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Cammer15m edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 6 revisions

Firmware-Update via WebUI The most important point first: create a backup before every firmware update/upgrade and keep it safe.

A regular firmware update/upgrade takes place analogously to CCU2 or CCU3 as follows:

Log in to the old RaspberryMatic version using WebUI and under Settings -> Control Panel -> Security -> Create Backup, make a backup of the current settings/configuration, etc. and *.sbkkeep the downloaded file safe.

Via Settings -> Control Panel -> Central Maintenance -> Download you can access the download page for the updates. Download the appropriate update file there.

Attention: Make sure to download the correct version for the platform you are using.

Under Settings -> Control Panel -> Panel Maintenance -> Select Downloaded Software, select the zip file and then press Upload underneath .

Attention: Make sure that the file is actually *.zipuploaded and not an unpacked archive or something similar.

Depending on the network connection, it can take up to 30 - 60 minutes for the update to be transferred to the RaspberryMatic.

Warning: Do not close the browser or reload the page.

When the upload is finished, you can start the actual update by pressing Start Update . This can also take several minutes and can sometimes force several restarts. If necessary, you can refresh the currently displayed WebUI after a few minutes and you should then see a text output that shows the status of the firmware update or you will be asked to wait until RaspberryMatic has been restarted.

After the update, the WebUI login screen will greet you again at some point. Another indicator that the system has been restarted is the green LED on the board itself (not the radio module), which flashes regularly in the so-called "heartbeat" mode when the system is ready for operation. For NUC or OVA variants, a look at the console may help.

If there are display or functional errors in the WebUI after the update, the browser cache should be deleted.

Procedure in the event of a failed update/upgrade If, contrary to expectations, the firmware update/upgrade goes wrong or cannot be carried out, you can easily have the update carried out using the so-called “recovery system”. This can be achieved by using the Settings -> Control Panel -> Control Panel Maintenance -> Restart in Recovery Mode button to restart the system. After that it should be accessible normally via a web browser, but show a different web UI where you also have the option of doing administrative things in order to carry out a firmware update/upgrade.

If this update/upgrade path also fails, you still have the option of proceeding as with a new installation (for Raspberry Pi and Tinkerboard, it is best to use a new SD card, for OVA, if necessary, create a new VM). Then, when RaspberryMatic has started up, restore the previously safely stored backup via Settings -> Control Panel -> Security -> Backup .