#Why GeotiffTranslate? If you don't want to use BIL/DDS plug-in with geoserver, or if you don't want to use a style with your requested image, you can convert your geotiff images of 16 bits IntGray format into a classical format 8 bits Red Green Blue color. GeoserveTerrainProvider can work with BIL/DDS and images converted by GeotiffTranslate.
You can find the source code of GeotiffTranslate (1 file) here and its pom.xml here
#How to use GeotiffTranslate.jar
- Extract in the same directory GeotiffTranslate_lib and GeotiffTranslate.jar
- Use the command line
java -jar GeotiffTranslate.jar -i inputDirectory -o outputDirectory -s offset -delete -deflate
- inputDirectory (mandatory) is a directory which contains tif images to convert(extension tif or tiff)
- outputDirectory (mandatory) is a directory where the application can write the converted images
- offset (optional with default value=0) is an integer which offsets the altitude (in meters)
- delete (optional) indicates if the original tifs should be deleted (need of space storage)
- deflate (optional) to deflate the converted tif with gdal_translate (gdal_translate must be reachable)