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210 lines (166 loc) · 12.2 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (166 loc) · 12.2 KB

IntelliJ plugin for Python support

Summary for the JetBrains Marketplace

  • File is the description shown on the Marketplace. This is markdown, which is converted to HTML, before the plugin is published. Edit this file to update the description shown on
  • File is the changelog. The first section is automatically added to the plugin when it's published.

Summary for developers


Gradle is used as build system. The gradle plugin automatically downloads the IntelliJ files to build against.

  • Run all tests: ./gradlew clean test
  • Build the obfuscated plugin zip file: bash build-plugin.bash or ./gradlew clean build && (cd proguard && bash run-proguard.bash)


IntelliJ and PyCharm require version 8.x of the Java SDK. Both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are compatible.

The plugin can be executed within IntelliJ: ./gradlew runIde

Executing with specific versions of an IDE

Please refer the section for testers above.

Building the plugin

./gradlew clean build The plugin zip file is saved in build/distribution/ If you'd like to skip the tests, then run: ./gradlew clean build -x test

Implementation details

HTTP processing

All http calls are executed in a background thread. There is only one connection to the kite backend to make sure that events and calls arrive in the desired order and to make sure that kite is not overloaded with too many requests.

Event processing

Editor events are queued. Events of the same actionType for the same file are bundled, e.g. only one edit event is sent if two consecutive edit events are placed into the queue. The special case of an edit event followed by a selection event is replaced with an edit event which has the state (buffer content + cursor position) of the last event, i.e. the selection event.

The queued items are processed after a fixed delay (currently 250ms). The items are processed oldest to newest and send to the kite http backend.

Code completion

Code completion is only available in supported file types.

A code completion call is executed as soon as the event queue is empty to make sure that all events have been processed. If there are code completions then any following code completion suggestions by PyCharm or other plugins are supressed.

If kite returned no completions or if a timeout (currently 350ms) occurred while waiting for an empty event queue then Kite's completions are skipped. The default code completion contributors are called in every case, i.e. a fallback to other code completion suggestions is always done.


If a user works in a file which is not yet in a whitelisted directory then IntelliJ will display a notification to ask whether the user would like to add it to the list of whitelisted resources. The exact workflow is defined in Kite's developer configuration. The notifications displayed are non-model balloon popups. This kind of background notification is used to be as unobtrusive as possible. A modal dialog would steal the focus and would possibly annoy users which are interruped in their work. The notification offers these options:

  • Whitelist /dir/send/by/kite
  • Browse ...
  • Settings ...
  • Ignore this file



If you would like to see detailed log message you have to enable them in PyCharm. Do this to enable debug messages:

- Open `Help -> Debug Log Settings` PyCharm
- Enter `kite` in a new line in the text editor
- Restart PyCharm

The log data is available in the file opened by Help -> Show Log in Finder

If the trace level of the logger-category kite.http is enabled then the log will contain the curl command lines to re-execute a kite request to simplify debugging. The trace level can be activated by entering kite.http as a new line in Help -> Debug Log Settings.

Available channels

These channels can be used in the Debug Log Settings dialog to get more verbose plugin log output:

  • #kite.action
  • #kite.action.delegate
  • #kite.action.delegateHandler
  • #kite.action.override
  • #kite.api
  • #kite.completions
  • #kite.eventQueue
  • #kite.http
  • #kite.http.script (trace only)
  • #kite.mockHttp
  • #kite.monitoring
  • #kite.monitoring.preload
  • #kite.pebble
  • #kite.pebble.extension
  • #kite.platform
  • #kite.platform.exeDetector
  • #kite.platform.macExeDetector
  • #kite.platform.pathLauncher
  • #kite.renderUtil
  • #kite.rollbar
  • #kite.status.model
  • #kite.status.statusBarWidget
  • #kite.timing
  • #kite.ui
  • #kite.ui.SwingWorker
  • #kite.ui.autoPopup
  • #kite.ui.docPopupManager
  • #kite.ui.mouseOverManager
  • #kite.ui.quickDocProxy
  • #kite.ui.quickDocSupression
  • #kite.ui.signaturePopup
  • #kite.uil.htmlPopup
  • #kite.whitelisting


Kite responses are rendered using the Pebble template engine (

Template development

It's possible to let the plugin use template files available on disk instead of the built-in data. If $HOME/intellij-templates/ is available, then this directory will be used as base path to load the templates. The directory should contain the data of .

