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File metadata and controls

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Working with medical images in Python


In this chapter, a few modules and methods for working with medical images are discussed. These packages are not included with the Anaconda installation you (may) have installed previously. Therefore this chapter will also discuss how to install packages in Python.

Installing extra Python packages

Anaconda comes with the pip package manager. You can run pip from a Terminal window (on Linux or macOS) or a Command Prompt or Cygwin window on Windows, provided you have added the Anaconda distribution to your PATH during installation. Alternatively, you can open a prompt or terminal from the Anaconda Navigator by clicking on Environments in the left side bar, clicking on the green triangle, and then 'Open Terminal'.

Opening a Terminal window from the Anaconda Navigator

In the Terminal, the Windows Prompt, or the Anaconda Terminal, you can use pip to install packages. For example, to install the package SimpleITK, use

pip install --user SimpleITK

We are going to use SimpleITK to load *.mhd and DICOM files later. To be able to read 2D image files, also install the package imageio this way.

Working with 2D image files (i.e. *.jpg, *.png, *.tiff)

To read and write images we import the imageio library.

import imageio

imageio supports almost all 2D image formats, such as jpg, bmp, gif, and tiff.

You can read any such file on your computer if you supply the path of the image to the imageio.imread() function, like this:

my_image = imageio.imread('path/to/image')

my_image now contains a NumPy array with the intensities of the image. If the file contains a color image, it will be loaded in the format we discussed at the end of the previous section. You can show the image using Matplotlib:


  1. Load a color image using imageio. Make changes to the image array, such that the image becomes a grayscale image. Show the color and grayscale images next to each other. If you can not find an image, you can use the path imagio:chelsea.png, which loads one of the example images in imageio.


    Example code:

    color_image = imageio.imread('imageio:chelsea.png')
    grayscale_image = np.mean(color_image[:, :, :3]j, axis=2)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    ax[1].imshow(grayscale_image, cmap='gray')  # If you do not use the gray color map, Matplotlib will use its default color map.

Working with *.mhd files

*.mhd files are used in Elastix and the ITK software packages. These files can be opened using the SimpleITK package, which is a rather schizophrenic translation of ITK to Python. The functions in this package do not adhere to Python conventions. For example, all functions have capitalized camel case names (i.e. ReadImage instead of read_image). The following code loads an image from the example_data folder in this repository and then retrieves the array of pixel intensities as a NumPy array.

import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

itk_image = sitk.ReadImage('example_data/chest_xray.mhd')
image_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(itk_image)

# print the image's dimensions

# plot the image
plt.imshow(image_array, cmap='gray')

*.mhd files themselves are pure text header files that contain properties of the images. For example, for the chest_xray.mhd file, the parameters read

ObjectType = Image
NDims = 2
BinaryData = True
BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
CompressedData = False
TransformMatrix = 1 0 0 1
Offset = 0 0
CenterOfRotation = 0 0
ElementSpacing = 1 1
DimSize = 1024 1024
ElementType = MET_DOUBLE
ElementDataFile = chest_xray.raw

This shows that this chest X-ray is a 2D image, consisting of uncompressed binary data, with 1 mm x 1 mm pixels (ElementSpacing) and a size of 1024 by 1024. The MET_DOUBLE type will be converted to the numpy.float64 dtype. SimpleITK image objects like itk_image have some methods to get and set these parameters. Because the names of the methods and parameters in the header file do not match at all, we give a summary of the most important ones below. Each of the Get* methods has a similar Set* method to change the parameter, e.g. itk_image.SetOrigin([1, 0]).

Method name Accessed *.mhd parameter
GetDimension() NDims
GetSize() DimSize
GetOrigin() CenterOfRotation
GetSpacing() ElementSpacing
GetDirection() TransformMatrix

Writing *.mhd files

You can convert any NumPy array to an ITK image using the GetImageFromArray() function. You can write the image to disk using sitk.WriteImage(). Before you write the image, you can use the setter methods to change the parameters.

random_data = np.random.rand(100, 100)
random_itk_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(random_data)
random_itk_image.SetSpacing([1.1, 0.98]) # Each pixel is 1.1 x 0.98 mm^2
sitk.WriteImage(random_itk_image, '/destination/path/for/image.mhd')

Reading DICOM files with SimpleITK

DICOM is the primary format for medical images. Like the *.mhd, DICOM splits an image into metadata and raw data. Contrary to *.mhd files however, the raw data and the header are in the same file. Almost all vendors of 3D medical imaging hardware use a version of this format. As a consequence, the headers in DICOM files from different manufacturers can deviate extensively.

DICOM files are usually 2D image files. Volumes are stored as folders of 2D DICOM files.

DICOM files can also be read and written using SimpleITK. This requires the same functions that are used for loading *.mhd files:

itk_image = sitk.ReadImage('/path/to/dicom/file.dcm')
image_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(itk_image)

for reading, and for writing

new_itk_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(image_array)
sitk.WriteImage(new_itk_image, '/path/to/new/dicom/file.dcm')

DICOM files have header information with a plethora of information on the image you are loading: from simple things like the image size, to the birthdate of the patient or the manufacturer of the scanner. Each DICOM metadata field has a key, which is called a DICOM tag. SimpleITK gives you access to the available tags in the DICOM file using the GetMetaDataKeys() method.


You can use the list of tags here to see what each tag does. Then, you can get to a specific tag by using the GetMetaData() method. For example, if you want to know the manufacturer of the scanner, you need the (0080, 0070) tag:


Reading 3D DICOM data

Because 3D DICOM data is distributed over multiple files, one for each slice, you first need to obtain all the filenames. You can use the built-in Python module os to list the filenames in the DICOM directory:

import os
import SimpleITK as sitk

path = '/folder/to/a/3d/volume'
dicom_filenames = os.listdir(path)

Then, it is a matter of loading each of those files into a list:

list_of_slices = []
for filename in dicom_filenames:
    dicom_path = os.path.join(path, filename)

list_of_slices now contains the FileDataSet objects, each containing one slice of the volume. To order these, we write a small utility function. We use this function as the sorting key.

def order_by_slice_location(slice):
    return float(slice.GetMetaData('0020|1041'))

list_of_slices.sort(key=order_by_slice_location, reverse=True)

Now, the list_of_slices is ordered from superior to inferior along the axial direction. Note that we need to set the reverse flag to True to get this ordering, as the z-coordinate decreases in this direction, and the list method sort() sorts the list in ascending order without it.

Now, we only need to get the array of pixels in each slice to get the full volume:

volume_list = []
for slice in list_of_slices:

image_array = np.array(volume_list)

image_array now contains the 3D volume, which can be plotted or used for further analysis.

Plotting 3D image files

Once you have loaded your images, you can show (2D slices of) them using Matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


However, 3D images can not be easily shown this way. A 3D viewer is included with this educational module in the code folder. You can either paste the code in a new file and save it as in the same folder as your script, or download the entire repository and copy the file to that folder. Then you can import it and us it like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scrollview import ScrollView

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

You can now use your scroll wheel to move through the slices of the image:

A scroll view showing three axes of the same image