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Performance Testing

Why does performance matter?

  1. Speed = Trust!
  2. If the site is performant (especially on routes that get a lot of traffic, then there are less bottlenecks where the thundering herd can take down the site! (App Servers first, then DB server)

Computer Science Refresher

CPU L1/L2 cache is 10x faster than Memory, which is 10x faster than disk, which is 10x faster than network, which is 10x faster than a human doing something

App Tuning

Preventative Measures

  1. Use ratelimit to limit the number of times a specific user can hit a route.
  2. Horizontal scaling of app servers (less easy to do with DB servers)
  3. Use .cache() on a query that will take a lot of DB cycles to execute.

Proactive Measures

  1. Limit the number of DB queries per read
  2. Limit the number of in-memory operations that need to be done to serve a request (esp if O(n^2) or above)
  3. Leverage DB indices as much as possible
  4. Cache data on write (instead of generating it on read)

Handy Links


  • Use ngxtop on a server, in order to see which requests it is serving (esp useful if the app server is overloaded)
  • Use select * from pg_stat_activity on the postgres server to see queries that are running on it (useful if DB is overloaded or locked)
  • Python tool you can use to see the exact microseconds: import time; print(round(time.time(), 2)) that a call is at. Profiling code is a great starting place! DO NOT STAB IN THE DARK LOOKING FOR A PERF ISSUE, PROFILE FIRST!

How to spin up a new server

  1. in aws console take a snapshot of a current app server
  2. create a new server from the snapshot and name is app(N+1) where n is the highest server we have
  3. ssh into it and make sure gunicorn +nginx is running on it. update /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml to reflect new servername and then service datadog-agent restart
  4. if gunicorn is working, add the server to the load balancer
  5. sit back, and watch the traffic flow in
  6. if u like your teammates, update g-deploy repo so they know about the server