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ONeSAMP 2.0 version 1.0.1

By David Tallmon, Mark Heim, Christina Boucher, et al.


== License ==


This code is licensed under the GNU Public License, version 3.

ONeSAMP 2.0 computes the effective population size of gene data sets. Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Heim, David Tallmon, Christina Boucher, et al.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


== Introduction ==


The enclosed software will calculate the nucleotide effective diversity population size (N_e) on an input file of unlinked, neutral SNPs or microsatellites specified in the GENEPOP format, version 4.

The software works better for small populations (~100 individuals or less) and small numbers of loci (~2000 loci or less).

Currently, ONeSAMP 2.0 is only available for Linux and Unix systems. It may not be too difficult to eventually operate as a single node on a Mac.


== Install ==


To use the software, you must have the following software packages installed. Alternative versions of these systems may also work.

gcc 4.8.3 with OpenMP make 3.82 perl 5.22.1 Rscript 3.1.2 g++ 4.8.3 gtest 1.0

Some of these programs may already be installed.

Programs that may have needed to have been used in prior releases:

simuPOP (no longer needed as of this release) simcoal2 (no longer needed as of this release) python (no longer needed as of this release)


== Usage overview ==


Please follow below steps.

  1. generate simulalated populations with below command : ./ generateSimulatedPopulationsOfKnownNe Before running this command make sure to set export NeVals="?" in so that simulator can generate population for that Ne Value.
  2. Run OneSamp : follow below steps. ========== = STEP 1 = ========== BUILD ONESAMP2

Build ONeSAMP2 using the supplied makefile using these commands:

cd ONeSAMP2; make

On the first run, the following lines should appear if everything is installed correctly. (If not, run "make clean" and run "make".)

gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/engine/refactor_main.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/engine/refactor_main.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/engine/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine_test.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/macro/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro_test.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/arguments/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments_test.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/parser/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser_test.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/memory/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory_test.o gcc -fopenmp -c ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.o g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/stats/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats_test.o gcc ./refactor/engine/refactor_main.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/release/refactor_main -lm gcc ./refactor/engine/refactor_coalescent_simulator.c -fopenmp -o ./refactor/release/refactor_coalescent_simulator -lm g++ -fopenmp -c ./refactor/engine/ -fopenmp -o ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o g++ ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine_test.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro_test.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments_test.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser_test.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory_test.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats_test.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats_test -lgtest g++ ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine_test.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro_test.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments_test.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser_test.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory_test.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats_test.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_tests_main.o ./refactor/engine/refactor_engine.o ./refactor/arguments/refactor_arguments.o ./refactor/parser/refactor_parser.o ./refactor/memory/refactor_memory.o ./refactor/macro/refactor_macro.o ./refactor/stats/refactor_stats.o -fopenmp -o ./refactor/release/refactor_all_test -lgtest

========== = STEP 2 =


Now, navigate to the subdirectory refactor/release and, with a text editor, edit

cd refactor/release gedit

There are 4 steps of editing that must take place in the file near the top of the code. The one that is absolutely critical is step 2. A user MUST enter in a legal path to 3 locations for temporary storage that are NOT being used by any other program.

========== = STEP 3 =

COPY THE INPUT FILE IN ONeSAMP2/refactor/release/ directory and cd to this directory by following command cd ONeSAMP2/refactor/release/

CHECK IF THERE ARE SYNTAX ERRORS IN INPUT FILE If your file doesn't have syntax errors then this step in not required

Suppose population1.gen is the input file then Run the following command:

./refactor_main -x < population1.gen

Fix any formatting errors that arise in the input file.

A successful run should include a line with -l and -i flags.

========== = STEP 4 =

Make sure you have only those gen files which for which you need to run ONeSAMP in release folder.

Then, append a special (.reduced) suffix using the Unix move command, if you have more than one gen file then you need to do it for all:

mv population1.gen population1.gen.reduced

========== = STEP 5 =


In "", scroll down to a section marked:




There, you can edit several parameters. Make sure there aren't any spaces between the parameter and the equals sign.

What you must edit are the following:

ONESAMP2COAL_MINALLELEFREQUENCY (What is the minimum allele frequency necessary in order to keep that allele in the simulation?)

mutationRate (What is the microsatellite or SNP mutation rate? Add double quotes to it, e.g., "0.000000012")

rangeNe (In what range do we expect N_e to be in? This is the posterior distribution of N_e. Add a comma but no spaces between the numbers, e.g., 6,1000. Also, both numbers here MUST be even.)

theta (In what range do we expect theta, a parameter used in Hoppe's urn model in the simulated populations, to be? Add a comma but no spaces between the numbers, e.g., 0.000048,0.0048.)

numOneSampTrials (How many populations do we want ONeSAMP2 to simulate? A good rule of thumb may be at least 50000, but it may be good to go higher. See Tallmon et al. for a graph of accuracy versus number of trials in regards to the original version of ONeSAMP.)

duration (In what range of number of generatiosn should ONeSAMP2 simulate a population bottleneck? The default is a random number chosen from 2 to 8, inclusive. Add a comma but no spaces between the numbers, e.g., 2,8.)

processPriority (How intensively should ONeSAMP2 use machine resources? 19 is low priority, 0 is normal priority.)

microsatsOrSNPs (Does this file contain microsats or SNPs? Use 'm' for microsatellites or 's' for SNPs)

blocksize (How many populations should ONeSAMP2 simulate before saving to disk? To reduce RAM usage, set this to a low number.)

=========== = STEP 6 =


Run the following command to calculate a reference point for (should take no more than a minute):

./ analyzeUnknownPopulation

=========== = STEP 7 =


Ensure that step 6 is complete. Then, run

./ runOnesamp start

If network traffic is too high, run

Now, wait awhile. You can check ONeSAMP's progress by running:

./ runOnesamp progress

in another terminal in the same directory.

=========== = STEP 8 =


Once the progress reads 100 percent or you want to stop the program anytime in middle, stop the onesamp with the command

./ runOnesamp stop

Alternatively, we can also check if the program has finished by checking if refactor_main and programs are running or not by the following command : ps -e | grep driver ps -e | refactor

= STEP 9 =


Then, run the data analysis script in R to determine N_e. It should show a message like the following:

Below are the mean, median, and 95 credible limits for the posterior distribution of the effective population size from OneSamp

mean median lower95CL upper95CL 24.16 31.27 15.91 34.80

Run below command, it will create result.txt: ./ estimateNe


== Usage on the website ==


Currently under development as of writing; this should be up soon. Check back soon at this URL: