This is a Guest Science Android application that uses the Guest Science Library and the Astrobee API. It is an example of a primary APK that commands the robot to execute a simple trajectory.
- Note 1. These instructions assume you have read the Guest Science Documentation included in this repository.
- This app has no GUI.
- This app assumes Astrobee is docked in the JEM module
- This app assumes you have a proper setup environment for Astrobee. For further information, please refer to the Guest Science Developer Guide.
Please refer to Running Guest Science Applications to learn how to use this example.
This example defines 2 simple commands:
- Run trajectory: Undocks Astrobee and execute a predefined 4 point trajectory inside the JEM module. It will return a DONE message if successful, or an error description if not.
- Get GS Path: Get the path to the folder created for this specific example.