- Update URI form "Aangewezen Burgemeester" [DL-6298]
drc restart migrations; drc up -d enrich-submission
- Bump lblod/worship-submissions-graph-dispatcher-service to dispatch "Besluit over budget(wijziging) eredienstbestuur", and "Besluit over meerjarenplan(aanpassing) eredienstbestuur" also to betrokken besturen.
Run the new version of the service
drc up -d submissions-dispatcher
Run healing (also called manual dispatching). Inspect the logs to see progress.
drc exec submissions-dispatcher bash curl -X GET http://localhost/heal-submission
- Bump lblod/worship-submissions-graph-dispatcher-service to include "Advies Budget(wijziging)" submissions for ABB.
Run the new version of the service
drc up -d submissions-dispatcher
Run healing (also called manual dispatching). Inspect the logs to see progress.
drc exec submissions-dispatcher bash curl -X GET http://localhost/heal-submission
- Fix dispatcher when multiple decision or creator types
drc up -d submissions-dispatcher
curl '<ip-submissions-dispatcher-container>/manual-dispatch'
- Bump frontend to
drc up -d frontend
- Fix consumer mapping issue [DL-6152]
- updated consumer [DL-5911]
- update submissions-dispatcher [DL-6143]
- Note: the application will be down for a while.
- Ensure application goes down:
drc down
- Ensure in
(on prod)frontend: image: lblod/frontend-generic-maintenance environment: EMBER_MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE: "Databank Erediensten is momenteel niet beschikbaar wegens technisch onderhoud. Bedankt voor het begrip!" EMBER_MAINTENANCE_APP_TITLE: "Databank Erediensten" EMBER_MAINTENANCE_APP_URL: "databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be" networks: - proxy - default # frontend: # environment: # EMBER_OAUTH_API_KEY: "key" # EMBER_OAUTH_BASE_URL: "url" # EMBER_OAUTH_LOGOUT_URL: "url" # EMBER_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL: "url" submissions-consumer: entrypoint: ["echo", "Service disabled to ensure re-sync OP works propery"] update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login: entrypoint: ["echo", "Service disabled to ensure re-sync OP works propery"] op-public-consumer: environment: DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "false" DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "false" DCR_LANDING_ZONE_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso DCR_REMAPPING_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
drc up -d migrations frontend
- That might take a while.
drc up -d --remove-orphans
- Wait until the consumer is finished.
- Enable the frontend, submissions-consumer and update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login
- Ensure op-public-consumer in
is syncing with database again - So the final
will look like# frontend: # image: lblod/frontend-generic-maintenance # environment: # EMBER_MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE: "Databank Erediensten is momenteel niet beschikbaar wegens technisch onderhoud. Bedankt voor het begrip!" # EMBER_MAINTENANCE_APP_TITLE: "Databank Erediensten" # EMBER_MAINTENANCE_APP_URL: "databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be" # networks: # - proxy # - default frontend: environment: EMBER_OAUTH_API_KEY: "key" EMBER_OAUTH_BASE_URL: "url" EMBER_OAUTH_LOGOUT_URL: "url" EMBER_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL: "url" op-public-consumer: environment: DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "false" DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "false"
- Bump
to v0.15.3 to add another improvement on the healing.
- Bump VDDS to a version that respects the SPARQL_ENDPOINT* environment variables better. This is a bugfix.
- frontend v0.12.0: https://github.com/lblod/frontend-worship-decisions/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0120-2024-06-19
- Bump
to v0.15.1 to improve healing. (DL-5895)- This healing is faster and does not remove and re-insert all the data for every submission. It is much more selective.
- Bump
to v0.15.2 to fix dispatching "Budget(wijziging)" Submission types. (DL-5997) - Link Toezichthoudende Provincie Antwerpen to "Orthodoxe Parochie Heilige Sophrony de Athoniet" (DL-6014)
drc up -d frontend search-query-management
drc restart resource cache
- Run (new and improved) healing on the
.drc exec submissions-dispatcher bash
apk add curl
curl -X GET http://localhost/heal-submission
- Not needed because healing will take care of this, but on a time budget you could do:
drc exec submissions-dispatcher bash
apk add curl
curl -X GET http://localhost/heal-submission?subject=http://data.lblod.info/submissions/66311321F0F686D7CD7EFB29
- Fix custom info label field in forms LEKP-rapport - Melding correctie authentieke bron and LEKP-rapport - Toelichting Lokaal Bestuur (DL-5934)
drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Add two new optional columns
that will show missing relations between EBs and CBs forlinks-between-worship-services-and-admin-units
report (DL-5013) - Update forms
- Adjust LEKP rapport Klimaattafels (DL-5832)
- Add new LEKP rapport Wijkverbeteringscontract (DL-5829)
- Added physical files to the VDDS config to allow for file downloads via the file service
drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache report-generation
You must run healing to create historical data in the vendor graphs for the physical files. Use the following command:
drc exec vendor-data-distribution curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"skipDeletes": true,
"onlyTheseTypes": [ "http://rdf.myexperiment.org/ontologies/base/Submission" ]
' http://localhost/healing
This can take up multiple hours of high triplestore usage! Perform outside of peak hours.
