- do not use tab characters anywhere
- place quotes around values containing ":" and other YAML-relevant characters, including line breaks
- separate documents within a file (e.g. strains descriptions file) with ---, not ### or something else
- fields may be none other than: scientific_name_abbrev, license, publication_title, taxid, geoseries, expression_unit, dataset_release_date, related_to, bioproject, data_curators, synopsis, genotype, source, local_file_creation_date, provenance, identifier, keywords, publication_doi, citations, genbank_accession, dataset_doi, contributors, original_file_creation_date, description, public_access_level, scientific_name, genotyping_method, sraproject, genotyping_platform
- identifier must be full name of collection (e.g. PI483463.gnm1.ann1.3Q3Q, not just 3Q3Q)
- content shared between READMEs must be identical: for example, if a publication is in a genomic README and an annotation README, the publication titles must match exactly.
- must have ID and/or Name attributes in every record
- If ONLY ID present, then it must be an LIS conformant ID: gensp.strain.gnm.ann.ShortName.
- If Name is also present, then it can be ShortName and the mine loader will ignore ID and prepend the full yuck to Name for the primaryIdentifier.
- A third option is to set primaryIdentifier=ID and secondaryIdentifier=Name with a loader option.
- IDs must match IDs in corresponding FASTA files (.transcript, .cds)
- IDs match IDs in GFFs
- use transcript, not mrna, filename suffix
- WRONG: glyso.F_IGA1003.gnm1.ann1.G61B.mrna.fna.gz
- CORRECT: glyso.F_IGA1003.gnm1.ann1.G61B.transcript.fna.gz