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Example 3.31

source code :

This part will provide an alternative mathematic model for calculate the probability of each outcome occurs at least one time.

Instead of using venn diagram to solve this problem, example 3.31 using conditional probability to calculate P(n,k), which n means the execution time, and k means the categories of outcome.

How to use

  • Requirement

    • Linux - ubuntu 16.04
    • gnuplot
  • Testbed

    • categories of outcome: 5 (e.g. range in example 2.5)
    • testcase( for example 2.5 simulation ): 10^6
    • execution times( for example 3.31 mathematic model ): 30
      • When execution times increase, the more time will spend on this program.
  • The testbed is built with Makefile, so just need to run make and all the program will be compile and run automatically.


Run the program

  • Let's see the content in Makefile:
    • First:
      • Compile the new mathematic model program ( under example 3.31 ) , mathematic model program ( under example 2.5 ),and the simulation program ( under example 2.5 )
    • Second:
      • Similar to the demo in example 2.5, we run the simulation program first, and store the result into simulation.output.
      • And then run the mathematic model program (both 2.5 and 3.31), and directly pipe their output content into mathematic.output,mathematic_3_31.output respectively.
    • Last:
      • After generating all the result into output file with specified format, then we can using the gnuplot script - to plot the result into PNG format.


  • As you can see the figure down below, the simulation(red line) and the mathematic(green line) have the similar curve.

    • Run with testcase 10^6:
  • That we can say this mathematic model has the correct answer!

Comparison/Time Complexity

This part will need to install the chrome extension: Github with MathJax, then can see the correct mathematic formula


  • We can now see the mathematic model between 2 example (e.g. 2.5 & 3.31)

  • Mathematic model in Example 2.5:

$$P(X=N) = \sum_{i=1}^m P_i (1-P_i)^{n-1} - \sum_{i<j} (P_i+P_j)(1-Pi-Pj)^{n-1} + \sum_{i<j<k} (P_i+P_j+P_k)(1-P_i-P_j-P_k)^{n-1} - \dots $$

  • Mathematic model in Example 3.31:

$$P(m,r) = \sum_{j=1}^{m-r+1} P(m-j,r-1) \cdot C_j^m \cdot ( \frac{P_r}{\sum_{j=1}^{r} P_j})^j \cdot (1 - \frac{P_r}{\sum_{j=1}^{r} P_j})^{m-j}$$

$$Starting \ from: P(m,1) = 1, if \ m>=1 ; P(m,1) = 0, if \ m==0$$

Time Complexity Analysis

Mathematic model in Example 2.5

  • In the implementation of example2.5/, we can see the formula above. In this term , we have number r of combination C(r,i), which r represent as the number of categories; And total number of terms in formula will be: $$\sum_{i=1}^r C_i^r$$

  • And we can see the terms of combinations : $$\sum_{k=0}^n C_k^n = 2^n$$ , so in our terms: $$\sum_{k=1}^n C_k^n = 2^n - 1$$

  • Then we can get the time complexity will be: $$O(\sum_{i=1}^r C_i^r) = O(2^r-1)=O(2^r)$$

  • And why using combination? Because as the formula above, we can see each term has: $$\sum_{i&lt;j&lt;k...&lt;r}, r = number\ of\ categories$$ , so we can use combination rather than permutation.

Mathematic model in Example 3.31

  • In the implementation of example3.31/ is using several recursive functions to construct the probability result.

  • Totally we have number of (m-r) terms in P(m,r), and the result will be the combination with repetition: $$H_r^{m-r}$$ , then we can transform into combination :$$C_r^{(m-r)+r-1} = C_r^{m-1} = \frac{(m-1)!}{r! \cdot (m-r-1)!}= \frac{(m-1)\cdot(m-2) ...(m-r)}{r!} $$

  • After eliminate r!, we can have the polynomial function m^r: $$O(\frac{(m-1)\cdot(m-2) ...(m-r)}{r!}) := O((m-1)\cdot(m-2) ...(m-r)) := O(m^r)$$ , which m represent total execution times, and r represent number of categories

Comparion with Example 2.5,3.31

Time Complexity
Example 2.5 $$O(2^r)$$
Example 3.31 $$O(m^r)$$

As the table showing above, we can see when the execution time(e.g. m) increase, the mathematic model program of Example 3.31 will more time than 2.5 to complete.
