- Update copyright date (#151)
- UPDATE examples (#148)
- ADD E2E test (#147)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#144)
- UPDATE node version for unit test (#143)
- ADD NPM statistics badge (#142)
- FIX issue that output of NGSI to Worldmap node was 'no response object' (#139)
- ADD prettier command (#138)
- FIX forbidden option that had no effect (#137)
- ADD GitHub action to close inactive issues (#136)
- Add feature for encoding and decoding forbidden chars (#135)
- ADD encode / decode node (#133)
- ADD tutorial (#129)
- ADD GitHub Discussions badge (#128)
- Improve output data (#127)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#126)
- Fix typos in documentation (#125)
- ADD GitHub Actions for publishing node package (#121)
- UPDATE documentation (#120)
- Improve error message (#119)
- UPDATE Coveralls GitHub Action (#118)
- ADD feature to check if element is empty (#117)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#116)
- RENAME ppalette label for nodes (#114)
- UPDATE documentation (#113)
- FIX GE type (#110)
- ADD OpenWeatherMap to NGSI custom node (#107)
- UPDATE documentation (#105)
- ADD NGSI timeseries custom node (#101)
- Refactor lib.js (#97)
- FIX package.json (#96)
- UPDATE hyper link to images (#93)
- ADD Service and ServicePath custom node (#91)
- Improve NGSI source custom node (#90)
- Fix hyper links (#89)
- Improve NGSI Batch update custom node (#88)
- Improve documentation (#85)
- Improve NGSI types custom node (#84)
- ADD NGSI registration custom node (#82)
- ADD NGSI types custom node (#80)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#78)
- ADD Japanese translation (#77)
- Improve NGSI subscription custom node (#74)
- Improve documentation (#72)
- Formatting source code (#71)
- Formatting source code (#70)
- ADD feature to check FIWARE GE type (#69)
- UPDATE NGSI attribute value custom node (#68)
- RENAME NGSI GTFS Realtime custom node (#66)
- REMOVE NGSI entity CRUD custom node (#64)
- UPDATE NGSI entity custom node (#63)
- ADD NGSI attribute custom node (#60)
- ADD NGSI attributes custom node (#58)
- FIX node name (#56)
- ADD NGSI attribute value custom node (#55)
- ADD NGSI entity CRUD custom node (#53)
- UPDATE examples for custom nodes (#49)
- UPDATE documentation about NGSI to dashboard node (#48)
- UPDATE documentation about historical context node (#47)
- ADD NGSI to dashboard custom node (#43)
- UPDATE documentation about open-apis node (#44)
- ADD Historical context custom node (#42)
- ADD FIWARE GE type option (#40)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#39)
- Add entity node to dateModified option (#38)
- Fix missing parameters when path contains /token (#37)
- Fix error while getting version (#36)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#33)
- ADD documentation about reporting a vulnerability (#32)
- UPDATE copyright date (#31)
- ADD badges (#29)
- ADD example flows (#28)
- UPDATE Node.js version using in CI test (#26)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#25)
- Support subscription payload in to-worldmap node (#22)
- UPDATE Node.js dependencies (#19)
- FIX error while obtaining GTFS Realtime data (#18)
- ADD version node (#15)
- UPDATE dependencies (#13)
- ADD examples (#10)
- UPDATE package.json (#9)
- ADD related links (#8)
- FIX error while obtaining OAuth token (#7)
- UPDATE documentation (#6)
- ADD pull request template (#3)
- ADD status badges (#2)
- ADD Coveralls to GitHub Actions (#1)
- Initial release