- feat: fix typing issues #17 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- feat: support for case insensitive http headers #16 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- download methods improvements #15 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- Develop #14 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- fix: adapt the cancel mechanism to the AbortController #13 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- fix: types improvement #12 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- chore: updated hateoas-parser dep + other dev deps + attempts to make… #11 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- fix exports target file for esm #10 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- export unbuilt code to fix a weird issue on FormData usage #9 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- allow string or empty string as resource in download method #8 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- setup auto-release + fix types #7 ([email protected] @jorinho)
- feature/axios-config #6 (@jorinho)
- remove lodash #5 (@jorinho)
- Merge pull request #4 #4 (@jorinho)
- added some more unit tests + small fixes #4 (@jorinho)
- unit tests with vitest #3 (@jorinho)
- pass endpoint as object instad of laoding an ESmodule #2 (@FlorinSenoner)
- improved caching strategy #1 (@jorinho)
- updated version in package.json ([email protected])
- fix delete function signature type ([email protected])
- feat(ts): export all types + add missin property in hateoasExtendedConfig (@tadaii)
- added a new download method in extended object (@jorinho)
- use resource (a resource is an object containing a links or index or _links property) instead of index in openBinary and downloadBinary for the hateoas client (@jorinho)
- update type def (@jorinho)
- make axiosConfigCb async (@jorinho)
- add missing fix to get function (@jorinho)
- update set and get functions: fix some edge cases issues (@jorinho)
- version bump (@jorinho)
- Merge branch 'develop' into main (@jorinho)
- Add axiosConfig to loadIndex (@tadaii)
- unify hateoas links format for chained requests (@jorinho)
- updated dependencies (@jorinho)
- updated dependencies + allow several and custom hateoas links container properties (@jorinho)
- fix types definition + version bump (@jorinho)
- bump version (@jorinho)
- added a 'resolveUri' function to just resolve an hateoas link without calling it (@jorinho)
- added a 'rootIndexLinksPath' configuration to find links in an index that doesn't expose them directly in the response root ([email protected])
- improved typescript definition + upgrade axios to latest version ([email protected])
- securized a bit more the error handling ([email protected])
- small fix for isCancel method ([email protected])
- ensure lodash-es better treeshaking ([email protected])
- version bump ([email protected])
- fix wrong variable names ([email protected])
- removed promise finally shim ([email protected])
- rework lib extension system ([email protected])
- refactoring + remove unused features ([email protected])
- bugfix and stabilization ([email protected])
- bump version ([email protected])
- fix small problems ([email protected])
- Deep refactoring + promise caching, request cancelling, mixins and deeper hateoas integration ([email protected])
- fix stupid issue ([email protected])
- initial commit ([email protected])
- Florin Senoner (@FlorinSenoner)
- Joel Poulin ([email protected])
- Joël Poulin ([email protected])
- Joël Poulin ([email protected])
- Jorinho (@jorinho)
- Tadai (@tadaii)