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File metadata and controls

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Docker for a single node hadoop installation

⚠️ [Deprecated] I'm not using this package anymore. If someone want to maintain it or to fork it and maintain the fork, can you contact me (@plv on twitter). I can write a link to your package here.

This repository is used to create an hadoop single instance following the documentation on this page : and the doc of spark.

Features :

  • hadoop / hdfs
  • yarn
  • spark
  • hive
  • zeppelin

State of the project :

  • Hadoop, yarn, spark, hive, zeppelin : running, not optimized. I'm interested by any feedback.


clone the project

git clone

create the container

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Zeppelin notebook

You can access to Zeppelin at http://localhost:8002

Run a basic map reduce example

We put some python map reduce examples in the /example dir inside the container

docker exec -ti dockersinglenodehadoop_hsn_1 bash

cd /example
hdfs dfs -mkdir /input
hdfs dfs -put fichier.txt /input
hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.1.jar -input /input -output /output -mapper /example/ -reducer /example/
hdfs dfs -cat /output/part-00000

run the same basic map reduce with spark

docker exec -ti dockersinglenodehadoop_hsn_1 bash

cd /example
hdfs dfs -mkdir /input
hdfs dfs -put fichier.txt /input

# run pyspark
# load file
file = sc.textFile("/input/fichier.txt")

# mapping
def split_words(line):
    return line.split()
def create_pair(word):
    return (word,1)

# reducing
def sum_counts(a,b):
    return a+b
wordcount = pairs.reduceByKey(sum_counts)

# display result


Lancer, arrêter le container

docker-compose start
docker-compose stop

volume /data in the ./data_docker directory

This directory is a shared volume with the /data of the container.

In this directory we have :

  • /data/hdfs for hdfs files
  • /data/yarn for yarn files
  • /data/transfert just for easy tranfert between the host and the container.

Run container manually from dockerfile

Lancer le container et entrer dedans

docker build -t hsn .
docker run --rm --name hsn hsn
# entrer dans le docker
docker exec -ti hsn bash

Arrêter le container

docker stop hsn