Codility 3-2 FrogJmp
A small frog wants to get to the other side of the road. The frog is currently located at position X and wants to get to a position greater than or equal to Y. The small frog always jumps a fixed distance, D.
Count the minimal number of jumps that the small frog must perform to reach its target.
Write a function:
class Solution { public int solution(int X, int Y, int D); }
that, given three integers X, Y and D, returns the minimal number of jumps from position X to a position equal to or greater than Y.
For example, given:
X = 10 Y = 85 D = 30
the function should return 3, because the frog will be positioned as follows:
- after the first jump, at position 10 + 30 = 40
- after the second jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 = 70
- after the third jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 100
Assume that:
- X, Y and D are integers within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
- X ≤ Y.
- expected worst-case time complexity is O(1);
- expected worst-case space complexity is O(1).
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Y위치까지 도달하기 위해서 D의 길이만큼 점프를 몇번 하면 되는지를 구하는 문제이다.
이 문제는 위에 풀었던 코딜리티 문제에 비해 너무 쉬웠다..처음에 아무 생각 없이 반복문으로 풀었다가 시간 복잡도를 초과한 것 빼면 O(1)을 잘 보고 풀자.
// you can also use imports, for example:
// import java.util.*;
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// System.out.println("this is a debug message");
class Solution {
public int solution(int X, int Y, int D) {
int val = Y-X;
int solve = val/D;
return val%D == 0 ? solve : solve + 1;