ROS2 auto_nav code for EG2310
First, install and set up Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS 2 Foxy on your laptop.
Istall ROS 2 on the Raspberry Pi (R-Pi) on the TurtleBot.
Setup ssh for the rpi
Git clone the following repository into your laptop: under this directory: ~/colcon_ws/build/auto_nav/
Main operation
Once the turtlebot has successfully booted, ssh into the rpi.
Launch the command: “rosbu” on the rpi and wait until the print statement “run!” can be seen.
Run the launcher publisher code on the rpi on a new terminal with the following command: ros2 run py_pubsub talker
Run the rslam on the laptop on a new terminal with the following command: ros2 launch turtlebot3_cartographer
Run the navigation code on the laptop on a new terminal with the following command: ros2 run autonav eg2310finals
Save the map after finish navigation on the laptop on a new terminal with the following command: ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map
From (foxy)