cd gcp
Now configure a service account as described on this page:
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ./.env/k1-cluster-provisioner-sa-key.json)
Now we are set and can run the Terraform installation:
cd terraform
terraform init
vim terraform.tfvars ### TODO ADJUST your vars
terraform apply -var=control_plane_target_pool_members_count=1
Here you can find the reason why we use the terraform apply in a different way:
Now lets run it:
terraform output --json
The output shows you the source input for the cluster bootstrapping by kubeone
cd ..
kubeone apply -m kubeone.yaml -t ./terraform --verbose
Ensure HA by register all Control Planes
cd terraform
terraform apply
cd ..
kubeone apply -m kubeone.yaml -t ./terraform --verbose
New we cann upgrade to a new K8s version check kubeone_update_1.yaml:
cd ..
kubeone apply -m kubeone_update_1.yaml -t ./terraform --verbose
If you want to apply final update and chart installation, check kubeone_update_final.yaml:
#enable autoscaler
kubeone apply -m kubeone_update_final.yaml -t ./terraform --verbose
# add preemptible node pool
export KUBECONFIG=gcp-example-2023-kubeconfig
kubectl apply -f machines/