- WebApi - this contains the main api and the relevant services
- xUnit - unit testing
- CRUD api for key-value store. ✅
- Unit tests, large data, error handling, etc. ✅
- User authentication using a jwt.
- Azure deploy using app service.
- Controllers - which is the place for the rest apis.
- Services - which is the interface for mongodb
- Models - which will contain the models for representing mongo objects.
- Exceptions - which will contain in app custom exceptions
- Dto - which is the transfer objects from/to the controller.
- Settings - which is the typed objects for appsettings.json
- Helpers - which contains helpers
- Clone the entire solution
- Ensure dotnet cli is installed
- Add Connection strings for mongo db.
- Create a db in mongo atlas and add the connection string in appsettings.json.
- The DatabaseName and CollectionName can be any string.
- Use the following command to run the project: (cd into the api project)
dotnet run
It should open swagger api doc by default, if not it should be in http://localhost:5206/swagger/index.html
Run test using (cd into the test project):
dotnet test