Exercise 5 solution
Exercise 5 solution
Force push
Bump to React 19
Bump to React 19
add CodeSandbox config
add CodeSandbox config
Bump parcel
Bump parcel
Stretch goal solution
Stretch goal solution
Force push
Stretch goal solution
Stretch goal solution
Force push
Clarify README
Clarify README
Stretch goal solution
Stretch goal solution
Force push
Tweaks for demonstration
Tweaks for demonstration
Force push
Remove unnecessary prop
Remove unnecessary prop
Force push
Exercise 5 solution
Exercise 5 solution
Force push
Add ESLint
Add ESLint
Exercise 5 solution
Exercise 5 solution
Force push
Add rimraf to clean up cache on restart
Add rimraf to clean up cache on restart
Downgrade Parcel
Downgrade Parcel
Update new-component package
Update new-component package
Remove unnecessary prop
Remove unnecessary prop
Force push
Tweaks for demonstration
Tweaks for demonstration
Force push
Exercise 5 solution
Exercise 5 solution
Force push
Add “Troubleshooting” section to README
Add “Troubleshooting” section to README
Exercise 5 solution
Exercise 5 solution
Force push
Deleted branch
Migrate from create-react-app to Parcel
Migrate from create-react-app to Parcel
Pull request merge
Move process to dependencies
Move process to dependencies
Clarify scaffolding instructions in README
Clarify scaffolding instructions in README
Remove unnecessary prop
Remove unnecessary prop