Tags: Bulk, Metafields, Products, Variants
Use this task to set a default value on a single metafield across all of your products or variants, excluding any where this metafield already has a value set.
- View in the task library: tasks.mechanic.dev/set-product-or-variant-metafields-in-bulk
- Task JSON, for direct import: task.json
- Preview task code: script.liquid
"metafield_namespace_and_key__required": null,
"metafield_type__required": null,
"metafield_default_value__required": null,
"set_product_metafields__boolean": false,
"set_variant_metafields__boolean": false
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Use this task to set a default value on a single metafield across all of your products or variants, excluding any where this metafield already has a value set.
Configure it with a metafield namespace and key (separated by a period, e.g. "my_fields.color"), the metafield type, and the default metafield value. Then choose either to Set product metafields or Set variant metafields.
The following Shopify metafield types are supported by this task: boolean, color, date, date_time, number_decimal, number_integer, single_line_text_field, url. More information on Shopify metafield types and the values supported by each can be found here.
Note: This task will not validate the configured default metafield value against the configured metafield type when the task is saved. Instead, if an invalid metafield value is configured, then a Shopify GraphQL error will appear in the task run log (specifically the mechanic/shopify/bulk_operation child event), which will indicate the specific issue with the value.
Find this task in the library at tasks.mechanic.dev, and use the "Try this task" button. Or, import this task's JSON export – see Importing and exporting tasks to learn how imports work.
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