During research you typically want to test a lot of different options. Hence, the configuration tends to become more and more complex. You certainly don't need to know most of what is in this documentation. Here is a minimal working configuration:
topics = 20
dataset = src/main/resources/datasets/nips.txt
iterations = 400
Effort has been placed on providing resonable defaults for all configuration parameters, but of course they won't fit everyone.
Here is a mimal config using word priors:
topics = 20
dataset = src/main/resources/datasets/20newsgroups.txt
iterations = 400
topic_prior_filename = src/main/resources/configuration/20ng_priors.txt
tfidf_vocab_size = 10000
stoplist = stoplist-20ng-large.txt
scheme = polyaurn_priors
# Class sports:
0, sports
# Class politics:
1, politics
# Class religion:
2, religion
# Class motor:
3, motor, car
# Class science:
4, science
# Class computing:
5, computing
# Class space:
6, space
# Class gun related:
7, gun
# Class baseball related:
8, baseball
# Class hockey related:
9, hockey
Minimal HDP config:
# K_max - max number of topics acceptable
topics = 1000
alpha = 0.1
beta = 0.01
hdp_gamma = 1
# K_init - number of topics to init the HDP with
hdp_nr_start_topics = 1
iterations = 200
scheme = ppu_hdplda_all_topics
dataset = src/main/resources/datasets/nips.txt
Configs that will be run by the program. The program calls the method getSubConfigs() on the config object, it will then get a list of the sub-configs listed in this variable. The program then MUST "activate" using activateSubconfig(conf) the subconfig that it wants to run.
configs = uncollapsed_parallel_adaptive, uncollapsed_parallel
One config file can have several sub-configs sub-configs are activated in the code, with the global settings and unique settings in the sub config. Any specific global setting is overridden by specific sub config settings A completely new sampler is started for each subconfig
will be printed in the summary output of each run
title = PCPLDA
Will be printed in the summary output of each run
description = Partially Collapsed Parallel LDA with adaptive subsampling (not full random scan)
Filename of dataset file to use this file must follow a specific format
dataset = datasets/nips.txt
Filename of original dataset. This is useful if the dataset has been pre-processed externally and a reference to the original text is needed perhaps to show the original text to the end user. The order of the documents are assumed to be the same as in 'dataset'. Not used by the sampler.
original_dataset = datasets/nips_orig.txt
Filename of test dataset file to use, must follow same format as dataset file if this file is given, the held out log likelihood will be calculated every 'topic_interval' relative to this dataset. This slows down execution substantially, so if you are not evaluating your model, don't set this option! The held out LL is written to the file "test_held_out_log_likelihood.txt"
test_dataset = datasets/enron.txt
Which sampling scheme to use (uncollapsed, collapsed, adlda) paranoid is uncollapsed with additional (time consuming) consistency checks
Recommended LDA models:
scheme = "spalias"
scheme = "spalias_priors"
scheme = "polyaurn" // Default - fastest
scheme = "polyaurn_priors"
scheme = "adlda"
Recommended HDP models:
scheme = "ppu_hdplda_all_topics"
Other models:
scheme = "uncollapsed"
scheme = "collapsed"
scheme = "lightcollapsed"
scheme = "efficient_uncollapsed"
scheme = "lightpclda"
scheme = "lightpclda_proposal"
scheme = "nzvsspalias"
Seed for the random sampling, -1 means use clock time
seed = -1 # -1 => use LSB of current time as seed
The number of topics, alpha (this is NOT the sum of alphas!) and beta to use
topics = 20
alpha = 1.0
beta = 0.01
hdp_gamma = 1
How many iterations to sample
iterations = 8000
When to to do a full dump of (phi, M and N), -1 means never
diagnostic_interval = 500, 1000 # Dump diagnostics between iteration 500 and 1000
diagnostic_interval = -1
Top level directory for the output
Subdirectory in base_out_dir where the output will be stored
How many threads to use for Z sampling, (more threads are allocated for sampling Phi and count Updates) there is a config variable ('document_sampler_split_limit') that controls the size limit of the fork/join split.
