The training portal web interface is a quick way of providing access to a set of workshops when running a supervised training workshop. For integrating access to workshops into an existing website or for creating a custom web interface for accessing workshops hosted across one or more training portals, you can use can use the portal REST API.
The REST API gives you access to the list of workshops hosted by a training portal instance and allow you to request and access workshop sessions. This bypasses the training portal's own user registration and log in so you can implement whatever access controls you need. This can include anonymous access or access integrated into an organization's single sign-on system.
To provide access to the REST API, a robot account is automatically provisioned. Obtain the login credentials and details of the OAuth client endpoint used for authentication by querying the resource definition for the training portal after it is created and the deployment completed. If using kubectl describe
, use:
kubectl describe<training-portal-name>
The status section of the output reads:
Id: ACZpcaLIT3qr725YWmXu8et9REl4HBg1
Secret: t5IfXbGZQThAKR43apoc9usOFVDv2BLE
Password: 0kGmMlYw46BZT2vCntyrRuFf1gQq5ohi
Username: learningcenter
Password: QrnY67ME9yGasNhq2OTbgWA4RzipUvo5
Username: robot@learningcenter
Use the admin login credentials when you log in to the training portal web interface to access admin pages.
Use the robot login credentials if you want to access the REST API.
Before you can make requests against the REST API to query details about workshops or request a workshop session, you must log in through the REST API to get an access token.
This is done from any front-end web application or provisioning system, but the step is equivalent to making a REST API call by using curl
curl -v -X POST -H \
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=password&username=robot@learningcenter&password=<robot-password>" \
-u "<robot-client-id>:<robot-client-secret>" \
The URL sub path is /oauth2/token/
Upon success, the output is a JSON response consisting of:
"access_token": "tg31ied56fOo4axuhuZLHj5JpUYCEL",
"expires_in": 36000,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "user:info",
"refresh_token": "1ryXhXbNA9RsTRuCE8fDAyZToJmp30"
The access token that is provided expires: it needs to be refreshed before it expires if in use by a long-running application.
To refresh the access token, use the equivalent of:
curl -v -X POST -H \
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refresh-token>& \client_id=<robot-client-id>&client_secret=<robot-client-secret>" \
As with requesting the initial access token, the URL sub path is /oauth2/token/
The JSON response is of the same format as if a new token was requested.