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Identifying differentially expressed proteins

Running a t-test in R

Using the t.test function:

t.test(x, y = NULL,
       alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
       mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE,
       conf.level = 0.95, ...)

We will focus on two sample unpaired t-test, assuming unequal variances, as this is the most common scenario in proteomics. Using a paired test when appropriate is essential, as it will substantially increase your test power.

We are going to use the rnorm function in this an the next section to quickly generate normally distributed data. Its inputs are

  • n: the number of data points to be generated;
  • mean: the mean of the normal distribution to draw the data from (default is 0);
  • sd: the standard deviation of the normal distribution to draw the data from (default is 1).


  • Generate 200 numbers drawn from a normal distribution of mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Verify that the parameters of the randomly data are correct. What figure would you use to visualise such data?

  • Same as above for a normal distribution of mean 2 and standard deviation 0.5.

  • Compare your values with your neighbour's. Are they identical?

Let's now apply a t-test on two sets of values drawn from identical and different distributions:

t1 <- t.test(rnorm(5), rnorm(5))
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rnorm(5) and rnorm(5)
## t = -0.20081, df = 7.9673, p-value = 0.8459
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.969972  1.654570
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.2301373 0.3878384
t2 <- t.test(rnorm(5), rnorm(5, mean = 4))
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rnorm(5) and rnorm(5, mean = 4)
## t = -11.721, df = 6.0162, p-value = 2.283e-05
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -5.144158 -3.368255
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x  mean of y 
## -0.5893708  3.6668359

What we see above is a pretty output that is convenient to visualise interactively. The output of the t.test is an object of class htest, which contains the following values:

## [1] "statistic, parameter, p.value,, estimate, null.value, alternative, method,"

We can extract any of these with the $ accessor

## [1] 2.282681e-05

One-sample test

When using ratio data (as in SILAC or 15N), one would use a one sample t-test.

logsilac <- rnorm(3)
t.test(logsilac, mu = 0)
## 	One Sample t-test
## data:  logsilac
## t = 2.2358, df = 2, p-value = 0.1549
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.4051798  1.2817941
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
## 0.4383072


Let's use the mulvey2015 dataset, introduced previously, and focus on time points 1 and 6.

  1. How can we conveniently use the sample metadata to create the relevant subset?
time16 <- mulvey2015[, mulvey2015$times %in% c(1, 6)]
##          rep1_0hr rep1_XEN rep2_0hr rep2_XEN rep3_0hr rep3_XEN
## P48432      0.486    0.058    0.446    0.017    0.525    0.033
## Q62315-2    0.388    0.068    0.345    0.065    0.452    0.038
## P55821      0.349    0.055    0.314    0.034    0.436    0.055
## P17809      0.321    0.101    0.303    0.093    0.414    0.052
## Q8K3F7      0.363    0.047    0.297    0.045    0.395    0.019
## Q60953-2    0.371    0.039    0.314    0.046    0.386    0.057
  1. Use the t.test function to test P48432 for differences in time points 1 and 6.
t.test(exprs(time16)[1, time16$time == 1],
       exprs(time16)[1, time16$time != 1])
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  exprs(time16)[1, time16$time == 1] and exprs(time16)[1, time16$time != 1]
## t = 17.471, df = 3.0184, p-value = 0.0003943
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.3680382 0.5312951
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.4856667 0.0360000

In high throughput biology, we have to repeat our tests over every feature (transcript, protein, ...). As we are using a programming language, this is something easy to do.

Below, we use the apply function, that will iterate a function over all elements of its input.

time1 <- time16$time == 1
time6 <- time16$time != 1
## first attempt
pv <- apply(exprs(time16), 1,
            function(x) t.test(x[time1], x[time6]))

## second attempt
pv <- apply(exprs(time16), 1,
            function(x) t.test(x[time1], x[time6])$p.value)

We now have calculated a p-value for each of the 2337 proteins in the data; let's add them to the feature metadata slot.

fData(time16)$p.value <-
                apply(exprs(time16), 1,
                      function(x) t.test(x[time1], x[time6])$p.value)
fData(time16)$fc <-
                apply(exprs(time16), 1,
                      function(x) mean(x[time1])/mean(x[time6]))
fData(time16)$lfc <- log2(fData(time16)$fc)

We could also use the rowttests function from the genefilter package to run a t-test on all rows at once.

Visualising results

There are 3 important factors to consider when assessing the results of a test for differential expression:

  • The significance of the test, i.e. the p-values
  • The magnitude of the change, i.e. the fold-change
  • The (average) intensity of the measurements

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

plot(fData(time16)$lfc, -log10(fData(time16)$p.value))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

Multiple testing

See this section for details.

Applying this to our data, we obtain


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

fData(time16)$q.value <- qvalue(fData(time16)$p.value)$qvalue
plot(fData(time16)$lfc, -log10(fData(time16)$q.value))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 7.320e-06 1.203e-03 2.535e-03 1.064e-02 9.559e-03 8.990e-02

Moderated t-tests: limma

Two values are used when computing a t statistics: the effect size (i.e. difference in means) and the sample standard deviations. Any uncertainty on these values will have a negative impact on the test results.

For example, in case of low quantitation values, the difference in means can fluctuate quite substantially due to random variations and favour misleading large effect sizes and false positive.