batches = 4
How many threads for sampling Phi
topic_batches = 3
Min threshold for how many times a word must occur to be included in vocabulary
rare_threshold = 3
Specifies how many words the final dictionary will contain. keeps the "tfidf_vocab_size" number of words with the highest TF-IDF values according to the following formula: double tfIdf = (tf == 0 || idf == 0) ? 0.0 : (double) tf * Math.log(corpusSize / (double) idf);
Stopwords are STILL respected!
tfidf_vocab_size = 100
How often to print top words to console (and log likelihood to file) during sampling (takes time), 0 means never
topic_interval = 100
When to dump Delta N, either never (-1) or between iteration numbers Example: dn_diagnostic_interval = 10, 50, 5000, 7000 # Dump Delta N between iteration 10 and 50 and also between 5000 and 7000
dn_diagnostic_interval = -1
Determines from which iteration Phi is printed to a binary file, when "print_phi" is set to true turn off by setting to -1
start_diagnostic = 500
Default = false;
print_phi = false
measure_timing = false
How many documents to buffer on the workers before sending back for updates
results_size = 5
Different algorithms for building the document batches
Splits the full corpus evenly over the threads
batch_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.document.EvenSplitBatchBuilder
Samples percentage_split_size_doc % of the corpus randomly without replacement in every iteration
batch_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.document.PercentageBatchBuilder
percentage_split_size_doc = 0.2
Subclass of PercentageBatchBuilder that takes an instability period into consideration
batch_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.document.AdaptiveBatchBuilder
Takes a fixed % specified by fixed_split_size_doc of the corpus per iteration
batch_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.document.FixedSplitBatchBuilder
Used by the FixedSplitBatchBuilder, below example, samples 20% of docs the first 4 iterations then 100% and then loops over these ratios for the rest of the iterations
fixed_split_size_doc = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0
Decides which words to sample in Phi each iteration (default are all)
Samples the words that changes in the Z sampling
topic_index_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.topic.DeltaNTopicIndexBuilder
Samples Types that have high frequency should be sampled more often but according to random scan contract ALL types MUST have a small probability to be sampled. In 80% of the cases we draw the proportion of types to sample from a Beta distribution with a mode centered on 20 %. Often we will sample the 20% most probable words, but sometimes we will sample them all. In the other 20% it samples ALL words in Phi A Beta(2.0,5.0) will have the mode (a-1) / (a+b-2) = 0.2 = 20%
topic_index_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.topic.TopWordsRandomFractionTopicIndexBuilder
Samples the top X% ('percent_top_tokens' from config) of the most frequent tokens in the corpus,
respects the full_phi_period
Samples the full Phi
topic_index_building_scheme = utils.randomscan.topic.AllWordsTopicIndexBuilder
For algorithms that cares about sample the full Phi at some interval Currently used by DeltaNTopicIndexBuilder
full_phi_period = 5 # Sample full Phi ever 5:th interation
Samples X% of the ROWS (which topics) in Phi controlled by the percentage_split_size_topic config parameter
Used by PercentageTopicBatchBuilder to decide how large part of topics (rows in Phi) to sample
percentage_split_size_topic = 1.0 # (1.0 = 100%)
For Algorithms that care about instability periods (number of iterations)
instability_period = 125 # Iterations
instability_period = 0
List the intervals in which Theta should be printed for the "print_ndocs_cnt" number of documents
print_ndocs_interval = 50,100, 150,200
print_ndocs_cnt = 500 # Print theta for the first 500 documents
List the intervals in which Phi should be printed for the "print_ntopwords_cnt" words
print_ntopwords_interval = 50,100, 150,200
print_ntopwords_cnt = 500 # Print phi for the top 500 words
Should the density of the type/topic matrix be logged true/false, observe that this incurs a performance penalty since the type/topic matrix is looped over each time the density should be printed
log_type_topic_density = true
log_document_density = true
Filename of a file with one word per line of stopwords default = stoplist.txt If the 'stoplist.txt' file is not found, currently the sampler throws a FileNotFoundException but this is caught and does not affect the sampler. It will just continue without any stopwords
stoplist = stoplist.txt
debug = 0
Save the a file with the document topic means (can include zeros). Unlike Phi means which are sampled with thinning, theta means is just a simple average of the topic counts in the last iteration divided by the number of tokens in the document thus there is not theta_burnin or theta_thinning
save_doc_topic_means = true
doc_topic_mean_filename = doc_topic_means.csv
Save the a file with document topic theta estimates. The theta estimate will not include zeros, since it takes the prior into account also. This is probably what you want to use (rather than theta means) if you are doing downstream analysis of the topics
save_doc_theta_estimate = true
doc_topic_theta_filename = doc_topic_theta.csv
Words that occur less than rare_threshold is removed from the corpus
rare_threshold = 50
Calculate the Ratio of Zeros in Phi (so should really be called Phi Sparsity I guess)
log_phi_density = true
doc_topic_mean_filename = doc_topic_means.csv
I.e percent of total number of iterations before start sampling phi mean
Example: iterations = 2000, phi_mean_burning = 50 => start sampling Phi at 1000 iterations
Default 0, start immediately.
