This repository contains CEMBA dissction region segmentation based on Allen CCFv3 and its average template at 25 micron resolution. This repo provides content to the CEMBA snmC-seq2 data browser
- See documentation about Allen CCFv3 from the AIBS:
- To view the dissection segmentation, you need to first unzip the Allen CCFv3 files. All the files downloaded from Allen brain atlas from here, and this paper: Wang, Quanxin, Song-Lin Ding, Yang Li, Josh Royall, David Feng, Phil Lesnar, Nile Graddis, et al. 2020. “The Allen Mouse Brain Common Coordinate Framework: A 3D Reference Atlas.” Cell 181 (4): 936–53.e20.
- Average template NRRD is the background of the segmentation
- The annotation NRRD is the CCFv3 brain structure segmentation
- The txt file contain color and label of CCFv3 structures that can be loaded into ITK-SNAP
- There is a nice documentation in the Allen CCFv3 files (
ITK-SNAP_SOP for viewing Tg data and average template.docx
) about how to view the CCFv3 files in ITK-SNAP.
Install latest ITK-SNAP to view NRRD files.
- Both
are the dissection region segmentations on the CCF's average template. CEMBA_region_anno_itksnap.txt
contain color and label of CEMBA dissection regions.- As explained in the documentation from Allen CCF (
ITK-SNAP_SOP for viewing Tg data and average template.docx
), load the average template and CEMBA dissection segmentation in ITK-SNAP to view it or generate mesh.