Another example is small sample size, which can bias the estimation of the sample standard deviations. To address this, moderated t statistics compute variance estimates that are a compromise between global variance estimate and individual gene-wise variance estimates.

From the limma reference:

This procedure is implemented in the limma software package (Ritchie et al., 2015) and the resulting EB [Empirical Bayes] tests have been shown to offer improved statistical power and false discovery rate (FDR) control relative to the ordinary gene-wise t-tests, especially when the sample sizes are small (Kooperberg et al., 2005; Murie et al., 2009; Ji and Liu, 2010; Jeanmougin et al., 2010). The limma software has been used successfully in thousands of published biological studies using data from a variety of genomic technologies, especially studies using expression microarrays and RNA-seq.

The limma comes with extensive documentation, available with the limmaUsersGuide() function. While is doesn't explicitly mention proteomics, its methodology is applicable to proteomics data.

Count data

As discussed in the lecture, count data cannot be handled using a test for continuous data. One could log-transform the data (adding one to the data to keep 0 counts). Alternatively, using a dedicated count distribution has proved successful. Methods originally developed for high throughput sequencing data, have benefited from tremendous development within the Bioconductor project, and can be readily applied to proteomics count data.

The msmsTests package applies various such count-based tests on MSnSet objects containing spectral counting data. The package provides a test data msms.spk, described as follows in the manual page:

 A MSnSet with a spectral counts in the expression matrix and a
 treatment factor in the phenoData slot.
 The spectral counts matrix has samples in the columns, and
 proteins in the rows. Each sample consists in 500ng of standard
 yeast lisate spiked with 100, 200, 400 and 600fm of a mix of 48
 equimolar human proteins (UPS1, Sigma-Aldrich). The dataset
 contains a different number of technical replicates of each


  • Familiarise yourself with the experimental design of this dataset. Hint: look at the phenoData slot.
##              treat
## Y500U100_001  U100
## Y500U100_002  U100
## Y500U100_003  U100
## Y500U100_004  U100
## Y500U200_001  U200
## Y500U200_002  U200
## Y500U200_003  U200
## Y500U200_004  U200
## Y500U200_010  U200
## Y500U200_011  U200
## Y500U400_002  U400
## Y500U400_003  U400
## Y500U400_004  U400
## Y500U600_001  U600
## Y500U600_002  U600
## Y500U600_003  U600
## Y500U600_004  U600
## Y500U600_005  U600
## Y500U600_006  U600
## U100 U200 U400 U600 
##    4    6    3    6
  • How many samples and proteins are there in the data
## [1] 685  19
  • Look at the distribution of all proteins and compare it to the spike in proteins. The spikes all contain the suffix "HUMAN" that can be extracted with the grep function.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

spks <- grep("HUMAN", featureNames(msms.spk))  
boxplot(exprs(msms.spk[spks, ]))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

We are going to model the data according to the negative-binomial distribution, using the implementation of the edgeR package, which uses an Empirical Bayes method to share information across features and is this particularly relevant with a restricted number of replicates. We will focus on the U200 and U600 conditions.

e <- msms.spk[, msms.spk$treat %in% c("U200", "U600")]
## U100 U200 U400 U600 
##    0    6    0    6

We now also need to remove proteins that are left with only 0.

e <- filterZero(e, pNA = 0.99)

We can run the NB spectral counts differential test using the msms.edgeR, providing

  • an MSnSet, here e
  • an alternative and null hypothesis, H1 (there is a treatment effect) and H0 (there is no effect, the expression is essentially constant)
  • the groups, e$treat
  • a column-wise scaling offset (optional)
H0 <- "y ~ 1"
H1 <- "y ~ treat"

## normalising condition
div <- colSums(exprs(e))

res <- msms.edgeR(e, H1, H0,
                  fnm = "treat",
                  div = div)
##               LogFC           LR      p.value
## YKL060C  0.12787365  1.313108448 2.518326e-01
## YDR155C -0.18013963  8.799648268 3.012886e-03
## YOL086C  0.42632911  6.941099054 8.423734e-03
## YJR104C  0.01211616  0.006652729 9.349932e-01
## YGR192C -0.37239199 27.241017293 1.796076e-07
## YLR150W -0.26921988 12.941054872 3.214538e-04


  • Inspect the p-values distribution and, if relevant, adjust as demonstrated above.
hist(res$p.value, breaks = 50)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

adj <- mt.rawp2adjp(res$p.value)
res$BH <- adj$adjp[order(adj$index), "BH"]
## with(res, plot(LogFC, -log10(BH)))
  • Visualise the results on a volcano plot
sig <- res$BH < 0.01
plot(res$LogFC, -log10(res$BH),
     col = ifelse(sig, "red", "black"),
     pch = ifelse(grepl("HUMAN", featureNames(e)),
                  19, 1))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

  • Estimate the number true/false positives and negatives and an alpha level of 0.01.
sig <- res$BH < 0.01
TP <- length(grep("HUMAN", rownames(res)[sig]))
FP <- sum(sig) - TP
FN <- length(grep("HUMAN", rownames(res)[!sig]))
TN <- sum(!sig) - FN
stopifnot(TN + FP + FN + TP == nrow(e))
tab <- data.frame(TP, FP, TN, FN)

Other packages

  • MSstats for various statistical analyses, works with MSnSet objects.
  • Isobaric tagging (iTRAQ and TMT): isobar
  • Label-free: aLFQ and protiq