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User Guide

Joao Barata edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

OpenMBEE Connector for Capella Guide


Getting Started

The OpenMBEE connector for Capella allows :

  • Managing different connections to many MMS repositories
  • Creating and deleting organizations/projects/branches
  • Exporting data to an MMS repository
  • Importing data from an MMS repository

User's Guide

This user's guide provides information related to the connector usage.


Export wizard

The export wizard is accessible through the main menu File / Export...

Then, within the proposed list, select the item MMS / Capella Project to MMS

Export wizard

Then, within the proposed list, select the project that will be exported to MMS

Export wizard

Then, follow the sequence described below:

  1. Fill-in the MMS server URL and its related credentials
  2. Click on the button Load organizations, to validate the connection and load the organizations
  3. Then, select how the project will be exported :
    1. If New is selected, the project will be exported to a new MMS project with the given Name and a new generated ID
    2. If Update is selected, the project will be exported to the selected existing MMS Project and the selected existing Ref (branch)
  4. An optional commit message can be filled-in
  5. Then, click on the button Finish, to perform the export

Export wizard

Import wizard

The import wizard is accessible through the main menu File / Import...

Then, within the proposed list, select the item MMS / Capella Project from MMS

Import wizard

Then, follow the sequence described below:

  1. Fill-in the MMS server URL and its related credentials
  2. Click on the button Load organizations, to validate the connection and load the organizations
  3. Then, select which project has to be imported :
    1. From which Organization
    2. From which Project
    3. From which Ref (branch)
    4. From which Commit
  4. Then, click on the button Finish, to perform the import

Import wizard

Repositories view

The repositories view is accessible through the main menu Window / Show View / Other...

Then, within the proposed list, select the item MMS / MMS Repositories

Repositories view

Then, the following MMS Repositories view shall be added to your perspective

Repositories view

This MMS Repositories view provides the following services :

  • Create / Delete a set of Connections, to different MMS Repositories (toolbar button)
  • Create / Delete an Organization within a given MMS Repository (contextual menu)
  • Create / Delete a Project within a given organization (contextual menu)
  • Create / Delete a new Ref (branch) within a given project (contextual menu)
  • Create / Delete a Ref (branch) from a given commit (contextual menu)
  • Import a project from a given commit (contextual menu)

Limitations / Known Issues


  • To be completed.

Known Issues

  • To be completed.
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