(in alphabetical order)
- Browser UIs: How to create a browser-based UI for an LF program.
- Car Brake: Sketch of ADAS system illustrating the CAL theorem.
- Deadlines: Uses of deadlines in Lingua Franca.
- Distributed: Basic federated hello-world examples.
- Furuta Pendulum: A controller and simulation illustrating a modal reactor.
- Keyboard: Responding to keyboard input using ncurses.
- Leader Election: Federated fault-tolerant system with leader election.
- MQTT: Interacting with MQTT publish-and-subscribed (moved to a library repo).
- Patterns: Common communication patterns.
- Rhythm: Sound generation and terminal user interface demos.
- Rosace: Aircraft controller illustrating periodic systems with multiple periods.
- SDV: Software defined vehicle sketch integrating user input, a web display, and sound.
- Shared Memory: Using shared memory to exchange large data objects between federates.
- Simulation: Using Lingua Franca for simulation.
- Train Door: Train door controller from a verification paper.
- Low Code: Using ChatGPT to generate reaction bodies.
- Watchdog: Federated illustration of watchdogs.
- Zero-delay Cycles: Federated patterns with zero-delay cycles.