Contributing to swift-compiler-crashes is really easy – you only need to submit one file in your pull request; the crash case.
All other files in the project - such as stack trace logs, etc. - are automatically generated weekly, so there is no need to submit anything beyond your crash case :-)
The crash cases are named according to the following pattern:
For example, the crash case 226 is triggered in function swift::Lowering::SILGenFunction::emitCurryThunk(…)
and is thus named crashes/00226-swift-lowering-silgenfunction-emitcurrythunk.swift
$ ls -1 crashes/ crashes-fuzzing/ | egrep '^[0-9]{5}-.*\.swift' | sort -n | tail -1
The highest crash case number in this example is 22721, so we'll use the next available slot; 22722.
$ xcrun swiftc crash.swift 2>&1 | egrep 'swift.*0x' | egrep -v '(PrintStackTrace|SignalHandler)' | head -1
4 swift 0x000000010d83c4ef swift::irgen::ProtocolInfo::getConformance(swift::irgen::IRGenModule&, swift::CanType, swift::irgen::TypeInfo const&, swift::ProtocolDecl*, swift::ProtocolConformance const&) const + 207
The compiler crashes in swift::irgen::ProtocolInfo::getConformance
, so we'll use the hyphenated lower-case version swift-irgen-protocolinfo-getconformance
$ mv crash.swift crashes/22722-swift-irgen-protocolinfo-getconformance.swift
$ git add crashes/22722-swift-irgen-protocolinfo-getconformance.swift
$ git commit
$ git push
$ say "Don't forget to submit a pull request on GitHub. Thanks."