This is a MediaWiki skin that uses Bootstrap 2 from Twitter! The framework gives a boatload of features that play really nicely with a MediaWiki installation. To get up and rolling, there's a few things that should be done.
Once you've enabled the skin, you'll want to create a few pages.
This MediaWiki page will contain what appears in your footer. I've set mine to the following:
<div class="row">
<div class="span6">
=== Stuff ===
* [[Link to some place]]
* [[Another link]]
<div class="span6">
=== More Stuff ===
* [ Go here]
This MediaWiki page will control the links that appear in the Bootstrap navbar after the logo/site title. The format that this page is expecting is as follows:
* Menu Item Title
** [[Page 1]]
** [[Page 2]]
** [[Page 3]]
* Another Menu
** [[Whee]]
** [[OMG hai]]
* [[A Link Menu]]
This template is used to leverage Bootstrap's alert box:
<div class="alert {{{2}}}"><strong>Heads Up!</strong> {{{1}}}</div>
{{alert|Message you want to say|alert-danger}}
This template is used to do Bootstrap tooltips!
<span title="{{{2}}}" class="tip" rel="tooltip">{{{1}}}</span>
{{tip|Something|This is the tooltip!}}
{{tip|[[Bacon]]|Delicious snack}}
This template is used to do Bootstrap popovers!
<span data-original-title="{{{2}}}" data-content="{{{3}}}" class="pop">{{{1}}}</span>
{{pop|Whatever triggers the popover|Popover Title|Popover Content}}
If you want a shorter title to appear in your navbar, you can add $wgSitenameshort = 'Short Name';
to your LocalSettings.php file.
If you want a custom CSS file for overrides or site-specific features,
you can declare $wgSiteCSS = 'bootstrap-mediawiki/custom.css'
If you want a custom JS file for overrides or site-specific features,
you can declare $wgSiteJS = 'bootstrap-mediawiki/custom.js'