It's also possible to define the Java property kite.templatePath to define where the template directory is available on disk. To define it the custom VM options of PyCharm must be edited:

  • Open PyCharm

  • Choose Help > Edit Custom VM Options ...

  • Agree to create the file, if it does not exist yet

  • Add a new line at the end of the file (adjusted to your configuration):

  • Restart PyCharm

Changes to the template files will be loaded as soon as a new lookup is requested.

If the property kite.templateOutputPath.hover is defined, then the last rendering of the hover report will be written into a file at the given location. For example, if the line


is given in the configuration file above, then each invocation of the hover report will update the content of the file /Users/username/intellij-html-output.html with the html data displayed in the popup window shown in IntelliJ.

Template directory structure

The templates are for Python only, at the moment. Each supported language will habe its own set of rendering templates.

  • The shared template pieces are in templates/python/common/
  • Shared macros are defined in templates/python/common/macros.peb
  • The hover report is rendered by templates/hover/long/hover.peb.
  • A symbol report, i.e. a reponse of /api/editor/symbol/ID, is rendered by templates/symbolReport/symbolReport.peb.
  • A value report, i.e. a reponse of /api/editor/value/ID, is rendered by templates/valueReport/valueReport.peb.
  • Signature information is rendered by templates/python/signature/calls.peb and templates/python/signature/call.peb

Each template file has a header which lists the context variabels which are available. The given types refer to Java classes available in src/main/java/com/kite/intellij/backend.

Include directives in the template refer to the path starting at src/main/resources/templates, i.e. base.peb is references as common/base.peb.

Properties defined for all templates

The following properties are always available in a template:

  • dark: actionType boolean, is true if the current theme is Darcula, i.e. dark colors
  • light: actionType boolean, is true if the current theme is the default theme, i.e. lighter colors. light is always the inverted value of dark
  • windows: actionType boolean, is true if the current OS is any version of Windows
  • mac: actionType boolean, is true if the current OS is any version of Mac OS X
  • linux: actionType boolean, is true if the current OS is any version of Linux
  • bgColor: actionType String, is the hex-encoded value (including the prefix #) of the currently configured background color for IntelliJ's documentation panel
  • textColor: actionType String, is the hex-encoded value (including the prefix #) of the currently configured text color

Pebble extensions

The kite plugin adds several extensions to the Pebble rendering.


The following custom pebble functions are available in addition to the built-in functions:

  • kiteInviteLink: This function returns a link which redirects to the "Invite" page on The link needs to opened in the browser because it redirects.

The following filters are made available in addition to the built-in filters:

  • kiteExternalLink: This filter takes a value of tyep string, Id, Value, ValueExt, Symbol or SymbolExt and returns an URL which references the external documentation rendering as provided by kite.
  • kiteInternalLink: This filter takes a value of actionType string, Id, Value, ValueExt, Symbol or SymbolExt and returns an URL which linkes to the built-in view to show the details.
  • kiteLinksLink: This filter takes a value of actionType string, Id, Value, ValueExt and returns an URL which will open the list of links in the built-in view.
  • kiteExample: returns an url which will open the example in the web, e.g. {{ | kiteExample }}
  • kiteFilename: returns just the filename of an input path, e.g. {{ fullPath | kiteFilename }}
  • kiteSignatureInfoLink: named parameters expandCommonInvocations and argIndex. Returns an URL which links to a signature information for the element at the current editor's cursor position.
  • kiteCopilotDocsLink: generates an URL which opens the input symbol in the Copilot
  • kiteClasspathUrl: generates an URL which points to a resource in the classpath. This can be used to reference images bundled with the plugin, e.g. {{ "/icons/logo.png" | kiteClasspathUrl }} can be used as a value for an image src attribute.
  • kiteColor: named parameters brighter and darker which take tone levels, e.g. {{ "#ffffff" | kiteColor("darker"=3) }} will reduce the brightness of white by 3 tones
  • kiteFileUrl: named parameters line. Takes a string as input and returns an URL referencing it if it exists on the local file system. If it doesn't exist then null is returned. The parameter line is added query parameter, if defined.

Used libraries and licenses

This is an overview of the dependencies and their licenses.