- Add
to fetch vendor data fromapp-digitaal-loket
(DL-5667) - Add
and config to copy data to vendor graphs based on config - Bump
(DL-5742)- See full change here
Place the following inside docker-compose.override.yml
DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: 'true' # Switch to false when system is ready to consume data
DCR_SYNC_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: '[DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL]/sync/vendor-management/login'
DCR_SECRET_KEY: "key" # Key must match the one from the `vendor-management` delta producer in `app-digitaal-loket`
Add the following to docker-compose.override.yml
found under the environment
section of the identifier
tag inside docker-compose.override.yml
You must run healing to create historical data in the vendor graphs. Use a POST call with the newly added features to speed up the healing. The following should suffice:
drc exec vendor-data-distribution curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"skipDeletes": true,
"onlyTheseTypes": [ "http://rdf.myexperiment.org/ontologies/base/Submission" ]
' http://localhost/healing
This can take up multiple hours of high triplestore usage! Perform outside of peak hours.
drc up -d vendor-management-consumer submissions-dispatcher worship-submissions-email-notification-service
drc logs -ft --tail=200 vendor-management-consumer
Make sure the logs contain no issues.
- Switch
drc up -d vendor-management-consumer
Observe the logs and make sure the process completes. Once vendors have been consumed, run the following commands:
drc up -d vendor-login sparql-authorization-wrapper vendor-data-distribution
drc logs -ft --tail=200 vendor-data-distribution
Make sure the service is running.
drc restart dispatcher database deltanotifier
- Run the healing process mentioned in the
historical data section above. drc logs -ft --tail=200 vendor-data-distribution
The progress bar may not be visible clearly due to the terminal buffer flushing quickly, but a
Processed x/x (100%) ...
log entry should be visible once the healing process completes.
- Update forms
- Adding new form Aanduiding en eedaflegging van de aangewezen burgemeester (DL-5669)
- Adding new form Strandconcessies - reddingsdiensten kustgemeenten (DL-5625)
- Adding new form Melding onvolledigheid inzending eredienstbestuur (DL-5643)
- Adding new form Opstart beroepsprocedure naar aanleiding van een beslissing (DL-5646)
- Adding informational text to forms to minimize usage of the wrong forms (DL-5665)
- Adding new form Afschrift erkenningszoekende besturen (DL-5670)
- Bump submissions-dispatcher to have more control and faster execution time (DL-5710)
- Bump
(DL-5670) - Frontend v0.11.0 (DL-5735)
- drc up -d enrich-submission frontend submissions-dispatcher; drc restart migrations resource cache
will be running in docker-compose.override.yml
. Ensure whe deploying to remove this line in the file.
- Updated a number of services as part of regular maintenance [DL-5672].
- Virtuoso Upgrade! Please follow the procedure as described in this excellent guide for upgrading the triplestore.
Frontend v0.10.1:
- [DL-5661] Fix the ACM/IDM login
- Remove the image override for the
service if it exists. drc up -d frontend
Frontend v0.10.0:
- [DL-5637] Sort submissions based on the sent date (descending) by default
- Remove the v0.10.0 image override for the
service if it exists. drc up -d frontend
- Update forms
- New forms LEKP Collectieve Energiebesparende Renovatie, Fietspaden, Sloopbeleidsplan
- New forms Niet-bindend advies op statuten and Niet-bindend advies op oprichting
- Change form LEKP Melding correctie authentieke bron, removed field "type correctie"
- drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Fixed a bug (which also broke the reporting) where submissions where ingested in http://mu.semte.ch/graphs/organizations/undefined/LoketLB-databankEredienstenGebruiker
- Resotred old budget submissions dispatching: see
- Adjusting report (without email notifications) to include Gemeenten/Provincies
- drc restart report-generation
- Bump op-public-consumer and submissions-consumer
- Update forms
- drc up -d enrich-submission op-public-consumer submissions-consumer; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Update forms (bundle)
- Bump worship-submissions-graph-dispatcher-service v0.10.0
- drc restart migrations search-query-management
- drc up -d worship-submissions-graph-dispatcher-service
- Adding a new generated report worshipServicesWithoutEmailNotifications
- drc restart report-generation
- Bump frontend from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0
- Adding a new filter field (filter by specific date)
- drc up -d frontend
- drc restart search-query-management
- Bump worship-submissions-email-notification-service (Adjust cron interval to set it every day at 10:00)
- Fixing bestuurseenheid filter
drc up -d worship-submissions-email-notification-service once the value RUN_INTERVAL is changed in docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml
drc restart migrations then search-query-management after migrations are done.
- Added extra forms
- Adding mailing feature
- bump graph dispatcher
- flush, rerun op sync migrations to fix typeBetrokkenheid
drc restart migrations resource cache; drc up -d;
- re-sync erediensten from OP according to instructions
- hotfix in frontend to fix 'empty screen' on login
drc up -d; drc restart resource cache
- new forms
- bump consumer (more robust version)
- improved version of submissions dispatcher
- hotfix submission submissions dispatcher
- Added mock-login creator on new bestuurseenheid
- Consume data from Organisations portal: Erediensten
- Adding service that creates mock accounts automatically
- Adding extra report for worship services
- Fixing links between worship services
- Bumping frontend-worship-decisions to v0.6.0
- peformance report
- added dashboard
- added first report: inzendingen per bestuurseenheid
- bump submissions-dispatcher: manual dispatcher and faster initial sync
- bump submissions-dispatcher with performance optimisation
- bump consumer
- update forms
- data corrections
- update submissions dispatcher (incl. dispatch rules)
- update forms
- added multiple bestuurseenheden and linked organisations
- bump virtuoso
- update mu-auth config
- migrations for ACM updates
- initial release