#FTW = Fit To Window
Lightbox2 has this major flaw, where it will happily load an image that's larger than the viewable area of the browser. The user is forced to scroll around to see the whole image, and to close the dialog. For such a great plugin, that's a pretty serious oversight.
Well, "no more," I say.
Lightbox2 FTW Edition is the latest version of Lightbox2 PLUS it automatically resizes your images to fit them within the bounds of the browser window.
I prefer Lightbox2 to just about every other clone.
They've all got their bells and whistles, but I so rarely need any of that extra stuff. All those features and options come at the cost of loading time, and, of course, more code means a higher chance of bugs.
- resize lightbox on window resize
- check if image is larger than the window * 0.8, as opposed to the full window size
- offer properly minified version
- indent a little better
- maybe add variable percentage width (currently 80% is the hardcoded value)
- Support CoffeeScript
Original Lightbox2 - by Lokesh Dhakar | lokeshdhakar.com | twitter.com/lokeshdhakar
For examples, downloads, and information on using Lightbox, visit the Lightbox2 homepage: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
For personal support issues and feature requests, visit the Lightbox forums: http://lokeshdhakar.com/forums/
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
- Free for use in both personal and commercial projects.
- Attribution requires leaving author name, author homepage link, and the license info intact.