit = _adhocracy_model.before_commit
+ def before_commit(session):
+ measure = measurement.enable(u"adhocracy.model.before_commit")
+ result = _before_commit(session)
+ measurement.disable(measure)
+ return result
+ _adhocracy_model.before_commit = before_commit
+ log.info("injected into adhocracy.model.before_commit")
+ except ImportError as e:
+ log.info("Could not import `adhocracy.model`")
+ log.debug(e)
diff --git a/src/adhocracy/lib/importexport/transforms.py b/src/adhocracy/lib/importexport/transforms.py
index 904dc139d..2aa1f78d3 100644
--- a/src/adhocracy/lib/importexport/transforms.py
+++ b/src/adhocracy/lib/importexport/transforms.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import datetime
import re
+import hashlib
from adhocracy.lib import votedetail
from adhocracy import config
@@ -459,12 +460,31 @@ class RequestLogTransform(_Transform):
def __init__(self, options):
super(RequestLogTransform, self).__init__(options)
+ self.hash_func = hashlib.sha1
def _export(self, obj):
res = obj.to_dict()
res['access_time'] = encode_time(res['access_time'])
+ # Filter out session codes from adhocracy login cookie
+ res['cookies'] = re.sub(r'(adhocracy_login\=)("?[a-f0-9]{40})',
+ lambda m: m.group(1) + self.hash_func(m.group(2)).hexdigest(),
+ res['cookies'])
+ # Filter out welcome codes
+ res['request_url'] = self._url_filter(res['request_url'])
+ res['referer'] = self._url_filter(res['referer'])
return res
+ def _url_filter(self, url):
+ if url is not None:
+ url = re.sub(r'(/welcome/[^/]+/)([0-9a-f]+)(?=/|\?|$)',
+ lambda m: m.group(1) + self.hash_func(m.group(2)).hexdigest(),
+ url)
+ return url
class StaticPageTransform(_Transform):
def __init__(self, options, backend=None):