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macros for javascript


  1. install

    npm install lazymacro
  2. require lazymacro in your source code

  3. enjoy the macros:

    ["I", "am"].WITH(v => v.push("lazynode.")).WITH(console.log).PIPE(v => v.join(" ")).PIPE(v => console.log(`${v}`))?.PIPE(v => console.log("null safety features can be used together!"));


the macros provided in lazymacro

basic macros

  • PIPE: O.PIPE(F) returns F(O)

    "OK".PIPE(v => v + "!") == "OK!"
  • WITH: O.WITH(F) runs F(O) and returns O

    ["O", "K"].WITH(v => v.push("!")).PIPE(v => v.join('')) == 'OK!'
    "OK".WITH(v => v + "!") == "OK!"
  • THEN: O.THEN(F) returns O.then(F)

    await Promise.resolve(5).THEN(v => v + 1) === 6
  • WAIT: O.WAIT(F) awaits O.then(F) returns O

    await Promise.resolve(["O", "K"]).WAIT(async v => await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(v.push("!")), 1000))).THEN(v => v.join('')) == "OK!"
  • XMAP: O.XMAP(F) returns an array of F(o, k) where o and k are each element of O

    ["O", "K"].XMAP(v => v.toLowerCase()).PIPE(v => v.join('')) == "ok"
    ({ o: "O", k: "K" }).XMAP((v, k) => k + v.toLowerCase()).PIPE(v => v.join('')) == "ookk"

lazy macro

LAZY will automatically choose one from PIPE, WITH, THEN and WAIT for you

for O.LAZY(F):

  • WAITis chosen if O is a Promise and O.then(F) is an empty promise
  • THENis chosen if O is a Promise and O.then(F) is not an empty promise
  • WITHis chosen if O is not a Promise and F(O) is an empty promise
  • PIPEis chosen if O is not a Promise and F(O) is not an empty promise


["I", "am"].LAZY(v => { v.push("lazynode.") }).LAZY(v => { console.log(v) }).LAZY(v => v.join(" ")).LAZY(v => { console.log(`${v}`) })?.LAZY(v => console.log("null safety features can be used together!"));

this macros

same as the related basic macro but use this instead of the function paramter

arrow fuction expressions cannot be used as parameter of this macros because this is lost in arrow function expressions


    "OK".PIPETHIS(function () { return this.toLowerCase() }) == "ok"

    ["O", "K"].WITHTHIS(function () { this.push("!") }).PIPE(v => v.join('')) == 'OK!'

    await Promise.resolve("OK").THENTHIS(function () { return this.toLowerCase() }) == "ok"

    await Promise.resolve(["O", "K"]).WAITTHIS(async function () { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); this.push("!") }).THEN(v => v.join('')) == "OK!"

    ["O", "K"].XMAPTHIS(function () { return this.toLowerCase() }).PIPE(v => v.join('')) == "ok"