- fixes message generation bug
- removes unused rviz configurations
- removes ukf filter tracking
- organizes topic names under datmo namespace
- adds tf2-geometry-msgs build dependency
- changes default world frame from world to laser
- adds experiment videos
- merges presentation
- adds corner switching
- changes breakpoint image
- adds clustering
- removes data association video
- adds association gif
- adds flowcharts
- deletes info stream
- removes unnecessary file
- changes covariance of ukf
- removes old l_shape_tracker
- moves two_robots bag file
- removes new tag from recorded bag file
- implements same orientation for kf and ukf
- populates more ukf messages
- publishes ukf tracking msgs
- publishes length-width
- tunes Q and R matrices
- implements Mahalanobis distance for cornerswitches
- deletes some clutter
- starts Lshape tracker merge
- implements ACT model
- implements constant turn rate model
- constant velocity model
- removes poseCovariance visualization
- refactors launch files
- Merge branch 'corner_switching'
- remoces unnecessary filters
- simplifies findOrientation function
- changes line length
- separates dynamic and shape updates
- same parameters kf ukf
- improves length width estimation
- fixes ukf Q matrix
- fixes clustering bug
- removes execution timing
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kostaskonkk/datmo
- adds overtake experiment
- adds overtake bagfile
- tries to improve rectanglefitting
- moves ukf prediction in detectCornerPointSwitch
- improves orientation estimation by KF
- fixes velocity estimation bug
- add experiment launch
- adds expemeriment launch
- adds launch for new experiment
- finishes ukf l_shape_tracker
- fixes orientatin bug
- implements constant acceleration model
- moves detectCornerPoint switch in lshapetracker
- adds separate LShapeTracker object for UKF
- adds launch files
- better distance for data association
- saves amount of tracked objects
- add constant turn rate ukf
- corrects orientations estimation
- moves all rviz configs in datmo
- adds box_kf
- ukf works with newtonian model
- refactoring of ukf filter class
- adds example bag file
- make filters remain between measurements
- white background rviz
- Adds some progress
- Merges with refactored master
- Fixes closest corner point bug
- Moves tf to datmo class/ major refactoring
- merge with master
- Code refactoring and cleaning
- Adds documentation
- Adds arrow for theta box
- Adds prototype covariance
- Addition of UKF
- Publishing of covariances
- Adds buggy nonlinear observer
- Refactoring and map_frame bug fix
- Fixes transformation bug
- Corrects the box_track_msg
- Publishing of length and width
- Timing of execution
- changed coordinate frame of box_tracks
- moved datmo constructor to source file
- finished corner point switching
- worked on shape switching
- initial corner point switching
- closeness criterion
- fixed bounding box in rviz
- fixed track.stamp bug
- absolute velocities, arrows and new track msg
- changed to PoseStamped in Track msg
- publishing of /tracks topic
- refactoring and initial bounding box
- Trajectories and primitive classification
- added configuration parameters xMerge branch 'master' of github.com:kostaskonkk/datmo
- Addition of Kalman Filter and estimation of velocity
- Update README.md
- v1
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Kostantinos Konstantinidis, Kostas, Kostas Flou, kostas