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About This Site |
The world of the bee is like a magic well.
The more you draw from it, the more it fills with water.
- Karl von Frisch
The more you draw from it, the more it fills with water.
- Karl von Frisch
As a hobbyist beekeeper, I'm obsessed with the challenges bees face. And as a software engineer, I can't help but wonder how those challenges might be addressed by technology.
For instance, what if inexpensive sensors could detect problems in your beehive in real time? I've explored that concept with some prototypes. Check them out!
- Version 1: Very Bad
- Version 2: A Little Better
- Version 3: ESP32 Inside the Hive
- Version 4: A Custom PCB!
Another question I've had: what if computer vision could be used to track bees and measure pollination efficiency? I've explored that too! Check it out:
This website is a work in progress, and a lot of the stuff I've worked on I haven't bothered to write about yet. But stay tuned! And thanks for reading.