phi_mean_burnin = 20
Number of iteration between each Phi sample Default 0.
phi_mean_thin = 10
Must be set for Phi to be to be saved
save_phi_mean = true
phi_mean_filename = phi_means.csv
Must be set for doc_lengths_file to be created
save_doc_lengths = true
doc_lengths_filename = doc_lengths.txt
Must be set for term_frequencies_file to be created Save the number of times individual words occur in entire corpus
save_term_frequencies = true
term_frequencies_filename = term_frequencies.txt
Relevance value when calculating relevance words
lambda = 0.6
Save the vocabulary used (after, stop words, rare words, etc...) Order is the same as in Phi.
save_vocabulary = true
vocabulary_filename = lda_vocab.txt
The full class name (package + classname) of the sparse Dirichlet sampler class builder this class'. The 'build' method must return a class implementing the SparseDirichlet interface.
sparse_dirichlet_sampler_builder_name = cc.mallet.types.PolyaUrnFixedCoeffPoissonDirichletSamplerBuilder
sparse_dirichlet_sampler_builder_name = cc.mallet.types.PolyaUrnDirichletSamplerBuilder
If a directory is given instead of a filename, the instances are loaded from that directory (and its subdirs). file_regex is a regular expression for which filenames to match, for .txt files, the regex should be .*.txt$
file_regex = .*\.txt$
Optimize hyperparameters alpha and beta every 'hyperparam_optim_interval' iteration -1 means no hyperparameter opitimization
hyperparam_optim_interval = 100
Use a symmetric alpha or allow it to be non-symmetric due to hyper parameter optimization
symmetric_alpha = true | false
The size limit where the recursive sampler will not spawn more recursive tasks if the document batch size is < than this value, that number of documents will be handled by each document sampling task
document_sampler_split_limit (default = 100)
Keeps "connecting punctuation" in word tokens as defined by the Unicode CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION
keep_connecting_punctuation = true
Saves csv files with the topic indicators per iteration in the log directory the files are named z_XX.csv where XX is the iteration number
log_topic_indicators = true
Do minimal pre-processing of the text. With this option all pre-processing is expected to have been done beforehand. It just tokenizes the text to words based on Unicode SPACE and LINE separator classes
It does NOT:
remove punctuation (commas, periods, colon, etc) or quotes
remove special characters parenthesis, underscores, split compound words ("hell-bent")
remove numbers
no_preprocess = true
Saves a Java serialized version of the sampler. To continue using the same sampler use the '--continue' command line option. This is useful if you want to run a limited number of iterations to test or have limited time. You can also abort the sampler by creating a file called "abort" in the folder where the sampler is running (just remember to remove it before starting again! :) ). It will then cleanly stop the sampling (as if it had finished naturally) and you can later continue sampling with the '--continue' command line option'. The sampler is saved in the 'saved_sampler_dir' directory with a filename that contains a hashcode of the configuration used. Since you can only continue sampling with the EXACT same configuration as the sampler was started with.
Directory of where to save the serialized sampler
Which format to use when logging topic indicators
mallet: Use the mallet format of '#doc pos typeindex type topic' Example: #doc pos typeindex type topic 0 0 0 'INSERT 20
Default: standard - vector of topic indicators Example: 0 2 3 2 0 8
topic_indicator_logging_format=mallet (default = "standard")
show_progress_bar = true | false (default = true)