A commitment device is a choice you make in the present that controls your actions in the future. It is a way to lock in future behavior, bind you to good habits, and restrict you from bad ones. When Victor Hugo shut his clothes away so he could focus on writing, he was creating a commitment device.*
There are many ways to create a commitment device. You can
reduce overeating by purchasing food in individual packages rather
than in bulk size. You can voluntarily ask to be added to the banned
list at casinos and online poker sites to prevent future gambling
. I’ve even heard of athletes who have to “make weight” for a
competition choosing
to leave their wallets
at home during the week
before weigh-in so they won’t be tempted to
buy fast food.
As another example, my friend and fellow habits expert Nir Eyal
purchased an outlet timer, which is an adapter that he plugged in
between his internet router and the power outlet. At 10 p.m. each
night, the outlet timer cuts off
the power to the router. When the
internet goes off, everyone knows it is time to go to bed.
restrict ... from shut ... away